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This book serves as a practical guide to maximizing clinicians' effectiveness in rehabilitating overhead throwing athletes. Topics covered will include throwing mechanics, assessment of throwing athletes, and manual therapy with the primary focus of this guide being exercise interventions. Assessment strategies and exercise interventions will be laid out in a progression that can be easily followed and implemented in the clinic today. The inspiration for this book comes from my professional baseball career ending prematurely due to injury. Shortly after I made the 40-man roster for the New York Yankees, I sustained a shoulder injury that altered my career and life. I nearly made it back up t...
This expanded edition adds sixteen new exercises designed to inspire creativity and help poets hone their skills. Each exercise includes a clearly-stated learning objective, historical background matter on the particular subgenre being explored, and an example written by undergraduates at Western Kentucky University. The text also analyzes work by leading American poets including Billy Collins, Denise Duhamel and Dean Young. The book's five chapters correspond with the five canons of classical rhetoric: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery.
Award-winning author Carrie Stuart Parks combines her expertise as a forensic artist with her talent for crafting a gripping story in this page-turning web of light and shadow. A woman off the grid. Darby Graham thinks she’s on a much-needed vacation in remote Idaho to relax. But before she even arrives at the ranch, an earthquake strikes. Then a barn on the edge of town is engulfed in flames and strange problems at the ranch begin to escalate, and Darby finds herself immersed in a chilling mystery. A town on fire. More fires erupt around town, and a serial arsonist sends taunting letters to the press after each. As a forensic linguist, this is Darby’s area of expertise . . . but the sca...
Written in Lauren K. Denton's signature Southern style, The One You’re With tells the story of a seemingly perfect marriage rocked by secrets from the past. High-school sweethearts Mac and Edie Swan lead a seemingly picture-perfect life in the sleepy-sweet community of Oak Hill, near Mobile, Alabama. Edie is a respected interior designer, Mac is a beloved pediatrician, and they have two great kids and a historic home on tree-lined Linden Avenue. From the outside, the Swan family is the definition of “the good life.” And life is good—mostly. Until a young woman walks into Mac’s office one day. A young woman whose very existence threatens all Mac and Edie have built and all they thin...
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Secret Book of Flora Lea and Becoming Mrs. Lewis comes a fascinating look into the bond between siblings and the life-changing magic of stories. 1950: Margaret Devonshire (Megs) is a seventeen-year-old student of mathematics and physics at Oxford University. When her beloved eight-year-old brother asks Megs if Narnia is real, logical Megs tells him it's just a book for children, and certainly not true. Homebound due to his illness, and remaining fixated on his favorite books, George presses her to ask the author of the recently released novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe a question: "Where did Narnia come from?" Despite her fear about...
For lovers of happily ever afters—this collection of three light and sweet romance stories will sweep you off your feet. In A Summer Detour by Denise Hunter, you’ll meet free-spirited Allie Adams, who undertakes a road trip to deliver her grandparents’ newly restored ’57 Chevy in time for their fiftieth anniversary party . . . along with Luke Fletcher, the former boy-next-door who callously crushed her heart. Pining for You by Melissa Ferguson invites you to a cozy Virginia mountain town where Christmas tree farm owner Theo Watkins III has the opportunity to drop everything for one weekend to play farmer and potentially win back the heart of his childhood best friend, Skye Fuller. On...
Bestselling author Melissa Ferguson invites you to curl up by the fire with two delightfully cozy holiday novellas that will fill your heart with festive joy. Dashing Through the Snow Left heartbroken on the eve of a romantic getaway, Willow embarks solo on The Christmas Express--a two-week train ride full of sparkling lights, whimsical surprises, and unexpected connections. With the help of a charmingly grumpy conductor, a mischievous elf, and a globe-trotting adventurer, Willow discovers that sometimes the journey to healing is just as magical as the destination. Pining for You Christmas tree farm owner Theo Watkins III has the opportunity to drop everything for one weekend to play farmer ...
Based on true accounts of how Parisiennes resisted the Nazi occupation in World War II—from fashion houses to the city streets—comes a story of two courageous women who risked everything to fight an evil they could not abide. Paris, 1939. Maison Chanel has closed, thrusting haute couture dressmaker Lila de Laurent out of the world of high fashion as Nazi soldiers invade the streets and the City of Light slips into darkness. Lila’s life is now a series of rations, brutal restrictions, and carefully controlled propaganda while Paris is cut off from the rest of the world. Yet in hidden corners of the city, the faithful pledge to resist. Lila is drawn to La Resistance and is soon using her...
Czy miłość i piękno przetrwają czas okupacji? Paryż, rok 1939. Miasto Świateł ogarnia mrok. Dla Sandrine Paquet wojna zmieniła wszystko. Jej mąż zaginął na froncie, a szczęśliwe, pełne blasku życie stało się jedynie mglistym wspomnieniem. Tymczasem z polecenia nazistów Sandrine kataloguje dzieła sztuki kradzione żydowskim rodzinom, w tajemnicy przekazując informacje na ich temat francuskiemu ruchowi oporu. Pewnego dnia otrzymuje skrzynkę zawierającą suknię Chanel z zagadkową wiadomością... Lila de Laurent, krawcowa dotychczas pracująca w domu mody Chanel, z dnia na dzień traci pracę – firma zamyka się w chwili, gdy do Paryża wkraczają Niemcy. Szykowne bale, praca u słynnej projektantki, uczucie do René Touliarda zastępują wojenna rzeczywistość, codzienna walka o przetrwanie i świadomość, że dawny ukochany kolaboruje z wrogiem. Wkrótce pod pretekstem szycia kreacji dla żon i kochanek niemieckich żołnierzy krawcowa zbiera informacje, które mogą zaważyć na losach Francji. Czy Sandrine i Christian się odnajdą? Czy Lila przeżyje? Czy odkryje, co ukrywa René? Czy dawni kochankowie odzyskają utraconą miłość?
A párizsi ruhakészítő túlélők beszámolóiból szőtt izgalmas, fordulatos történeteken keresztül mutatja be a párizsiak hősies harcát a második világháború fasiszta diktatúrája ellen. A középpontban két bátor párizsi nő küzdelme áll, akik mindent kockára tesznek, hogy megvédjék Franciaországot, Párizst és a családjukat. Párizs, 1939. Lila de Lauren ruhakészítő a párizsi divatvilág sztárjainak dolgozik, amikor a nácik megszállják Franciaországot. A főváros rejtett zugaiban azonban már szerveződik az ellenállás, és Lila, varrónői és ruhatervezői tehetségét kihasználva, beszivárog a náci elit köreibe. Német tisztek francia szerető...