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This book contains the Proceedings of Regional Seminar on Community Issues (SSIK) 2023. The conference is co-hosted by Universitas Halu Oleo (Indonesia), Institute for Social Science of Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia), Universitas Teuku Umar (Indonesia), and Universitas Abulyatama (Indonesia). The event was held on September 20, 2023, in Kendari City, South East Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The collaboration includes joint committees and support from keynote speakers from each university. This year’s conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, educators, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss the latest trends and issues on the theme and offer challenges and solutions within a given scope. Research articles, literature reviews, and position papers are welcome.
The proceedings of International Conference on Science, Education, and Technology 2019 are the compilation of articles in the internationally refereed conference dedicated to promote acceleration of scientific and technological innovation and the utilization of technology in assisting pedagogical process.
This is an open access book. Research and teaching activities in the fields of language, literature and culture are still being carried out even during the Covid -19 era that hit the world. It is undeniable that the results of research and learning of language, literature and culture at this time were a bit hindered because most activities were carried out from home. During the Covid-19 period, which started in early 2020, practically more activities were done at home. Likewise, institutions during the Covid-19 era were carried out online. For example, the Language Agency continues to carry out activities, but it is carried out online, such as online webinars that contribute to the wider com...
This study used the library research method to find the integration of spirituality, hospitality and organization. This book is a form of concern for the author about the management of the organization in a spiritual perspective. Spirituality is a new trend in the world of work or business. The spiritual approach within the organization becomes an important contribution especially when the agency manager faces an internal situation and an increasingly tight business competition environment, both locally, regionally, nationally and even globally. A decision of leaders and managers is needed to be able to provide service satisfaction for stakeholders. The role of the values of religious teachi...
Buku ini mengurai secara panjang lebar pentingnya mempelajari teori sebagai pijakan dalam memahami hukum dalam spektrum yang luas. Teori berupaya menelaah, memetakan, dan menjelaskan pola-pola dalam interaksi antara hukum dengan masyarakat yang terjadi secara kontinu dan konsisten. Dalam teori hukum, kita akan memahami bahwa sebenarnya tidak ada satu kejadian atau perbuatan hukum yang terjadi begitu saja tanpa ada alasan yang mendasarinya (everything happens for reason). Melalui teori hukum kita dapat memahami hubungan sebab akibat yang terjadi antara hukum dan perilaku hukum, antara penerimaan dan penolakan terhadap hukum, pengaruh sikap aparat terhadap efektivitas hukum, antara budaya huku...
The complex problems of education and technological development and information demands, then takes its main innovations in learning. The purpose of this Education is Innovation in order to improve the quality, effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and productivity, making the learning process more meaningful and fun for children. Innovation can be performed in all subjects, learning methods, media and evaluation. Innovation-based learning local culture values will yield the superior character that will benefit children in the face of a globalized world. So is innovation technology-based learning, make learning be fun so that children become active and creative ideas, thoughts, research related to the innovation of education can be presented in International Conference Education, Culture and technology is preferred. The theme of this Conference: Innovation of Education to Improve Character Value for Childern.
Soroush merupakan pemikir Islam yang mempunyai latar belakang keilmuan yang komprehensif, baik secara formal ataupun secara informal. Secara formal, Soroush berlatar belakang pendidikan ilmu alam, beralih pada sejarah filsafat ilmu alam. Secara informal, Soroush juga terpengaruh oleh ilmu-ilmu filsafat dan humanisme yang berkembang pada masa itu. Hal ini diduga menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab kelahiran pemikiran Soroush yang cenderung liberal.
Sampai saat ini pelaksanaan kebijakan reforma agraria dan kebijakan pertanian yang terkait ternyata tidak kunjung berhasil menyelesaikan empat persoalan struktural yang selama ini dihadapi oleh para petani di Indonesia. Keempat persoalan tersebut adalah keterbatasan atau bahkan ketiadaan akses petani atas lahan pertanian, ketimpangan alokasi tanah antara sektor usaha tani rakyat dan usaha skala korporasi, alih komoditas pertanian pangan ke non-pangan, dan konversi lahan pertanian ke berbagai fungsi non-pertanian. Buku ini ditulis untuk menunjukkan signifikansi wakaf bagi agenda reforma agraria yang ditujukan untuk menjawab keempat persoalan di atas. Di satu sisi, wakaf merupakan skema yang m...
“Penelitian saudara Aksin tentang ‘sejarah kenabian Muhammad dalam perspektif tafsir-nuzuli Darwazah’ merupakan ijtihad intelektual model baru di tengah-tengah tarikan interpretasi antara Orientalis dan fundamentalis Muslim, juga antara tekstualis dan kontektualis Muslim. Memahami Islam (al-Qur’an) sesuai konteks kelahirannya sangat penting sebelum melakukan kontektualisasi ke dalam konteks kekinian. Jangan sampai kontekstualisasi ke masa kekinian melupakan kontekstualisasinya ke masa konteks kelahirannya. Jika tidak, yang akan terjadi adalah dekontekstualisasi Islam itu sendiri. Islam terlepas dari maksud atau pesan awalnya. Mengembalikan Islam ke dalam konteks kelahirannya di masa ...