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The Limits of Exactitude in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Literature and Textual Transmission
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 468

The Limits of Exactitude in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Literature and Textual Transmission

Building on Calvino’s observations on Exactitude in Six Memos for the Next Millennium, the present book elucidates on the possible definitions of exactitude, the endeavor of reaching exactitude, and the undeniable limits to the achievement of this ambitious milestone. The eighteen essays in this interdisciplinary volume show how ancient and medieval authors have been dealing with the problem of exactitude vs. inexactitude and have been able to exploit the ambiguities related to these two concepts to various ends. The articles focus on rhetoric and historiography (section I), exact sciences and technical disciplines (II), the peculiarity of quotations (III), cases of programmatic inexactitu...

Labor Imperfectus
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 463

Labor Imperfectus

Unfinishedness and incompleteness are a central feature of ancient Greek and Roman literature that has often been taken for granted but not deeply examined; many texts have been transmitted to us incomplete. How and to what extent has this feature of many texts influenced their aesthetic perception and interpretation, and how does it still influence them today? Also, how do various editorial arrangements of fragmentary texts influence the reconstruction of closure? These important questions offer the opportunity to bring together specialists working on Greek and Roman texts across various genres: epic, tragedy, poetry, mythographic texts, rhetorical texts, philosophical treatises, and the no...

Fragmented Memory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 338

Fragmented Memory

Chance, in addition to the unavoidable ambiguity caused by time, is one of the main guilty parties in the transmission of ancient texts – or lack thereof. However, the same cannot be said for what concerns the mechanisms of selection and loss of historical and literary memory, where the voluntary awareness of obscuring is often part of a precise aim, thus leading the cultural memory of a literate society to become fragmented. The present volume explores the devices and criteria of selection and loss in Ancient and Medieval texts and the subsequent fragmentation of such literature, but it also addresses the questions of the damnatio memoriae, of literary strategies such as reticence and omi...

Defining Authorship, Debating Authenticity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 350

Defining Authorship, Debating Authenticity

This volume explores the themes of authorship and authenticity – and connected issues – from the Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance. Its reflection is constructed within a threefold framework. A first section includes topics dealing with dubious or uncertain attribution of ancient works, homonymous writers, and problems regarding the reliability of compilation literature. The middle section goes through several issues concerning authorship: the balance between the author’s contribution to their own work and the role of collaborators, pupils, circles, reviewers, scribes, and even older sources, but also the influence of different compositional stages on the concept of ‘author’, and the challenges presented by anonymous texts. Finally, a third crucial section on authenticity and forgeries concludes the book: it contains contributions dealing with spurious works – or sections of works – , mechanisms of interpolation, misattribution, and deliberate forgery. The aim of the book is therefore to exemplify the many nuances of the complex problems of authenticity and authorship of ancient texts.

Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2017/2018
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 281

Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2017/2018

The Global Investment Competitiveness report presents new insights and evidence on drivers of foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries, and FDI’s role in development. The report’s survey of 750 executives of multinational corporations finds that a business-friendly legal and regulatory environment is a key driver of investment decisions in developing countries, along with political stability, security, and macroeconomic conditions. The report’s topic-specific chapters explore the potential of FDI to create new growth opportunities for local firms, assess the power of tax holidays and other fiscal incentives to attract FDI, analyze characteristics of FDI originating in de...

Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2019/2020
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 343

Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2019/2020

The Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2019-2020 provides novel analytical insights, empirical evidence, and actionable recommendations for governments seeking to enhance investor confidence in times of uncertainty. The report's findings and policy recommendations are organized around "3 ICs" - they provide guidance to governments on how to increase investments' contributions to their country's development, enhance investor confidence, and foster their economies' investment competitiveness.The report presents results of a new survey of more than 2,400 business executives representing FDI in 10 large developing countries: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Thail...

Friendship and Otherness in Lucian’s ›Toxaris‹
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 402

Friendship and Otherness in Lucian’s ›Toxaris‹

In Lucian’s Toxaris, the characters’ speeches play a performative role as they become their deeds of friendship. Between irony and (self-)othering, past and present, the dialogue negotiates a mixed form of identity by affirming a Hellenocentric position and deconstructing an Athenocentric per-spective on Greek culture. Eventually, both aspects converge, as the characters’ ability to make speeches on friendship displays their mastery of Greekness. This book, itself a hybrid of commentary and monograph, consists of an introduction, which con-textualises the dialogue in its cultural, philosophical, and literary background; the Greek text with textual critical notes, followed by an English...

RES PUBLICA LITTERARUM. Studies in the classical tradition – XLV/2024
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 258

RES PUBLICA LITTERARUM. Studies in the classical tradition – XLV/2024

«Res publica litterarum» non cambia la sua missione, in linea con le finalità con cui fu fondata nel 1978 da Sesto Prete alla Kansas University, «rilanciare il concetto di ‘classico’ come matrice della cultura occidentale». Scriveva Piergiorgio Parroni, nella ‘Premessa’ alla seconda serie (1998): «forse Prete, vivendo all’estero, aveva percepito in anticipo quel vento di crisi che ora ci tocca cosí da vicino e aveva sentito il bisogno di recuperare la ‘tradizione classica’ nella sua totalità contro i pericoli di una cultura da un lato troppo frammentata, dall’altro troppo appiattita sul presente. Da qui l’esigenza di creare uno strumento rivolto a indagare la classi...

Plasmare il web. Road map per siti di qualità
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 352

Plasmare il web. Road map per siti di qualità


Die Konstitution von Subjektivität als Geschichtlichkeit
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 458

Die Konstitution von Subjektivität als Geschichtlichkeit

Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie Subjektivität als wesentlich geschichtlich gefasst werden kann. Ein aktuelles Problem besteht darin, den Begriff der Subjektivität mit der Idee der Geschichtlichkeit in Einklang zu bringen. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, schlägt die Arbeit vor, auf Schellings Frühwerk, insbesondere das System des transzendentalen Idealismus, und auf Heideggers Daseinsphilosophie zurückzugreifen. Im ersten Teil wird eine Perspektive auf Subjektivität entwickelt, die auf einer Praxisauffassung basiert. Dabei werden Schelling und Heidegger kritisch interpretiert und in den aktuellen Debatten zum Naturalismus und zur Perspektive der ersten Person angewendet. Im zweiten Teil wird der Fokus themenspezifisch auf die Geschichtlichkeit gerichtet. Hierbei werden insbesondere Schellings früher Zeitbegriff und Heideggers Theorie der Geschichtlichkeit des Daseins diskutiert und mit Blick auf die Frage der personalen Identität in der Zeit aktualisiert. Die Monografie richtet sich an Forscherinnen und Forscher der klassischen deutschen Philosophie, der Hermeneutik, der Philosophie der Praxis sowie der breit gefassten Philosophie des Geistes.