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This collection of essays aims to widen the current critique on borders by examining their entanglements with constructions of identity and disciplinary categories. In particular, it calls into question established models of gender, notions of narrative genres and typological genera of borders in today’s literary, artistic, philosophical, and socio-political discourse. The chapters interrogate boundaries and boundary-crossing not only in terms of geographical frontiers and the physical acts of trespassing, but also as discursive constructs that police crossing subjects as gendered subjects, on the one hand, and identify artistic genres and academic disciplines as fixed, sealed-in ways of understanding the world, on the other. Taking inspiration from the multiple meanings of the Italian word genere (which stands for “gender”, “genre”, and “typology”/“genus” simultaneously), the volume reflects on the gendered, narrative, and typological nature of borders and border imagery, and on the significance and potentialities of crossover phenomena taking place in borderlands, in the fields of arts, literature, anthropology, sociology and philosophy.
While entailing a subversive re-vision of colonial histories, geographies, and subjectivities, the (post)colonial condition has unleashed a chain of movements, relocations, and re-writings that interrogate the globalized and neoliberal society. Ethnic, “racial”, religious, gendered, and sexual identities have been called into question, and requested to (re)define, name, and re-name themselves, to find new ways to tell their stories/histories. The very term “postcolonial” has triggered well-known controversial debates: its adoption is significant of a cultural politics involving the colonial past, controversial crisis in the present, and an open perspective toward alternative futures. Confronting literature and the arts from a postcolonial perspective is a critical and political task involving theories and cultural productions crossing barriers amongst fields of knowledge. The essays gathered here discuss postcolonialism as a transdisciplinary field of passages that negotiate among diverse yet interrelated cultural fields.
This book questions Italian “white innocence” and examines the specificity of Italian racial discourse through the analysis of different kinds of texts and representations. Intersectionality – a theoretical and methodological approach focusing on the multidimensional discrimination that individuals and groups experience based on their race, color, gender, and other axes of oppression – has only recently been embraced as an effective methodology in Italy, whose national identity is structured around the “chromatic norm” of whiteness. The categories of race and color have been almost absent in post-war public debate as well as in scholarly discourse. Feminist movements and theoreti...
This book breaks new ground by showing that the work of David Foster Wallace originates from and functions in the space between philosophy and literature. Philosophy is not a mere supplement to or decoration of his writing, nor does he use literature to illustrate pre-established philosophical truths. Rather, for Wallace, philosophy and literature are intertwined ways of experiencing and expressing the world that emerge from and amplify each other. The book does not advance a fixed or homogenous interpretation of Wallace’s oeuvre but instead offers an investigative approach that allows for a variety of readings. The volume features fourteen new essays by prominent and promising Wallace scholars, divided into three parts: one on general aspects of Wallace’s oeuvre – such as his aesthetics, form, and engagement with performance – and two parts with thematic focuses, namely ‘Consciousness, Self, and Others’ and ‘Embodiment, Gender, and Sexuality’.
Exploring the Black Venus Figure in Aesthetic Practices critically examines a longstanding colonial fascination with the black female body as an object of sexual desire, envy, and anxiety. Since the 2002 repatriation of the remains of Sara Baartman to post-apartheid South Africa, the interest in the figure of Black Venus has skyrocketed, making her a key symbol for the restoration of the racialized female body in feminist, anti-racist and postcolonial terms. Edited by Jorunn Gjerden, Kari Jegerstedt, and Željka Švrljuga, this volume considers Black Venus as a product of art established and potentially refigured through aesthetic practices, following her travels through different periods, geographies and art forms from Baudelaire to Kara Walker, and from the Caribbean to Scandinavia. Contributors: Kjersti Aarstein, Carmen Birkle, Jorunn Svensen Gjerden, Kari Jegerstedt, Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen, Ljubica Matek, Margery Vibe Skagen, Camilla Erichsen Skalle, Željka Švrljuga.
Seit MeToo können Frauen öffentlich ihre erlebte sexualisierte Gewalt thematisieren – so zumindest eine häufig geteilte Annahme. Dagegen zeigt Ana Nenadovic auf, dass das Sprechen darüber keineswegs frei, sondern weiterhin tabuisiert ist. Aus intersektional-feministischer und post- sowie dekolonialer Perspektive erforscht sie aktuelle Romane aus Mexiko, Brasilien und Südafrika, um die tragende, aber in der Textstruktur verborgene Stimme der vergewaltigten Informantin zu enthüllen. Ihre Analysen zeigen Interaktionen zwischen Schweigen und Sprechen auf und plädieren für eine kritische Lektüre von Repräsentationen sexualisierter Gewalt und Trauma.
Una vicenda esistenziale e un universo narrativo i cui confini si estendono dalle isole dell’arcipelago malese, alle coste del Sudamerica, dalla Russia zarista alla giungla metropolitana della Londra a lui contemporanea, dall’Italia risorgimentale al cuore dell’Africa coloniale: è questo a definire il peculiare spazio che Joseph Conrad occupa sulla scena letteraria britannica fra Otto e Novecento. Narratore di lingua inglese ma intellettuale transnazionale, Conrad ha dato vita a un corpus testuale che, sviluppatosi proprio negli anni in cui andavano affermandosi la riflessione e la pratica geopolitica, sembra implicarne le medesime categorie. Le logiche che regolano i rapporti di pote...
«Al hablar del cuerpo como un territorio, nos referimos a que es un espacio impactado por diversos problemas, un lugar en donde se inscriben una serie de normas y discursos culturales que lo fraccionan y establecen sus regiones y bordes, mapas a través de los cuales nos leemos y leemos a las demás personas.» Después de sulibro No son micro. Machismos cotidianos , Eréndira Derbez y Claudia de la Garza regresan con Mapas corporales, en el que proponen una aproximación a distintas partes del cuerpo en diversas culturas y épocas para poner en entredicho esas normas sociales que nos han construido durante años para, precisamente, desmantelarlas y poder resignificar cada una de estas inscripciones. De esta forma, Mapas corporales se convierte en una cartografía en la que podemos viajar, encontrar anécdotas sobre la nariz, el pelo o las piernas, cuya imposición del "deber ser" queda desmantelada y nos invita a una reflexión más profunda de los estereotipos que nos rodean. Un libro que nos recuerda que toda narrativa puede ser reinventada.