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The book claims that Christianity was a project of Rome, and was invented in its laboratories - like Qumran. Under the Achaemenids and even earlier in the entire Middle East (up to India) there lived Arameans, half of whom professed Judaism, or were to some extent influenced by the Bible. In order to split their front and turn this force of theirs against themselves, Rome organized secret centers for the study of the Hebrew Bible in different parts of the empire, where the predictions of the former Jewish prophets were analyzed. The remains of some of these centers are found today on the coast of the Dead Sea, for example at Qumran, Mossad, etc. In these laboratories ("think tanks"), the ima...
This Worldwide List of Alternative Theories and Critics (only avalailable in english language) includes scientists involved in scientific fields. The 2023 issue of this directory includes the scientists found in the Internet. The scientists of the directory are only those involved in physics (natural philosophy). The list includes 9700 names of scientists (doctors or diplome engineers for more than 70%). Their position is shortly presented together with their proposed alternative theory when applicable. There are nearly 3500 authors of such theories, all amazingly very different from one another. The main categories of theories are presented in an other book of Jean de Climont THE ALTERNATIVE THEORIES
Kitap, Hristiyanlığın Roma'nın bir projesi olduğunu ve Qumran gibi onun laboratuvarlarında icat edildiğini iddia ediyor. Ahamenişler döneminde ve hatta daha önce tüm Orta Doğu'da (Hindistan'a kadar), yarısı Yahudiliği savunan veya bir dereceye kadar İncil'den etkilenen Aramiler yaşıyordu. Cephelerini bölmek ve bu güçlerini kendilerine karşı çevirmek için Roma, imparatorluğun farklı bölgelerinde İbranice İncil'i incelemek için eski Yahudi peygamberlerin kehanetlerinin analiz edildiği gizli merkezler kurdu. Bu merkezlerden bazılarının kalıntıları bugün Ölü Deniz kıyısında, örneğin Qumran, Mossad, vb.'de bulunmaktadır. Bu laboratuvarlarda ("düşü...
Based on the following parallels, this book states that the last king of Mari, Zimri-Lim (Yahudin-Lim's adopted son), and the biblical Moses are the same person. Thus, Zimri-Lim in his youth organized an unsuccessful coup against Sūmû-Jamam (Bibl.: Pharaoh's overseer), who was the governor of Šamši-Adad I (bibl. Pharaoh-oppressor) in Mari, and fled to the neighboring Yamhad (bibl. "to the land of Midian"). There he married the granddaughter of the king Šumu-Epuh (bibl. Jethro) and lived there for 20 years (1794-1774 BC). After the death of Šamši-Adad I, he acceded to the throne of Mari with the help of his father-in-law Yarīm-Lîm I (bibl. Reuel), who was the heir of Šumu-Epuh. Afte...
Boken hevder at kristendommen var et prosjekt fra Roma, og ble oppfunnet i laboratoriene - som Qumran. Under akemenidene og enda tidligere i hele Midtøsten (opp til India) bodde det arameere, hvorav halvparten bekjente seg til jødedommen, eller var til en viss grad påvirket av Bibelen. For å splitte fronten deres og snu denne styrken deres mot seg selv, organiserte Roma hemmelige sentre for studiet av den hebraiske bibelen i forskjellige deler av imperiet, hvor spådommene til de tidligere jødiske profetene ble analysert. Restene av noen av disse sentrene finnes i dag på kysten av Dødehavet, for eksempel ved Qumran, Mossad, etc. I disse laboratoriene ("tenketankene") ble bildet av en ...
Das Buch behauptet, dass das Christentum ein Projekt Roms war und in seinen Labors erfunden wurde – wie Qumran. Unter den Achämeniden und noch früher im gesamten Nahen Osten (bis nach Indien) lebten Aramäer, von denen sich die Hälfte zum Judentum bekennen oder teilweise von der Bibel beeinflusst waren. Um ihre Front zu spalten und diese ihre Macht gegen sich selbst zu wenden, organisierte Rom geheime Zentren für das Studium der hebräischen Bibel in verschiedenen Teilen des Reiches, wo die Vorhersagen der ehemaligen jüdischen Propheten analysiert wurden. Die Überreste einiger dieser Zentren findet man heute an der Küste des Toten Meeres, zum Beispiel bei Qumran, Mossad usw. In dies...
Le livre prétend que le christianisme était un projet de Rome, et a été inventé dans ses laboratoires - comme Qumran. Sous les Achéménides et même plus tôt dans tout le Moyen-Orient (jusqu'en Inde), vivaient des Araméens, dont la moitié professaient le judaïsme, ou étaient plus ou moins influencés par la Bible. Afin de diviser leur front et de retourner cette force contre eux-mêmes, Rome a organisé des centres secrets pour l'étude de la Bible hébraïque dans différentes parties de l'empire, où les prédictions des anciens prophètes juifs ont été analysées. Les restes de certains de ces centres se trouvent aujourd'hui sur la côte de la mer Morte, par exemple à Qumrâ...
Buku tersebut mengklaim bahwa Kekristenan adalah proyek Roma, dan ditemukan di laboratoriumnya - seperti Qumran. Di bawah Achaemenids dan bahkan lebih awal di seluruh Timur Tengah (hingga India) hiduplah orang Aram, setengahnya mengaku Yudaisme, atau sampai batas tertentu dipengaruhi oleh Alkitab. Untuk memecah front mereka dan mengubah kekuatan mereka melawan diri mereka sendiri, Roma mengorganisir pusat-pusat rahasia untuk mempelajari Alkitab Ibrani di berbagai bagian kekaisaran, di mana prediksi para mantan nabi Yahudi dianalisis. Sisa-sisa dari beberapa pusat ini ditemukan hari ini di pantai Laut Mati, misalnya di Qumran, Mossad, dll. Di laboratorium ("think tank") ini, gambar seorang pe...
Il libro afferma che il cristianesimo era un progetto di Roma, ed è stato inventato nei suoi laboratori - come Qumran. Sotto gli Achemenidi e ancor prima in tutto il Medio Oriente (fino all'India) vivevano gli aramei, metà dei quali professavano il giudaismo, o erano in qualche misura influenzati dalla Bibbia. Per dividere il proprio fronte e rivolgere contro di sé questa loro forza, Roma organizzò centri segreti per lo studio della Bibbia ebraica in diverse parti dell'impero, dove venivano analizzate le predizioni degli antichi profeti ebrei. I resti di alcuni di questi centri si trovano oggi sulla costa del Mar Morto, ad esempio a Qumran, Mossad, ecc. In questi laboratori ("serbatoi di...