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The area of rehabilitation research for patients having persistent pain is on the move. The rapid growth in pain science has inspired rehabilitation clinicians and researchers around the globe. This has led to breakthrough research and implementation of modern pain science in rehabilitation settings around the world. Still, our understanding of persistent pain continues to grow, not in the least because of fascinating discoveries from areas such as psychoneuroimmunology, exercise physiology, clinical psychology and nutritional (neuro)biology. This offers unique opportunities to further improve rehabilitation for patients with chronic pain across the lifespan. Also, the diversity of health care disciplines involved in the rehabilitation of chronic pain (e.g. physicians, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses, coaches) provides a framework for upgrading rehabilitation for chronic pain towards comprehensive lifestyle approaches.
Pain and limited function of the locomotor system are the most common reasons for visiting a doctor or therapist. Muscles play a key part in these presentations as a result of their function and anatomy with current research suggesting that muscle imbalance, muscle tension and painful functional disorders are at the forefront when it comes to acute or chronic symptoms. The clinical correlate with all such symptoms is the myofascial trigger point. Myofascial Trigger Points: Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment examines all aspects of muscle physiology and the pathogenesis of myofascial pain. The book provides valuable advice on diagnosis and differential diagnosis and contains detailed, prac...
Clinical Pain Management takes a practical, interdisciplinary approach to the assessment and management of pain. Concise template chapters serve as a quick reference to physicians, anesthetists and neurologists, as well as other specialists, generalists, and trainees managing pain. Based on the International Association for the Study of Pain’s clinical curriculum on the topic, this reference provides to-the-point best-practice guidance in an easy-to-follow layout including tables, bullets, algorithms and guidelines.
This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue "Low Back Pain: Recent Advances And Perspectives" that was published in Healthcare
Hypermobility affects a whopping 10 to 25 percent of the population (meaning it's more common than being left-handed, standing over six feet tall, or having a third nipple), and it can cause symptoms ranging from minor discomfort to debilitating pain. In this epic new book, fitness experts Adell Bridges and Celest Pereira redefine how to manage hypermobility, providing a practical roadmap that will enable you to harness your bendiness and feel fantastic.
Didaktisch hervorragend aufgebaut, vermittelt der Band das Handwerkszeug für die Erstellung medizinischer Gutachten in Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie: Rechtsgrundlagen und juristische Begriffe werden für Ärzte verständlich erläutert. Der Band enthält kommentierte Beispielgutachten sowie Vergleichstabellen der gutachterlichen Bewertung und liefert praktische Tipps und Tricks für die Vorbereitung und Durchführung des Gutachtens. Für die 2. Auflage wurden die Inhalte vollständig überarbeitet und aktualisiert.
Gutachten für Körperschaften und Gerichte zu erstellen, gehört zu den ärztlichen Pflichten. Aus medizinischer Sicht sind die von Juristen formulierten Anforderungen kaum verständlich, genauso wie für Nichtmediziner die Ausdrucksweise in medizinischen Gutachten oft missverständlich ist. Der von einem Autorenteam aus Juristen und Medizinern geschriebene Band bietet Hilfestellung bei der schwierigen Kommunikation zwischen Medizinern und Juristen. In alphabetischer Reihenfolge finden Leser alle relevanten Begriffe präzise und verständlich erläutert.
The Phenomenology of Pain is the first book-length investigation of its topic to appear in English. Groundbreaking, systematic, and illuminating, it opens a dialogue between phenomenology and such disciplines as cognitive science and cultural anthropology to argue that science alone cannot clarify the nature of pain experience without incorporating a phenomenological approach. Building on this premise, Saulius Geniusas develops a novel conception of pain grounded in phenomenological principles: pain is an aversive bodily feeling with a distinct experiential quality, which can only be given in original first-hand experience, either as a feeling-sensation or as an emotion. Geniusas crystallize...
Ob Assistenzarzt in der Orthopädie Unfallchirurgie, Facharzt oder angehender Mediziner – der Klinikleitfaden bietet Ihnen genau das Wissen, das Sie brauchen – anschaulich und praxisgerecht auf den Punkt gebracht. Operative und konservative Orthopädie, Unfallchirurgie, Rheumatologie, orthopädische Onkologie und Pädiatrie Eigene Kapitel für Neurologie und Neuroorthopädie, Psychosomatik, Schmerztherapie, Sportmedizin, Physikalische Therapie Inklusive Atlas der AO-Klassifikation Mit angrenzenden Themen wie Begutachtung, Orthopädietechnik, Arzneimitteltherapie Neu in der überarbeiteten und aktualisierten 9. Auflage: DMARDs, Biologica (mit Evidenz) Einarbeitung der aktuellen Leitlinien und neuester Studien Aktualisierung der Osteoporose-Therapie und der Endoprothesenversorgung / Überarbeitung des Psychosomatik-Kapitels
The question of the social treatment of the body and its transformations emerges in relation to issues of varying types (economic, therapeutic, ideological, cultural, aesthetic,commercial, technical). This book examines the various ways of managing bodily symptoms or transformations and the social stakes and systems of knowledge which relate to them, both on the medical and social level. The contributions provide analyses that concern a broad range of countries. Through the themes it tackles and the subjects it examines, this book reveals both the universal nature of the questions it asks, and the evolution of the objects and approaches of anthropology itself.