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Zborník príspevkov z 2. ročníka medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie zo dňa 22.6.2017. Fakulta aplikovaných jazykov, Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Bratislava.
Predložený zborník predstavuje výstup z medzinárodnej konferencie, ktorá niesla názov Jazyk a politika: medzi lingvistikou a politológiou. Organizátorom konferencie boli okrem Fakulty aplikovaných jazykov Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave aj Ústav politických vied SAV a Slovenská spoločnosť pre regionálnu politiku pri SAV. Jednalo sa o interdisciplinárnu konferenciu s cieľom preskúmať fenomén politického jazyka očami odborníkov z viacerých vedeckých disciplín. Nielen lingvistiky a politológie, ale rovnako sociológov, ekonómov, ako aj odborníkov na interkultúrnu a masmediálnu komunikáciu. Politický jazyk je totiž spoločným objektom výskumu viacerých humanitných a spoločenských disciplín.
Provides Christians with enlightening views about the basic document of the Hebrew Scriptures and of Judaism.
The Exposition of the Apocalypse by Tyconius of Carthage (fl. 380) was pivotal in the history of interpretation of the Book of Revelation. While expositors of the second and third centuries viewed the Apocalypse of John, or Book of Revelation, as mainly about the time of Antichrist and the end of the world, in the late fourth century Tyconius interpreted John’s visions as figurative of the struggles facing the Church throughout the entire period between the Incarnation and the Second Coming of Christ. Tyconius’s “ecclesiastical” reading of the Apocalypse was highly regarded by early medieval commentators like Caesarius of Arles, Primasius of Hadrumetum, Bede, and Beatus of Liebana, w...
The Liber Regularum, written by Tyconius in the Fourth Century A.D., was the first system of biblical interpretation proposed by a Latin theologian. Augustine was very interested in this work and included an extraordinary summation of it in his De doctrina christiana. Although this treatment insured the preservation of the work and its lasting fame, Augustine's summary became better known than the original. Pamela Bright's The Book of Rules of Tyconius: Its Purpose and Inner Logic reintroduces this neglected classic of early church literature. Bright asserts that although Augustine was greatly influenced by the Liber Regularum, his philosophical differences caused him to misunderstand its me...
A study of place and creative inspiration