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In the new millennium, categories of identity have become particularly destabilized with the emergence of a new generation of people in the Nordic region who demand more dynamic and fluid identities. New Dimensions of Diversity in Nordic Culture and Society reinvestigates the tired concept of “diversity” to make room for dynamic new realities, as well as the ample new questions to which they give rise. This volume assumes diversity to be a fundamental feature of Nordic modernity. Given that the Nordic countries consistently rank among the world’s wealthiest, most educated, and most egalitarian, these case studies provide important counter-narratives to prevailing local and global disco...
Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life offers a bold new assessment of the role of the domestic sphere in modernist literature, architecture, and design. Elegantly synthesizing modernist literature with architectural plans, room designs, and decorative art, Victoria Rosner's work explores the collaborations among modern British writers, interior designers, and architects in redefining the form, function, and meaning of middle-class private life. Drawing on a host of previously unexamined archival sources and works by figures such as E. M. Forster, Roger Fry, Oscar Wilde, James McNeill Whistler, and Virginia Woolf, Rosner highlights the participation of modernist literature in the creation of an experimental, embodied, and unstructured private life, which we continue to characterize as "modern."
Lukas Moodysson is one of the most accomplished and unconventional filmmakers of his generation in Sweden. Moodysson, now well known for his English-language film Mammoth (2009) as well as his heartbreaking indictment of sex-trafficking in Sweden, Lilya 4-Ever (2002), debuted as a writer and director while still in his twenties with Show Me Love (1998). The film received four Guldbaggar--the Swedish equivalent of the Academy Awards--including best film, best director, best screenplay, and best actresses. A coming-of-age and coming out film about two young women in a stiflingly oppressive small town, Show Me Love is widely considered a youth film classic and was called a "masterpiece" by Ingm...
Women Screenwriters is a study of more than 300 female writers from 60 nations, from the first film scenarios produced in 1986 to the present day. Divided into six sections by continent, the entries give an overview of the history of women screenwriters in each country, as well as individual biographies of its most influential.
Antologin Trolösa innehåller analyser och reflektioner om Ingmar Bergmans filmer med bidrag av teologer, musik- och filmvetare. Bokens titel Trolösa associerar både till Bergmans film med samma namn och till spänningen mellan tro och tvivel, tillit och svek som ryms i Bergmans konstnärskap och i luthersk teologi. Artiklarna berör några kärnfrågor i Bergmans skapande i relation till luthersk teologi i vid mening. Bergman brottades livet igenom med frågor om Guds existens och människans tro, livet och döden, synd och förlåtelse samt kärlek och nåd. Han väjde inte för uppbrott eller förvandling utan använde berättelser för att tolka människans livsfrågor. Ett centralt t...
Children’s films have been an integral part of the Finnish film industry throughout the 2000s. Several films are produced annually, attracting vast audiences among both children and adults. Despite the significant role of children’s films in Finnish film culture as a whole, only little research has been conducted on the subject so far. This collection of articles provides a fascinating overview on the past and present of Finnish children’s film and its complex role in today’s Finnish film culture. The contributors approach children’s film from a cross-disciplinary viewpoint, including perspectives from Film Studies, History, Childhood Studies and Educational Sciences. The book explores children’s film as a professional choice for Finnish filmmakers and as an international business card, while also assessing the pedagogical possibilities of strengthening multiliteracy. Lastly, through analyses and close-readings of different Finnish children’s films, the articles discuss themes such as girlhood, child-animal-relationships, imagery of death, and resistance to neoliberalism, and do so in novel ways.
This edited volume is a handbook of research methodologies for the history of childhood. The history of childhood is a vibrant, multidisciplinary field that incorporates a rich variety of methodological approaches developed in disciplines across the social sciences and humanities, including archaeology, education, ethnology, literature, and history. The volume presents a collection of chapters that engage a range of different research traditions and employ different research material, conceptual tools, and methods of analysis for the historical study of childhood. In doing so, the volume attends to issues specific to the study of children and childhood, such as those related to research ethics and the theoretical complexities of defining ‘the child’ and ‘childhood’. While the central focus is on the history of childhood in Finland, the volume also includes international and transnational cases, contexts, and perspectives.
Snuten i skymningslandet är en svensk idé- och kulturhistoria 1965-2010 såsom den kommit till uttryck i de tongivande polisberättelserna i roman och film. Michael Tapper tar avstampi en historik över den moderna kriminalpolitiken, polisorganisationen och kriminalgenrenför att sedan analysera de stilbildande och mest säljande romanerna och filmerna under perioden. Författaren belyser hur genren använts för att angripa folkhemmet och beskriva dess sönderfall. Sjöwall-Wahlöö står inte oväntat i centrum, men även författare som Leif GW Persson, Jan Guillou, Henning Mankell och Stieg Larsson samt filmatiseringarna av deras romaner analyseras. Ett särskilt kapitel ägnas åt de ...
Blondieland. En bok om en film och Systerskap, Musikaler, Livet efter döden, Motorcyklar, Hundar, I-landsproblematik, Familjerelationer, Nuet, Hästar, Moln... Den hyllade filmregissören Jesper Ganslandt som slog igenom med det svenska Oscarsbidraget Farväl Falkenberg ska precis börja arbeta med en ny film. Han har lockat några av Sveriges främsta skådespelare, liksom nöjes profilen Carolina Gynning, till projektet. Kristofer Flensmarck har efter en rad kritikerrosade diktsamlingar beslutat sig för att ta en ny riktning i sitt skrivande. Han bestämmer sig för att följa produktionen och människorna bakom filmen. Under två år följer han tillblivelsen av Blondie och filmteamets arbete på nära håll, från idé till premiär. Men boken skildrar också livet, litteraturen, kärleken och villkoren för konstnärligt skapande.