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This unique, timely book of original essays sets the stage for a new materialist feminist debate on the analysis, ethics and politics of love. The contributors raise questions about social power and domination, situating their research in a materialist feminist perspective that investigates love historically, in order to understand changing ideologies, representations and practices. The essays range from studies of particular representations and examples of love - feminist translation, mass media images and internet love blogs - to feminist theories of love and marriage, to ethical and political theories describing, critiquing or advocating the use of love in groups as a radical force. They break new ground in bringing together questions of gendered interests in love, temporal dimensions of loving practices and the politics of love in radical transformations of society.
The goal of Handbook of International Perspectives on Feminism is to present the histories, status, and contours of feminist research and practice in their respective regional and/or national contexts. The editors have invited researchers who are doing this work to present their perspectives on women, culture, and rights with the objective to illuminate the diverse forms that feminist psychological work takes around the world, and connect these forms with the unique positions and concerns of women in these regions. What does "feminist psychology" look like in Japan? In South Africa? In Sri Lanka? In Canada? In Brazil? How did it come to look this way? How do psychologists in these countries or regions, each with unique political, economic, and cultural histories, engage in feminist work in the societies in which they live? How do they employ the tools of "psychology" – broadly defined – to do this work, and what tensions and challenges have they faced?
Diagnostic procedures are emblematic of medical work. Scholars in the field of social studies of medicine identify diverse dimensions of diagnosis that point to controversies, processual qualities and contested evidence. In this anthology, diagnostic fluidity is seen to permeate diagnostic work in a wide range of contexts, from medical interactions in the clinic, domestic settings and other relations of affective work, to organizational structures, and in historical developments. The contributors demonstrate, each in their own way, how different agents ‘do diagnosis’, highlighting the multi-faceted elements of uncertainty and mutability integral to diagnostic work. At the same time, the contributors also show how in ‘doing diagnosis’ enactments of subjectivities, representations of cultural imaginaries, bodily processes, and socio-cultural changes contribute to configuring diagnostic fluidity in significant ways.
This book summarizes Ismael Apud’s ethnographic research in the field of ayahuasca, conducted in Latin America and Catalonia over a period of 10 years. To analyze the variety of ayahuasca spiritual practices and beliefs, the author combines different approaches, including medical anthropology, cognitive science of religion, history of science, and religious studies. Ismael Apud is a psychologist and anthropologist from Uruguay, with a PhD in Anthropology at Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
The Contradictions of Love: Towards a feminist-realist ontology of sociosexuality offers a robust and multifaceted theoretical account of how, in contemporary western societies, women continue to be subordinated to men through sexual love. The book defends and elaborates Anna G. Jónasdóttir’s thesis that men tend to exploit women of their ‘love power’, by means of an innovative application of critical realism, dialectical critical realism and the philosophy of metaReality. Gunnarsson also offers a critique of the state of affairs of contemporary feminist theory. The author demonstrates that the meta-theoretical framework of critical realism offers the tools that can counter the posts...
The power of love has become a renewed matter of feminist and non-feminist attention in the 21st century’s theory debates. What is this power? Is it a form of domination? Or is it a liberating force in our contemporary societies? Within Feminism and the Power of Love lies the central argument that, although love is a crucial site of gendered power asymmetries, it is also a vital source of human empowerment that we cannot live without. Instead of emphasizing "either-or", this enlightening title puts the dualities and contradictions of love center stage. Indeed, by offering various theoretical perspectives on what makes love such a central value and motivator for people, this title will incr...
Este libro recoge un conjunto de voces polifónicas que exploran el contacto entre el yo y los otros en el transcurso del quehacer antropológico. En conjunto, las aportaciones de los diferentes autores de este libro contribuyen al desarrollo de la antropología médica aplicada en campos tan diversos como la salud mental, las adicciones o las medicinas alternativas. Se trata de un proyecto siempre “inacabado” que espera remover certezas y estructuras en quienes se acerquen a él.
Un libro imprescindible que reúne las contribuciones críticas del feminismo en sociología, economía, antropología, psicología, pedagogía, derecho y filosofía. Tradición intelectual y movimiento social y político con tres siglos de historia, es sobre todo a partir de los años setenta del siglo XX cuando el feminismo entra a formar parte de la universidad y a abrir líneas de investigación que cristalizarán en la creación de un corpus teórico transdisciplinar en las distintas ciencias sociales, jurídicas y la filosofía y a enriquecer sus propios debates teóricos, políticos y estratégicos. Sin embargo, y a pesar de la creciente credibilidad teórica alcanzada, sus aportacion...
El estudio del «pluralismo médico» o «asistencial» fue, y aún es, parte fundamental del desarrollo y la agenda de la antropología médica, no solo en otros continentes con países en vías de desarrollo, sino también en Europa. Por «pluralismo asistencial» se entiende la coexistencia entre distintos saberes y prácticas relativos al «proceso salud, enfermedad y atención». El pluralismo asistencial sigue siendo un ámbito de estudio en el que la historia y las ciencias sociales dedicadas a la investigación de la medicina, la salud y la enfermedad encontrarán un objeto que puede ofrecer perspectivas críticas sobre las complejas sociedades contemporáneas, en el contexto de unas nuevas culturas de la salud, que pivotan entre lo global y lo local.
En este libro, el lector encontrará una cuidadosa y minuciosa reflexión teórica sobre las limitaciones epistemológicas, éticas e institucionales que afectan al campo de la salud mental. Podemos observar en este texto el resultado de más de treinta años de investigación, que el autor ha dedicado a problematizar el espacio de intersección entre la salud mental, las ciencias sociales y los derechos humanos. Cada uno de los capítulos que componen este libro ponen de manifiesto, de algún modo, las diferentes formas de coerción que atraviesan el campo de la salud mental.