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FROM THE 10 MILLION COPY, NO. 1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE DEPARTMENT Q SERIES A GRIPPING TREAT FOR FANS OF SCANDANAVIAN THRILLERS One boy is on the run from an international conspiracy . . . Over three years ago, a civil servant vanished after returning from a work trip to Africa. Presumed dead, his family still want answers. It's up to Department Q, Denmark's cold cases department, to find out the truth. But what Detective Carl Morck doesn't know, is that the key to the investigation is right here in Copenhagen . . . Fifteen-year-old Marco Jameson is tough, smart and very suspicious of police. Sleeping rough and hiding in the shadows is his way of life. But what does he know worth killing for - and will the police find him before whoever he is running from? Praise for Jussi Adler-Olsen: 'The new 'it' boy of Nordic Noir' The Times 'Gripping story-telling' Guardian 'As impressive as it is unnerving' Independent
Piętnastoletni Marco przez lata był tłamszony przez swego stryja Zolę, głowę klanu zmuszającego chłopaka do niewolniczego, przestępczego życia. Gdy Marco dowiaduje się, że stryj chce go okaleczyć, by zwiększyć jego możliwości zarobkowe, dokonuje niemożliwego – wyrywa się z żelaznego uścisku krewnych. Ale szczęście chłopaka trwa krótko – przypadkowe odkrycie mrożącej krew w żyłach tajemnicy klanu sprawia, że znów zmuszony jest do desperackiej walki o życie. Czy ratując siebie, zdecyduje się wydać stryja i pogrąży tym samym zamieszanego w sprawę ojca? Dla Carla, Assada i Rose, powoli wgryzających się w śledztwo prowadzące do korupcji w sektorze ban...
What is a fallacy? Many people may have heard the word before but don’t grasp the magnitude of it. They erroneously assume that they aren’t guilty of embracing half-truths or false conclusions. And yet, those are often the ones who do it the most. In this guide, you will receive greater comprehension of what fallacies are and close your blind spot to the truth of things. Later, the author goes on to instruct you on inductive and deductive reasoning, which are two techniques that help people reach logical conclusions without going astray in their paths of thinking. Last but not least, a long chapter is devoted to developing moral character, our conscience, and our ethics. Everything can be justified, but to live with our conscience is an art by itself.
Den femtonårige Marco har under hela sin uppväxt tvingats till kriminalitet av sin farbror Zola. När han förstår att farbrodern vill lemlästa honom, för att han ska kunna dra in mer pengar och för att Zola ska kunna kontrollera honom bättre, så gör Marco det omöjliga: han flyr och försöker ta sig ur klanens järngrepp. Men under flykten finner han av en slump en fruktansvärd hemlighet, som Zola och klanen med alla medel vill förhindra från att komma ut. Marcos nya tillvaro i Köpenhamn blir snart en kamp för livet. Och det är inte bara klanen som vill se honom död. Kriminalinspektör Carl Mørck och hans assistenter Assad och Rose från Avdelning Q följer trådar som leder dem till bankvärlden, in i regeringen och ända till Afrikas djungler. Jussi Adler-Olsen är en av Europas mest framgångsrika thrillerförfattare. Marcoeffekten är den femte delen i serien om Carl Mørck och Avdelning Q inom Köpenhamnspolisen.
AMAZON年度暢銷榜冠軍,「懸案密碼」系列最新中文版, 繼《籠裡的女人》、《第64號病歷》後, 丹麥最暢銷作家猶希.阿德勒.歐爾森挑戰社會威權鉅作! ──包辦AMAZON總榜一、二、三名,蟬聯排行榜超過130週。 ──上市首週即榮登博客來、誠品暢銷排行榜。 ──系列三本於德國銷售突破200萬冊。 ──榮獲2010年北歐最佳犯罪小說。 ──電影由《龍紋身的女孩》製作團隊重金打造。 茫茫人海中每天都有人無故消失, 下一個,或許正是你身邊的那個人…… 跟隨家族四處流浪的馬可,從小就養成在街頭求生的堅韌本能。 一...
A 15 éves Marco semmi egyébre nem vágyik, csak hogy iskolába járhasson, és meg tudjon állni a saját lábán. Gyűlöli életét a klánban, amelyet a nagybátyja irányít erős kézzel, s ahol arra kényszerítik a gyerekeket, hogy kolduljanak, betörjenek. Egy nap nem bírja tovább, és megszökik. Menekülés közben rábukkan nagybátyja egy feltételezett áldozatának holttestére, s ezzel az események egész láncolatát indítja el. Hamarosan tapasztalnia kell, hogy már nem csak a saját klánjának tagjai akarják elkapni. A Q-ügyosztályt vezető Carl Marcknek és új taggal bővült csapatának nagy szüksége lenne Marco információira, mivel kiderül, hogy egy általuk keresett személyé a holttest, amit a fiú talált. Marco azonban nagyon tart a rendőrségtől..
A Guide to British television programmes shown at Christmas time, throughout the years.
In the mid-nineteenth century, decades after independence in Latin America, borderlands presented existential challenges to consolidating nation-states. In Place of Mobility examines how and why these spaces became challenging to governments and what their meaningfulness is for our understanding of the development of a global world by examining one of those spaces: the Trans-Andean, an Argentine-Chilean borderland connected by the Andes mountains and centered on the Argentine region of Cuyo. It answers these questions by interweaving three narratives: Chilean migration to western Argentina; mountain-crossing Argentine rebels; and the formation of plans for railroads to cross the mountains. O...
She's always been off-limits... Former Army Special Forces Sgt. Marco Vieri has never thought of Alyssa Scott as more than his best friend's little sister, but her return home changes that...and challenges him to keep his war-borne demons at bay. Marco's not the same person he was back when he protected Alyssa from her abusive father, and he's not about to let her see the mess he's become. ...but now she's all grown up. When Alyssa takes a job at the bar where Marco works, her carefree smiles wreak havoc on his resolve to bury his feelings. How can he protect her when he can't stop thinking about her in his bed? But Alyssa's not looking for protection—not anymore. Now that she's back in his life, she's determined to heal her forbidden hero, one touch at a time...
"This work discusses the cross throughout history, from prehistoric times to modern day. Found within are chapters entitled: cross before the Christian Era and in prehistoric times; types of the cross; early form and use of the cross; legends of the cross; true cross and its traditionary history; title of the cross; doctrinal teaching of the crucifixion; cross and crucifix in early Christian art; various types of crosses; varieties of the cross; objects with the cross on them; sign of the cross; Puritan objections to the cross; and miscellaneous crosses."--B & N.