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“La biblioteca de las campañas presidenciales en Chile está formada por estantes casi vacíos. Poco y nada se ha escrito sobre cómo exactamente se ganan y se pierden las elecciones. Las grandes obras periodísticas sobre nuestra política contemporánea apenas sobrevuelan las campañas como un elemento más de la lucha por el poder. Una escasez que contrasta brutalmente con la abundancia del país al que le hemos copiado en gran parte el concepto de lo que llamamos carrera presidencial. Lo descubrí una mañana del otoño de 2011, cuando entré a la biblioteca de la Universidad de Columbia, en Nueva York, a buscar libros sobre campañas presidenciales. En Estados Unidos son un subgéner...
This Handbook is the first major work to comprehensively map state-of-the-art scholarship on electoral debates in comparative perspective. Leading scholars and practitioners from around the world introduce a core theoretical and conceptual framework to understand this phenomenon and point to promising directions for new research on the evolution of electoral debates and the practical considerations that different country-level experiences can offer. Three indicators to help analyze electoral debates inform this Handbook: the level of experience of each country in the realization of electoral debates; geopolitical characteristics linked to political influence; and democratic stability and ele...
Beginning with Number 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the most comprehensive annual bibliography in Latin American Studies. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 140 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research underway in specialized areas. Subject categories for the Social Sciences editions include anthropology; geography; government and politics; international relations; political economy; and sociology.
Con excelente formato periodístico, los autores relatan en seis capítulos los episodios clave que marcaron la transición pactada entre la dictadura y los dirigentes de lo que llegó a ser la Concertación. Cada uno se detiene en los hitos fundamentales de ese intenso tiempo 1988-1990. Quien lo lea podrá observar y escudriñar a fondo en los entretelones de cientos de conversaciones, ocultas unas, abiertas otras, entre los “señores políticos” de entonces —como los llamaba Pinochet—, de diferentes lados del abanico. Y percibirá cómo el proceso que había tenido origen en la movilización social impulsada desde principios de los ochenta por trabajadores, estudiantes, mujeres, pr...
Evocative readings of the Torah through the lens of transgender experience, exploring the ways trans perspectives can enrich our understanding of religious texts, traditions, and God
Why we must reject the illusory consolations of technology and choose revolution over fascism. We are living in apocalyptic times. In Capital Hates Everyone, famed sociologist Maurice Lazzarato points to a stark choice emerging from the magma of today's world events: fascism or revolution. Fascism now drives the course of democracies as they grow less and less liberal and increasingly subject to the law of capital. Since the 1970s, Lazzarato writes, capital has entered a logic of war. It has become, by the power conferred on it by financialization, a political force intent on destruction. Lazzarato urges us to reject the illusory consolations of a technology-abetted "new" kind of capitalism and choose revolution over fascism.
In modern Britain, the working class has become an object of fear and ridicule. From Little Britain’s Vicky Pollard to the demonization of Jade Goody, media and politicians alike dismiss as feckless, criminalized and ignorant a vast, underprivileged swathe of society whose members have become stereotyped by one, hate-filled word: chavs. In this acclaimed investigation, Owen Jones explores how the working class has gone from “salt of the earth” to “scum of the earth.” Exposing the ignorance and prejudice at the heart of the chav caricature, he portrays a far more complex reality. The chav stereotype, he argues, is used by governments as a convenient figleaf to avoid genuine engagement with social and economic problems and to justify widening inequality. Based on a wealth of original research, Chavs is a damning indictment of the media and political establishment and an illuminating, disturbing portrait of inequality and class hatred in modern Britain. This updated edition includes a new chapter exploring the causes and consequences of the UK riots in the summer of 2011.
Is international terrorism really the single greatest threat to world security? Since the 9/11 attacks, many Western governments assume terrorism to be the greatest threat we face. In response, their dangerous policies attempt to maintain control and keep the status quo by using overwhelming military force. This important book shows why this approach has been such a failure, and how it distracts us from other, much greater, threats of climate change, competition over resources, marginalisation of the majority of the world and global militarisation. Unless urgent, coordinated action is taken in the next 5-10 years on all these issues it will be almost imossible to avoid the earth becoming a highly unstable place by the middle years of this century. Beyond Terror offers an alternative path for politicians, journalists and concerned citizens alike.