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Ce livre retrace la vie des Hasday depuis sa création en 970 ap. J.C. jusqu'à ce jour. Surtout HASDAÏ IBN CHAPROUT (915 - 970 ) qui fut le Ministre du roi d'Espagne et HASDAÏ CRESCAS ( 1340 - 1412 )célèbre Talmudiste, en Espagne. Ainsi que la vie des descendants en Turquie, Grèce, Israël, Cuba, Etats-Unis, qui se sont réunis en 2011. Et cette année la célébration du 1100e anniversaire de HASDAÏ IBN CHAPROUT à Cordoba en Espagne.
Valentine, una grafica freelance, è l’unica a prendersi cura del piccolo Milo, un bambino muto ma non sordo. Un giorno Milo inizia a parlare, ma lo fa in una lingua straniera e in circostanze inspiegabili: davanti a un telegiornale che mostra immagini di Salonicco. Valentine si ostina a cercare di svelare il mistero e scopre un segreto di famiglia: l’esistenza di una nonna ebrea di Salonicco il cui destino è stato tragico. Respinta deliberatamente dalla famiglia del marito francese perché sospettata di adulterio, non riuscì a vedere crescere i suoi due figli, che le furono portati via a Parigi negli anni Trenta. In questa trama, il presente rivela le tracce del passato.
Valentine, graphiste free-lance, élève seule le petit Milo, enfant doué mais atteint d'un étrange handicap : il est muet sans être sourd. Lorsqu'un jour Milo se met enfin à parler, c'est dans une langue étrangère et des circonstances inexplicables : devant un journal télévisé diffusant des images de Thessalonique. Tandis que famille et amis accueillent la nouvelle avec un scepticisme goguenard, Valentine persiste à vouloir percer le mystère et découvre un secret familial lourd de conséquences : l'existence d'une aïeule juive de Salonique au destin tragique. Volontairement écartée par la famille de son mari français, car soupçonnée d'adultère, elle n'a pas pu voir grandir ses deux enfants, emportés loin d'elle, à Paris, dans les années 1930. Par quel détour de l'histoire Milo, élevé en banlieue parisienne, s'est-il mis à parler le judéo-espagnol, langue de cette ancêtre oubliée ? Pourquoi Valentine a-t-elle l'impression que restaurer la mémoire de son aïeule lui permettrait de se libérer d'une souffrance enfouie ?
Five-Lipoxygenase Products in Asthma offers an authoritative examination of the biochemistry, basic pharmacology, and clinical pharmacology of the leukotrienes with special emphasis on their role in asthma. A critical reference for every asthma researcher and clinician, Five-Lipoxygenase Products in Asthma highlights agents and products
Many people perceive trading as nothing more than a gamble. But there are still people who consistently make money trading. How do they do it? They've learned to separate gambling from trading. And the way they do this, says author Marcel Link, is by developing a proper plan. In Trading Without Gambling, Link shows how to create and use a sound game plan to improve every aspect of trading–including finding trades, timing, knowing how much to trade, where to exit, and how to adjust risk–while leaving very little to gambling.
Proceedings of a NATO ASI held in Corfu, Greece, June 15-25, 1997
This book introduces the basics of cellular and molecular biology on a basic level including detailed explanations and examples. It lays the foundation for a systematic understanding of biology, which is essential in order to handle big data in biomedical research. Comprehension of what is measured, how it is measured and how to interpret results is a precondition for the development of novel therapies against diseases.Interdisciplinary research benefits from versatile approaches to generate and test hypotheses, which may lead to new discoveries. Therefore, it requires a new generation of biologists from diverse backgrounds - and they need this introduction.This book helps students and experts from e.g. computer science, informatics, mathematics, physics, and related fields or even if you are in sales and marketing and want to have a better understanding of the biology behind certain products.
In a nation whose Constitution purports to speak for "We the People," too many of the stories that powerful Americans tell about law and society include only "We the Men". A long line of judges, politicians, and other influential scene setters have ignored women's struggles for equality or distorted them beyond recognition by wildly exaggerating American progress. Even as sexism continues to warp constitutional law, political decision making, and everyday life, powerful Americans have spent more than a century proclaiming that the United States has already left sex discrimination behind. Jill Elaine Hasday's We the Men is the first book to explore how forgetting women's struggles for equalit...
The development of hypothesis of oxidative stress in the 1980s stimulated the interest of biological and biomedical sciences that extends to this day. The contributions in this book provide the reader with the knowledge accumulated to date on the involvement of reactive oxygen species in different pathologies in humans and animals. The chapters are organized into sections based on specific groups of pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, neuronal, hormonal, and systemic ones. A special section highlights potential of antioxidants to protect organisms against deleterious effects of reactive species. This book should appeal to many researchers, who should find its information useful for advancing their fields.