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Since its first appearance in 1821/22, The Christian Faith has had a fractious history of reception. It implements decisive departures for theology, founding the possibility to speak about God on human freedom. It recognises the role of historical consciousness, and the need to relate to advances in the natural sciences. The study investigates the early critiques of Schleiermacher’s analysis of the feeling of utter dependence, of his conception of Christ as the archetype of the God-consciousness, and of his doctrine of God in terms of absolute causality. It reconstructs the revisions carried out in the second edition of 1830/31 as a break-through to a transcendental argumentation. Does Sch...
This book offers the first in-depth treatment in English language of Habermas’s long-awaited work on religion, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, published in 2019. Charting the contingent origins and turning points of occidental thinking through to the current "postmetaphysical" stage, the two volumes provide striking insights into the intellectual streams and conflicts in which core components of modern self-understanding have been forged. The encounter of Greek metaphysics with biblical monotheism has led to a theology of history as salvation, expanding in bold arcs from Adam’s Fall to Christ and the Last Judgement. The reconstruction of key turns in the relationship between faith ...
The Catholic Church is under great pressure to change. The list of debated topics is long: women’s rights, same-sex partnerships, the involvement of the laity, etc. Michael Seewald makes it clear: the Church could be more flexible than it is currently. Discussions about reform move within a narrow dogmatic framework, but this is only one of many possibilities. Here Michael Seewald shows how it is possible for the Catholic Church to undergo fundamental reform while at the same time remaining itself.
Contemporary scholars often refer to “the event of Vatican II,” but what kind of an event was it? In this first book of the new CUA Press series Sacra Doctrina, Matthew Levering leads his readers to see the Council as a “theological event”—a period of confirming and continuing God’s self-revelation in Christ into a new historical era for the Church. This is an introduction to Vatican II with a detailed summary of each of its four central documents—the dogmatic constitutions—followed by explanations of how to interpret them. In contrast to other introductions, which pay little attention to the theological soil in which the documents of Vatican II germinated, Levering offers a ...
This book confronts the challenges that hermeneutics brings to ethics and education by thematizing the critical influence which ethics and contemporary educational theory and practice have on the self-understanding of philosophical hermeneutics. In the hermeneutic spirit of commitment to cultivating lifelong habits of critical thinking, moral reflection, and articulate expression, the book presents many voices that illuminate a rich cultural diversity with the profound hope of nurturing the full-flourishing of human beings. The hermeneutics of education calls for diverse ways of thinking about education, which deeply cares for the common good of individuals, communities, and nations. This diversity promotes a genuine interest in different approaches to the event (Ereignis) of education. (Series: International Studies in Hermeneutics and Phenomenology - Vol. 8) [Subject: Hermeneutics, Ethics, Education]
Schleiermacher is now regarded as an influential figure in the history of Christian thought, theories and methods in religious studies, and hermeneutics. The German-language critical edition of his work beginning in 1980, Schleiermacher Kritische Gesamtausgabe, and English translations of key portions of his corpus beginning in the late nineteenth century, have allowed scholars to investigate the richness of his thought. German scholars have often focused on Schleiermacher's ties to early modern philosophy, his aesthetics, hermeneutics, and theory of religion, while English-speaking scholars have often focused on the theological influences and implications of Schleiermacher's work. Over the ...
This book is not just a history. To be sure, it offers an historical account of the life of Romano Guardini (1885-1968), as recounted by Guardini himself. However, it is not simply about the past. Precisely because it deals with the life of a faithful and thoughtful person, the book is also about the present and projects itself into the future. For, as Guardini always insisted, leading a thoughtful and faithful life means being oriented toward the 'good life', that is, toward the vision of a just and loving community. This orientation does not just happen by itself, nor can it be imposed or dictated from above, but has to be nurtured steadily by hearts open to the voice of the Spirit and the...
Das Verhältnis des Christentums zum Judentum gibt noch immer zu denken. Die Frage, wie die größte religiöse Nähe zur schärfsten Trennung und Abwertung werden konnte, bildet den Rahmen jeder christlichen Israeltheologie. Die Figur des Paulus gilt häufig als die verkörperte Ablösung des Christentums vom Judentum – eine Diagnose, die von der exegetischen Forschung kaum mehr getragen wird. Die Studie untersucht zunächst die paulinische Israeltheologie, wie sie sich auf Grundlage der sog. New Perspective on Paul darstellt. Dieser exegetische Aufbruch wird verglichen mit dem Umschwung in der katholischen Haltung zum Judentum, der sich v. a. in der Konzilserklärung Nostra aetate niederschlägt. Im Vergleich beider zeigen sich gesetzte Weg-marken, aber auch offene Fragen und unabgegoltene Poten ziale einer angemessenen Israeltheologie.
Dieser Band bietet unter Mitarbeit von führenden Vertreter*innen aus der internationalen Fachwelt eine umfassende Darstellung des Begriffs "Liturgie" und zeigt das Profil und Verständnis des christlichen Gottesdienstes in den verschiedenen Konfessionen auf. Schwerpunkt ist die breite Aufarbeitung der theologischen Disziplin "Liturgiewissenschaft". Zum einen geht es um ihre historische Entwicklung, zum anderen werden verschiedene Sprachgebiete mit ihrer teilweise spezifischen Forschungsgeschichte und ihren eigenen theologischen Akzenten berücksichtigt. Ebenso kommen die Bedeutung und die Ausprägung der Liturgiewissenschaft in den Kirchen der Reformation, der anglikanischen Kirche und den Kirchen des Ostens zur Sprache. Eine solch komplexe Gesamtdarstellung der Wissenschaft der Liturgie stellt ein Novum in der theologischen Forschung dar.