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Souvenirs sind kleine Andenken aus dem Urlaub und an den Urlaub. Für manche stammen sie aus einer Art Paradies - oder führen sie in der Erinnerung dahin zurück? Es gibt Souvenirs, die manchem peinlich sind, andere werden vergessen und tauchen wieder auf und manche werden wie ein Schatz gehütet - oder trifft manchmal sogar alles auf einmal zu? Souvenirs gelten als kitschig, banal und sentimental und bergen für ihre BesitzerInnen gleichzeitig Tiefendimensionen. Womöglich auch für eine praktisch-theologische Erkundung? Heymann macht Souvenirs und Urlaubsandenken für praktisch-theologische Arbeit und Theoriebildung fruchtbar. Eine empirische Studie deckt souvenirtheoretische Linien auf, ...
Im Umfeld des Todes zeichnet sich der religionskulturelle Wandel der Gegenwart ab. Menschen erleben hier Bewegendes und Verstörendes, sie suchen Formen der Auseinandersetzung mit der Endlichkeit und Trost. Die christliche Tradition ist dabei nicht selten ausdrücklich oder indirekt prägend. Aber ihre kirchlichen Ausdrucksgestalten finden schwer Anschluss an die subjektive und plurale Religiosität. Die Autorin analysiert autobiografische Sterbe- und Trauerliteratur. Wie gehen Menschen mit dem nahenden Tod oder dem Verlust vertrauter Menschen um? Welche Praktiken und Vorstellungen tragen sie weiter? Und inwieweit sind diese als religiös anzusehen? Praxistheoretische, trauertheoretische und bildtheoretische Perspektiven reflektieren die Analyse und die theologisch-hermeneutischen Herausforderungen, die sich in ihrem Zusammenhang zeigen. Der Blick auf die kirchliche Praxis schließlich regt Haltungen und Handlungsformen an, die mit den gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen Schritt halten.
Der Erfolg Maarten 't Harts gründet darin, dass er mit seinen Romanen und Erzählungen in origineller subjektiver Aneignung unterschiedliche religiöse Anschlussmöglichkeiten anbietet. Die Studie untersucht, mit welchen Erzähltechniken 't Hart dies leistet. Sein literarischen Umgang mit Religion zeichnet sich durch spielerische Leichtigkeit aus, die den in Dogmatismus erstarrten Calvinismus seiner Kindheit verflüssigt. Dadurch laden seine Bücher gerade auch die "schwebenden Gläubigen" (Joep de Hart) ein, den ästhetisch-religiösen Reichtum der literarischen Welt 't Harts zu erproben. In der ästhetischen Transformation einer dogmatischen Frömmigkeit liegt auch das Potential von 't Ha...
The new edition of this valuable clinical resource offers a state of the art, comprehensive review on every clinical condition encountered in pediatric nephrology. International experts present the latest knowledge on epidemiology, diagnosis, management, and prognosis in one concise, clinically focused text, in which care has been taken to couple just the right amount of "need-to-know" basic science with practical clinical guidance that will enable the reader to make efficient, informed decisions. The topics covered include: disorders of renal development, glomerular disorders, the kidney and systemic disease, renal tubular disorders, tubulointerstitial disease, urinary tract disorders, acute kidney injury, hypertension, chronic and end-stage renal disease, and renal replacement therapy. The full-color, highly visual, meticulously crafted format will ensure that the practitioner is able to source and apply information with remarkable ease.
This book provides a detailed analysis of the economic and environmental impacts of climate change on the tropical ecosystems in Tanzania. Topics covered include agriculture, marine resources, wildlife, and weather forecasting. The analyses concentrate on real and potential impacts of climate change, focusing on changes in temperature and precipitation. Adaptive capacity and strategies for enhancing resilience (such as changing crop types and crop patterns in farming) are described.
Winner of the Helen and Howard Marraro Prize A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year “Perhaps the greatest study ever written of Renaissance political thought.” —Jeffrey Collins, Times Literary Supplement “Magisterial...Hankins shows that the humanists’ obsession with character explains their surprising indifference to particular forms of government. If rulers lacked authentic virtue, they believed, it did not matter what institutions framed their power.” —Wall Street Journal “Puts the politics back into humanism in an extraordinarily deep and far-reaching way...For generations to come, all who write about the political thought of Italian humanism will have to refer to i...
A personal perspective on the director's favourite works from the collections of the prestigious Skulpturensammlung und Museum fur Byzantinische Kunst. The Skulpturensammlung und Museum für Byzantinische Kunst is housed in the Bode-Museum, part of the ensemble of prestigious museums on the Museuminsel Berlin. Skulpturensammlung is one of the largest collections of ancient sculpture in the world (early Middle Ages to the late eighteenth century), with works from the German-speaking countries, France, the Low Countries, Italy and Spain. The collection includes works by legendary sculptors such as Donatello, Tilman Riemenschneider, Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini and Andreas Schlüter. The Museum für Byzantinische Kunst is a collection of Late Antique sarcophagi and sculpture from the Eastern Roman Empire, and ivory carvings from post-pharaonic, early Byzantine Egypt. The works presented in this volume are amongst the most prized by the museum's director, who combines expertise with a refreshingly personal perspective to invite the reader to experience them through new eyes.
L.A. shoe designer, Maddie Springer, lives her life by three rules: Fashion. Fashion. Fashion. But when she stumbles upon the work of a brutal killer, her life takes an unexpected turn from Manolos to murder. And things only get worse when her boyfriend disappears - along with $20 million in embezzled funds - and her every move is suddenly under scrutiny by the LAPD's sexiest cop. With the help of her post-menopausal bridezilla of a mother, a 300 pound psychic and one seriously oversexed best friend, Maddie finds herself stepping out of her stilettos and onto the trail of a murderer. But can she catch a killer before the killer catches up to her.
Rheumatic Diseases and Osteoporosis are very common diseases. Recently the prevalence of Arthritis among American citizens is documented with 20%. This dictionary provides a comprehensive list of common terms and definitions in clinical rheumatology and osteology. It contains systematical descriptions selected from diseases of the locomotor apparatus, including osteoporosis, and important laboratory findings with special reference to the immunological parameters, which are essential for a correct definition of rheumatologic disorders. Another focus is placed on general principles of the pharmacological treatment, including Biologicals and modern therapy. The book also provides information about the individual disorders from the field of mineral metabolism and metabolic osteopathy’s, and covers basic issues of rheumatic surgery as well as general entries from the fields of physical medicine and physiotherapy, including a system of functional assessment.