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Lebenszyklusanalysen, kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Beschaffungsvarianten im Bauwesen sowie Finanzierung sowie rechtliche und bilanzielle Betrachtung von Infrastrukturprojekten sind die wesentlichen Themen, die im Zentrum des wissenschaftlichen Interesses und Wirkens von Professor Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Kfm. Dieter Jacob stehen. Die inhaltliche Vielfalt der Beiträge des vorliegenden Werkes geben dabei das breite Forschungsinteresse des Jubilars wider. Die Erkenntnisse bilden Ergebnisse aus Forschungsarbeiten und Erfahrungen von Praktikern ab – dieser Ansatz als Leitlinie der Arbeit von Professor Jacob kann Wissenschaftlern, Fachkräften aus der Bauwirtschaft sowie Studierenden neue Perspektiven aufzeigen. Den Schwerpunkt der Festschrift bilden Beiträge zu Beschaffungs- und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten von Bau- und Infrastrukturprojekten, Bewertung von Projekten aus der baubetrieblichen Praxis sowie ausgewählte Untersuchungen rechtlicher und steuerlicher Probleme der Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft.
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der handelsrechtlichen Bilanzierung der staatlichen Straßeninfrastruktur und stellt die Vorteile eines Umstiegs auf eine transparentere öffentliche Rechnungslegung heraus. Reinhardt Stuhr zeigt anhand der Zwecke der öffentlichen Rechnungslegung, dass die Bilanzierung der staatlichen Straßeninfrastruktur nach den handelsrechtlichen Grundsätzen ordnungsmäßiger Buchführung sachgerecht ist. Es bedarf dafür keiner weiteren Standardsetzungen. Empirische Ergebnisse zu den bisherigen Ansätzen zur Bilanzierung zeigen ein uneinheitliches Bild in der Handhabung der Rechnungslegungsempfehlungen der Standards staatlicher Doppik sowie eine geringe Bedeutung der vorliegenden Bilanzierungsdaten für die Aufstellung des Haushaltsplanes und für die Fortschreibung der Daten in ein internes Asset-Management-System.
A practical road map to the key families of biomaterials and their potential applications in clinical therapeutics, Introduction to Biomaterials, Second Edition follows the entire path of development from theory to lab to practical application. It highlights new biocompatibility issues, metrics, and statistics as well as new legislation for intellectual property. Divided into four sections (Biology, Biomechanics, Biomaterials Interactions; Biomaterials Testing, Statistics, Regulatory Considerations, Intellectual Property; Biomaterials Compositions; and Biomaterials Applications), this dramatically revised edition includes both new and revised chapters on cells, tissues, and signaling molecul...
Is the world en route to becoming a linguistic colony of the United States? Or is this dramatic view an exaggeration, and there is no danger to linguistic diversity at all? The German language is at the center of an intensive debate on this issue. Its position in the world is under increasing pressure due to the growing importance of (American) English as the language of globalization. The articles in this volume deal with the national and international position of German in relation to English, language policies, the future of German as a language of science, German in the USA, and the intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of encountering a foreign language. They present critical assessments addressing the dangers for the future of languages other than English, as well as positions which perceive the growing importance of English as a challenge and resource rather than as a threat.
The complexity of biological systems and the need to design and develop biomedical therapies poses major challenges to professionals in the biomedical disciplines. An Introduction to Biomaterials emphasizes applications of biomaterials for patient care. Containing chapters prepared by leading authorities on key biomaterial types, this book underscores the process of biomaterial design, development directed toward clinical application, and testing that leads to therapies for clinical targets. The authors provide a lucid perspective on the standards available and the logic behind the standards in which biomaterials address clinical needs. This volume includes chapters on consensus standards and regulatory approaches to testing paradigms, followed by an analysis of specific classes of biomaterials. The book closes with sections on clinical topics that integrate materials sciences and patient applications.
Thoroughly revised and updated for the second edition, this comprehensive textbook integrates basic and advanced concepts of mechanics with numerical methods and biomedical applications. Coverage is expanded to include a complete introduction to vector and tensor calculus, and new or fully updated chapters on biological materials and continuum mechanics, motion, deformation and rotation, and constitutive modelling of solids and fluids. Topics such as kinematics, equilibrium, and stresses and strains are also included, as well as the mechanical behaviour of fibres and the analysis of one-dimensional continuous elastic media. Numerical solution procedures based on the Finite Element Method are presented, with accompanying MATLAB-based software and dozens of new biomedical engineering examples and exercises allowing readers to practise and improve their skills. Solutions for instructors are also available online. This is the definitive guide for both undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in biomechanics.
Stefano Gatti describes the theory that underpins this cutting-edge industry, and then provides illustrations and examples from actual practice to illustrate that theory.
A must-read book for understanding this vibrant and influential modern Jewish movement Hasidism originated in southeastern Poland, in mystical circles centered on the figure of Israel Ba’al Shem Tov, but it was only after his death in 1760 that a movement began to spread. Today, Hasidism is witnessing a remarkable renaissance around the world. This book provides the first comprehensive history of the pietistic movement that shaped modern Judaism. Written by an international team of scholars, its unique blend of intellectual, religious, and social history demonstrates that, far from being a throwback to the Middle Ages, Hasidism is a product of modernity that forged its identity as a radical alternative to the secular world.
Wielką Wojnę na wschodzie Europy wywołały imperia, biły się w niej narody a ginęli zwykli ludzie. Im dłużej trwała, tym trudniej było wyobrazić sobie, jak się skończy i czy w ogóle kiedyś nastanie pokój. Tego, że zmianie ulegnie prawie wszystko, nie przewidział nikt. I tej zmianie poświęcona jest Nasza wojna. Podzielona jest na dwie części, w pierwszej koncentruje się na działaniach militarnych, przywraca pamięć o ważnych lecz zapomnianych miejscach na mapach frontu wschodniego – Gorlicach, Przasnyszu czy Przemyślu, w drugiej opowiada o tym wszystkim co działo się poza frontami, strajkach i buntach robotniczych, prawach kobiet, kulturze, polityce i walce o niepodległość narodów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i Bałkanów. Wszystko to w porywającym stylu - przystępnie, czasem dowcipnie, zawsze w oparciu o źródła, w tym dotychczas rzadko wykorzystywane.