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Kehidupan, sebagaimana waktu, terus berjalan maju. Seiring pertambahan usia, tentu banyak hal yang berubah. Termasuk dari fase produktif menjadi fase produktif mandiri. Fase produktif mandiri adalah sebuah fase di mana kita memberdayakan diri sendiri untuk terus menjalani usia lanjut yang sejahtera. Pemberdayaan diri berarti belajar tentang banyak hal. Melalui buku ini, kami ingin mengajak Anda untuk terus belajar, berapa pun usia Anda saat ini. Pemberdayaan diri harus dilakukan secara menyeluruh: mind, soul, dan body. Buku ini menghadirkan banyak ulasan yang menyentuh ketiga aspek tersebut. Ada bahasan tentang hidup sehat (body), tentang bagaimana menghadapi perubahan (mind), tentang spirit...
Sebenarnya, alam bawah sadar kita menginginkan perubahan hidup yang lebih baik, keuangan yang lebih baik, termasuk karier yang lebih baik. Sayangnya, tanpa kita sadari, kehidupan dan pola kerja yang terus-menerus justru membuat kita terjebak dalam rutinitas dan melakukan kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang selalu kita lakukan. Alhasil, ketika terjadi suatu perubahan di tempat kerja, kita justru kesulitan sendiri untuk mengubah pola dan budaya kerja yang telah terbentuk selama bertahun-tahun. Perubahan yang terjadi sebenarnya bisa dihadapi dengan baik jika kita mampu untuk segera berubah pula. Kita perlu mengambil sikap positif terhadap perubahan dan membijakinya dengan cermat, agar membawa kepada kehidupan yang lebih baik. Menjadi berhasil dan meraih kesuksesan merupakan efek samping dari perubahan perilaku, kebiasaan, dan tindakan. Simak dan terapkan 7 Kiat Jitu Mengelola Perubahan dari tim penulis yang masing-masing telah menyelesaikan program Certified Financial Planning (CFP). Richard Panggabean Sulaiman Budiman Tessie Setiabudi Mamad Samadi Joshua Maruta Ayo berubah!
Distributed systems intertwine with our everyday lives. The benefits and current shortcomings of the underpinning technologies are experienced by a wide range of people and their smart devices. With the rise of large-scale IoT and similar distributed systems, cloud bursting technologies, and partial outsourcing solutions, private entities are encouraged to increase their efficiency and offer unparalleled availability and reliability to their users. The Research Anthology on Architectures, Frameworks, and Integration Strategies for Distributed and Cloud Computing is a vital reference source that provides valuable insight into current and emergent research occurring within the field of distributed computing. It also presents architectures and service frameworks to achieve highly integrated distributed systems and solutions to integration and efficient management challenges faced by current and future distributed systems. Highlighting a range of topics such as data sharing, wireless sensor networks, and scalability, this multi-volume book is ideally designed for system administrators, integrators, designers, developers, researchers, academicians, and students.
Pensiun, PHK, dan VRP (Voluntary Resignation Program) atau dikenal juga dengan pensiun dini...? Ya, ini kesempatan emas untuk memulai karier kedua! Buku ini diambil dari pengalaman nyata ribuan peserta program. Tim yang ahli dalam bidangnya masing-masing berbagi kiat-kiat untuk hidup sehat, bahagia, dan berkecukupan. Terapkan jurusnya dan lihat serta rasakan perubahan besar dalam hidup Anda! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi karier kedua setelah pensiun; buku ini sangat menarik, bagus, menginspirasi, harus dimiliki, dan perlu dibaca." -- Ika Satyakartika Functional & General Training M...
This two-volume set LNAI 13355 and 13356 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2022, held in Durham, UK, in July 2022. The 40 full papers and 40 short papers presented together with 2 keynotes, 6 industry papers, 12 DC papers, 6 Workshop papers, 10 Practitioner papers, 97 Posters and Late-Breaking Results were carefully reviewed and selected from 243 submissions. The conference presents topics such as intelligent systems and the cognitive sciences for the improvement and advancement of education, the science and engineering of intelligent interactive learning systems. The theme for the AIED 2022 conference was „AI in Education: Bridging the gap between academia, business, and non-pro t in preparing future-proof generations towards ubiquitous AI."
This two-volume set LNAI 13355 and 13356 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2022, held in Durham, UK, in July 2022. The 40 full papers and 40 short papers presented together with 2 keynotes, 6 industry papers, 12 DC papers, 6 Workshop papers, 10 Practitioner papers, 97 Posters and Late-Breaking Results were carefully reviewed and selected from 243 submissions. The conference presents topics such as intelligent systems and the cognitive sciences for the improvement and advancement of education, the science and engineering of intelligent interactive learning systems. The theme for the AIED 2022 conference was „AI in Education: Bridging the gap between academia, business, and non-pro t in preparing future-proof generations towards ubiquitous AI."
Environmental information and systems play a major role in environmental decision making. As such, it is vital to understand the impact that they have on different aspects of sustainable environmental management, as well as to understand the opportunism they might present for further improvement. Environmental Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is an innovative reference source containing the latest research on the use of information systems to track and organize environmental data for use in an overall environmental management system. Highlighting a range of topics such as environmental analysis, remote sensing, and geographic information science, this multi-volume book is designed for engineers, data scientists, practitioners, academicians, and researchers interested in all aspects of environmental information systems.
The complexity of cancer demands an integrated approach from both a cancer biology standpoint and a pharmaceutical basis to understand the different anticancer modalities. Current research has been focused on conventional and newer anticancer modalities, recent discoveries in cancer research, and also the advancements in cancer treatment. There is a current need for more research on the advances in cancer therapeutics that bridge the gap between basic research (pharmaceutical drug development processes, regulatory issues, and translational experimentation) and clinical application. Recent promising discoveries such as immunotherapies, promising therapies undergoing clinical trials, synthetic...
Indonesia's President Soeharto led one of the most durable and effective authoritarian regimes of the second half of the twentieth century. Yet his rule ended in ignominy, and much of the turbulence and corruption of the subsequent years was blamed on his legacy. More than a decade after Soeharto's resignation, Indonesia is a consolidating democracy and the time has come to reconsider the place of his regime in modern Indonesian history, and its lasting impact. This book begins this task by bringing together a collection of leading experts on Indonesia to examine Soeharto and his legacy from diverse perspectives. In presenting their analyses, these authors pay tribute to Harold Crouch, an Australian political scientist who remains one of the greatest chroniclers of the Soeharto regime and its aftermath.