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Original sources illustrate and compare the principal doctrines of private law in the United States, England, France, Germany and China.
The Academy is an institution for the study and teaching of Public and Private International Law and related subjects. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law. This volume contains: - Le droit international à la recherche de ses valeurs: paix, développement, deémocratisation (conférence inaugurale), par B. BOUTROS-GHALI, membre du Curatorium de l'Académie; secrétaire général de la Francophonie, Paris. - The Evolution of International Law of the Sea: New Issues, New Challenges by T. SCOVAZZI, Professor at the University of Milan-Bicocca. - Capital Markets and Conflict of Laws by H. KRONKE, Professor at the Institute of Foreign and International Private and Economic Law, Heidelberg.To access the abstract texts for this volume please click here"
Die Krankenschwestern des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes erbringen ihre Arbeitsleistung auf Grund ihrer Mitgliedschaft im Verein ihrer Schwesternschaft. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die Autorin in ihrer Arbeit, inwieweit die Rotkreuzschwester auch Arbeitnehmerin der Schwesternschaft sein kann. Dafür geht sie zuerst anhand des traditionellen Arbeitnehmerbegriffs vor und beleuchtet danach das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Arbeits- und Gesellschaftsrecht in seinen Grundsätzen. In einem eigenen Ansatz entwickelt die Verfasserin die Feststellung der Arbeitnehmereigenschaft auf Vertragsebene mithilfe der AGB-Kontrolle. Sie zeigt auf, dass eine Vertragstypenkontrolle und -korrektur anhand dieser Methode durchführbar ist und verneint damit im Ergebnis die Arbeitnehmereigenschaft der Rotkreuzschwester.
This book is widely regarded as one of the most remarkable achievements in Roman Law and Comparative Law scholarship this century - a fact attested to by the universal acclaim with which it has been received throughout Europe, America, and beyond. As a work of Roman Law scholarship it fuses the vast volume of 20th century scholarship on the Roman law of obligations into a clear and very readable (and in many ways original) account of the law. As a work of comparative law it traces the transformation of the Roman law of obligations over the centuries into what is now modern German, English and South African law, presenting the reader with a contrast between these legal systems which is unique both in its scope and its depth. As a whole the book is written with a deep understanding of human nature and of many social, economic, and other forces that determine the face of the law.
Unjustified enrichment has been one of the most intellectually vital areas of private law. There is, however, still no unanimity among civil-law and common-law legal systems about how to structure this important branch of the law of obligations. Several key issues are considered comparatively in this 2002 book, including grounds for recovery of enrichment, defences, third-party enrichment, as well as proprietary and taxonomic questions. Two contributors deal with each topic, one a representative of a common-law system, the other a representative of a civil-law or mixed system. This approach illuminates not just similarities or differences between systems, but also what different systems can learn from one another. In an area of law whose territory is still partially uncharted and whose borders are contested, such comparative perspectives will be valuable for both academic analysis of the law and its development by the courts.
Comparative research in the area of property law is gaining importance. Against the background of the current discussion of developing model rules, aimed at facilitating European private law harmonisation, and of ongoing law reform projects in a number of EU Member States, this volume addresses key issues in the field of the transfer of corporeal movable property.
Intestate Succession is the second volume in the Comparative Succession Law series which examines the principles of succession law from a comparative and historical perspective. This volume discusses the rules which apply where a person dies either without leaving a valid will, or leaving a will which fails to dispose of all of the person's assets. Among the questions considered are the following: What is the nature of the rules for the disposal of the deceased's assets? Are they mechanical or is there an element of discretion? Are particular types of property dealt with in particular ways? Is there entitlement to individual assets (as opposed to money)? Do the rules operate in a parentelic ...
For every transnational lawyer, it is vital to know the differences between national secured transactions laws. Since the applicable law is determined by the place where the collateral is situated, it may change when movables are brought from one state to another. Introductory essays from comparative lawyers set the scene. The book then presents a survey of the law relating to secured transactions in the member states of the European Union. Following the Common Core approach, the national reports are centred around fifteen hypothetical cases dealing with the most important issues of secured transactions law, such as the creation of security rights in different business situations, the relationship between debtor and secured creditor, the nature of the creditor's rights and their enforcement as against third parties. each case is followed by a comparative summary. A general report evaluates the possibilities of European harmonisation in the field of secured transactions law.