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This volume offers a thorough introduction to Jewish world literatures in Spanish and Portuguese, which not only addresses the coexistence of cultures, but also the functions of a literary and linguistic space of negotiation in this context. From the Middle Ages to present day, the compendium explores the main Jewish chapters within Spanish- and Portuguese-language world literature, whether from Europe, Latin America, or other parts of the world. No comprehensive survey of this area has been undertaken so far. Yet only a broad focus of this kind can show how diasporic Jewish literatures have been (and are ) – while closely tied to their own traditions – deeply intertwined with local and global literary developments; and how the aesthetic praxis they introduced played a decisive, formative role in the history of literature. With this epistemic claim, the volume aims at steering clear of isolationist approaches to Jewish literatures.
El VII Congreso Internacional de Innovación Pedagógica y Praxis Educativa, Innovagogía 2024, celebrado del 28 al 30 de mayo, ha vuelto a demostrar su papel como un referente en el ámbito educativo internacional. En esta ocasión, el formato online permitió una participación diversa y global, reuniendo a educadores, investigadores y expertos de distintas partes del mundo para reflexionar sobre los grandes desafíos y oportunidades en el campo de la educación. Organizado por INNOVAGOGÍA y AFOE Formación, el Congreso se enfocó en promover el diálogo y la colaboración en torno a las prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras, facilitando la interacción entre profesionales individuales y or...
In Secrets of Pinar’s Game, Roger Boase is the first to decipher a card game completed in 1496 for Queen Isabel, Prince Juan, her daughters and her 40 court ladies. This game offers readers access to the cultural memory of a group of educated women, revealing their knowledge of proverbs, poetry and sentimental romance, their understanding of the symbolism of birds and trees, and many facts ignored in official sources. Boase translates all verse into English, reassesses the jousting invenciones in the Cancionero general (1511), reinterprets the poetry of Pinar’s sister Florencia, and identifies Acevedo, author of some poems about festivities in Murcia c. 1507. He demonstrates that many of Pinar’s ladies reappear as prostitutes in the anonymous Carajicomedia two decades later.
Para cambiar una realidad social, primero es preciso conocerla y, en este sentido, esta obra es un valioso aporte para el conocimiento de la realidad latinoamericana, específicamente la nicaragüense, con el énfasis puesto en cuestiones relacionadas con la promoción y educación para la salud, así como el desarrollo comunitario y la intervención social (VIH/sida, consumo de drogas, salud y comunidad, etc.). La publicación recoge diferentes aportaciones procedentes de investigaciones y estudios llevados a cabo por expertos en dichos ámbitos, tanto nicaragüenses como españoles, todos ellos colaboradores o miembros del equipo que, desde 2008, viene desarrollando ininterrumpidamente pro...
Este libro cubre las elecciones de 1952 al 1964, desde el dominio maximo del PPD, en 1952, hasta el primer relevo de gobernadores, aunque del mismo partido, en 1964. Cubre el ascenso del movimiento Estadista y la caida del movimiento Independentista. This book covers the elections held in Puerto Rico between 1952 and 1964. That period saw the highest point in the dominance by the Popular Party; and it also saw the fall and rebirth of the pro-Statehood movement (from 12.87%% in '52 to 34.8%% in '64), coupled with the rise and fall of the pro-Independence movement (from 18.98%% in '52 to 2.81%% in '64).
IAU Transactions XXIIB summarizes the work of the XXIInd General Assembly. The discourses given during the Inaugural and Closing Ceremonies are reproduced in Chapters I and III, respectively. The proceedings of the two sessions of the General Assembly will be found in Chapter II, which includes the Resolutions and the report of the Finance Committee. The Statutes, Bye-Laws and a few working rules of the Union are published in Chapter IV. The Accounts and other aspects of the administration of the Union are recorded in Chapter V, together with the report of the Executive Committee for this last triennium, and provide the permanent record for the Union in the period 1991-1994. This volume also contains the Commission reports from The Hague compiled by the Presidents of the Commissions (Chapter VI). Finally, Chapter VII contains the list of countries adhering to the Union and the alphabetical, geographical and commission membership lists of about 8000 individual members. The IAU still appears to be unique among the scientific Unions in maintaining this category of individual membership which contributes in a crucial way to the spirit and the aims of the Union.
"Professor Alan Deyermond was one of the leading British Hispanists of the last fifty years, whose work had a formative influence on medieval Hispanic studies around the world ... Given Professor Deyermond's breadth of expertise, the span of the essays is appropriately wide, ranging chronologically from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century, and covering lyric, hagiography, clerical verse narrative, frontier balladry, historical and codicological studies"--P. [4] of cover.