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Spectral Spaces
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 652

Spectral Spaces

Offers a comprehensive presentation of spectral spaces focussing on their topology and close connections with algebra, ordered structures, and logic.

Model Theory of Modules, Algebras and Categories
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 250

Model Theory of Modules, Algebras and Categories

This volume contains the proceedings of the international conference Model Theory of Modules, Algebras and Categories, held from July 28–August 2, 2017, at the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice, Italy. Papers contained in this volume cover recent developments in model theory, module theory and category theory, and their intersection.

Contributions in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 160

Contributions in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry

This volume contains the proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra, Discrete Mathematics and Applications, held from December 9–11, 2017, at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (Maharashtra), India. Contemporary topics of research in algebra and its applications to algebraic geometry, Lie groups, algebraic combinatorics, and representation theory are covered. The articles are devoted to Leavitt path algebras, roots of elements in Lie groups, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, mixed multiplicities of ideals, singular matrices, rings of integers, injective hulls of modules, representations of linear, symmetric groups and Lie algebras, the algebra of generic matrices and almost injective modules.

Advances in Complex Geometry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Advances in Complex Geometry

This volume contains contributions from speakers at the 2015–2018 joint Johns Hopkins University and University of Maryland Complex Geometry Seminar. It begins with a survey article on recent developments in pluripotential theory and its applications to Kähler–Einstein metrics and continues with articles devoted to various aspects of the theory of complex manifolds and functions on such manifolds.

Logic Colloquium 2007
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 282

Logic Colloquium 2007

The Annual European Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, also known as the Logic Colloquium, is among the most prestigious annual meetings in the field. The current volume, Logic Colloquium 2007, with contributions from plenary speakers and selected special session speakers, contains both expository and research papers by some of the best logicians in the world. This volume covers many areas of contemporary logic: model theory, proof theory, set theory, and computer science, as well as philosophical logic, including tutorials on cardinal arithmetic, on Pillay's conjecture, and on automatic structures. This volume will be invaluable for experts as well as those interested in an overview of central contemporary themes in mathematical logic.

A Panorama of Singularities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 232

A Panorama of Singularities

This volume contains the proceedings of the conference A Panorama on Singular Varieties, celebrating the 70th birthday of Lê Dũng Tráng, held from February 7–10, 2017, at the University of Seville, IMUS, Seville, Spain. The articles cover a wide range of topics in the study of singularities and should be of great value to graduate students and research faculty who have a basic background in the theory of singularities.

Dynamical Systems and Random Processes
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 282

Dynamical Systems and Random Processes

This volume contains the proceedings of the 16th Carolina Dynamics Symposium, held from April 13–15, 2018, at Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia. The papers cover various topics in dynamics and randomness, including complex dynamics, ergodic theory, topological dynamics, celestial mechanics, symbolic dynamics, computational topology, random processes, and regular languages. The intent is to provide a glimpse of the richness of the field and of the common threads that tie the different specialties together.

Motivic Homotopy Theory and Refined Enumerative Geometry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288

Motivic Homotopy Theory and Refined Enumerative Geometry

This volume contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Motivic Homotopy Theory and Refined Enumerative Geometry, held from May 14–18, 2018, at the Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany. It constitutes an accessible yet swift introduction to a new and active area within algebraic geometry, which connects well with classical intersection theory. Combining both lecture notes aimed at the graduate student level and research articles pointing towards the manifold promising applications of this refined approach, it broadly covers refined enumerative algebraic geometry.

Ordered Algebraic Structures and Related Topics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 390

Ordered Algebraic Structures and Related Topics

Contains the proceedings of the international conference "Ordered Algebraic Structures and Related Topics", held in October 2015, at CIRM, Luminy, Marseilles. Papers cover topics in real analytic geometry, real algebra, and real algebraic geometry including complexity issues, model theory of various algebraic and differential structures, Witt equivalence of fields, and the moment problem.

Real Algebra
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 217

Real Algebra

Dieses Buch will dem Leser eine Einführung in wichtige Techniken und Methoden der heutigen reellen Algebra und Geometrie vermitteln. An Voraussetzungen werden dabei nur Grundkenntnisse der Algebra erwartet, so daß das Buch für Studenten mittlerer Semester geeignet ist.Das erste Kapitel enthält zunächst grundlegende Fakten über angeordnete Körper und ihre reellen Abschlüsse und behandelt dann verschiedene Methoden zur Bestimmung der Anzahl reeller Nullstellen von Polynomen. Das zweite Kapitel befaßt sich mit reellen Stellen und gipfelt in Artins Lösung des 17. Hilbertschen Problems. Kapitel III schließlich ist dem noch jungen Begriff des reellen Spektrums und seinen Anwendungen gewidmet."Neben dem 1987 erschienenen "Géometrie algébrique réelle" von J. Bochnak-M. Coste- M. Roy stellt die vorliegende Monographie das erste Lehrbuch auf diesem Gebiet dar... Damit liegt eine sehr empfehlenswerte Einführung...vor..." (H. Mitsch, Monatshefte für Mathematik 3/111, 1991)