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Kepemimpinan perempuan merupakan sebuah fenomena yang selalu menarik dan memerlukan penelitian praktis ke lapangan, dan perkembangan kepemimpinan perempuan hampir bersamaan dengan kemunculan budaya Islam. Perjuangan perempuan untuk hak asasi dan keadilan terus menghadapi kendala serius, termasuk dari perspektif agama. Pandangan religius konservatif terus memandang perempuan sebagai makhluk inferior. Kepemimpinan tidak semata-mata tentang kodrati atau ditentukan oleh jenis kelamin. Siapa pun bisa menjadi seorang pemimpin. Jiwa kepemimpinan bisa dimiliki oleh semua jenis kelamin. Buku ini menjelaskan bahwa di bawah kepemimpinan perempuan, kegiatan kampus lebih teratur dan terpantau dengan baik...
Istilah adat berasal dari Bahasa Arab dengan diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia yang bermakna kebiasaan atau adat adalah tingkah laku manusia atau seseorang yang terus menerus dilakukan dengan cara tertentu dan diikuti oleh masyarakat luar dalam waktu yang lama. Adat istiadat menunjukan bentuk, sikap, tindakan perubahan manusia pada masyarakat hukum adat untuk mempertahankan adat istiadat yang berlaku dilingkungan wilayah adat. Adat istiadat dipertahankan karena kesadaran dari masyarakat adat itu sendiri, namun ada pula adat istiadat dipertahankan dengan sanksi atau akibat hukum sehingga menjadi hukum adat setempat. Hukum adat merupakan hukum tidak tertulis yang memiliki kemampuan untuk me...
Universitas Hasanuddin sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri terpandang di Indonesia, secara periodik dan berkesinambungan menyelenggarakan upacara wisuda. Wisuda Sarjana, Pascasarjana, Profesi dan Spesialis Periode I Tahap II Tahun Akademik 2021/2022 dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, 1 September 2021. Oleh karena itu, sepatutnya kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas rahmat, izin dan hidayahNya sehingga upacara ini dapat berlangsung dengan khidmat. Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Rektor Universitas Hasanuddin Nomor: 4472/UN4.1/KEP/2021 Tanggal 24 Juni 2021 tentang Lulusan Program Sarjana dan Pascasarjana seperti yang dimuat dalam Buku Wisuda, beserta tambahan informasi tentang nama-nama Pimpinan Universitas, Fakultas dan Lembaga dalam lingkungan Universitas Hasanuddin. Segenap keluarga besar Universitas Hasanuddin mengucapkan selamat dan sukses kepada para wisudawan beserta keluarga dan para orang tua. Harapan kami kiranya para wisudawan dapat menempatkan diri dan terpandang, baik di tingkat regional maupun nasional dan tetap menjaga serta mengangkat nama baik Almamater dalam persaingan global. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa senantiasa meridhoi usaha kita, Amin.
Innovation and Creativity in ELT Methodology comprises a collection of pedagogical articles, giving language teachers a fascinating insight into the way different teaching approaches, methods, procedures and techniques can be explored in the language classroom. Written by established and emerging scholars, this edited volume covers current key issues in teaching, including four macro language skills like listening, speaking, reading and writing; three micro language skills such as pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, as well as English through content areas and technology -- CALL. This is a valuable resource book for language teachers, language materials developers, pre-service language teachers, and language teacher educators who would like to explore and creatively craft their own teaching practices to help language learners become competent users of the target language.
Cartoonist and doctor Ian Williams introduces us to the troubled life of Dr Iwan James, as all humanity, it seems, passes through his surgery door. Incontinent old ladies, men with eagle tattoos, traumatised widowers - Iwan's patients cause him both empathy and dismay, as he tries to do his best in a world of limited time and budgetary constraints, and in which there are no easy answers. His feelings for his partners also cause him grief: something more than friendship for the sympathetic Dr Lois Pritchard, and not a little frustration at the prankish and obstructive Dr Robert Smith. Iwan's cycling trips with his friend Arthur provide some welcome relief, but even the landscape is imbued with his patients' distress. As we explore the phantoms from Iwan's past, we too begin to feel compassion for The Bad Doctor, and ask what is the dividing line between patient and provider? Wry, comic, graphic, from the humdrum to the tragic, his patients' stories are the spokes that make Iwan's wheels go round in this humane and eloquently drawn account of a doctor's life.
In his new text, Fred Scott brings together ideas of what might constitute a theory of interior, or interventional design.
In the first century AD, Publius Ovidius Naso, the most urbane and irreverant poet of imperial Rome, was banished to a remote village on the edge of the Black Sea. From these sparse facts, one of our most distinguished novelists has fashioned an audacious and supremely moving work of fiction. Marooned on the edge of the known world, exiled from his native tongue, Ovid depends on the kindness of barbarians who impate their dead and converse with the spirit world. But then he becomes the guardian of a still more savage creature, a feral child who has grown up among deer. What ensues is a luminous encounter between civilization and nature, as enacted by a poet who once catalogued the treacheries of love and a boy who slowly learns how to give it.
E-Learning has long been touted as the brave new frontier of education, offering fresh challenges to teachers, students and, indeed, the whole of the education system. Addressing this, Elearning: The Key Concepts is the perfect reference for anyone seeking to navigate the myriad of names, concepts and applications associated with this new era of teaching, training and learning. Taking the reader from A to Z through a range of topics including blogging, course design, plagiarism, search engines and Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), this timely work features: full cross-referencing a substantial introduction exploring the development of the field and putting modern-day challenges in context extensive guides to further reading. The only text of its kind to provide concise and user-friendly definitions of the crucial terms used in this growing field, this is a highly useful resource for online course co-ordinators, undergraduate students taking online courses, students on masters-level online learning courses, and trainers.
The poetic books of the Old Testament--Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon--are often called humankind's reach toward God. The other books of the Old Testament picture God's reach toward man through the redemptive story. Yet these five books reveal the very hear of men and women struggling with monumental issues such as suffering, sin, forgiveness, joy, worship, and the passionate love between a man and woman. C. Hassell Bullock, a noted Old Testament scholar, delves deep into the hearts of the five poetic books, offering readers helpful details such as harmeneutical considerations for each book, theological content and themes, detailed analysis of each book, and cultural perspectives. Hebrew is a language of "intrinsic musical quality that naturally supports poetic expression," says Bullock in his introduction. That poetic expression comes from the heart of the Old Testament writers and reaches all of us exactly where we are in our own struggles and joys.
Shylock, the Jewish moneylender in The Merchant of Venice who famously demands a pound of flesh as security for a loan to his antisemitic tormentors, is one of Shakespeare's most complex and idiosyncratic characters. With his unsettling eloquence and his varying voices of protest, play, rage, and refusal, Shylock remains a source of perennial fa...