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The interplay between the interpretation of pronouns (e.g. bound/referential) and their form (e.g. null/overt) is still ill-understood. This volume has a cross-linguistic orientation with in-depth investigations of more than 10 different languages. It unites researchers from the linguistic subfields of syntax, semantics, and psycholinguistics, thus furthering dialogue with the goal of shedding new light on the form/interpretation connection.
The papers collected in this volume (including a comprehensive introduction) investigate semantic and discourse-related aspects of subordination and coordination, in particular the relationship between subordination/coordination at the sentence level and subordination/coordination - or hierarchical/non-hierarchical organization - at the discourse level. The contributions in part I are concerned with central theoretical questions; part II consists of corpus-based cross-linguistic studies of clause combining and discourse structure, involving at least two of the languages English, German, Dutch, French and Norwegian; part III contains papers addressing specific - predominantly semantic - topics relating to German, English or French; and the papers in part IV approach the topic of subordination, coordination and rhetorical relations from a diachronic (Old Indic and Early Germanic) perspective. The book aims to contribute to a better understanding of information packaging on the sentence and text level related, within a particular language as well as cross-linguistically.
It is a commonplace to say that the meaning of text is more than the conjunction of the meaning of its constituents. But what are the rules governing its interpretation, and what are the constraints that define well-formed discourse? Answers to these questions can be given from various perspectives. In this edited volume, leading scientists in the field investigate these questions from structural, cognitive, and computational perspectives. The last decades have seen the development of numerous formal frameworks in which the structure of discourse can be analysed, the most important of them being the Linguistic Discourse Model, Rhetorical Structure Theory and Segmented Discourse Representation Theory. This volume contains an introduction to these frameworks and the fundamental topics in research about discourse constraints. Thus it should be accessible to specialists in the field as well as advanced graduate students and researchers from neighbouring areas. The volume is of interest to discourse linguists, psycholinguists, cognitive scientists, and computational linguists.
This volume contains a careful selection of papers concerned with actual research questions on anaphoric reference, a subject of current interest with various linguistic subdisciplines. This is reflected in this book as it methodically covers broadly invested approaches from cognitive, neurolinguistic, formal and computational perspectives, each contribution representing the respective 'state of the art' on a high theoretical and empirical level. The volume contains three thematic parts: Anaphors in Cognitive, Text- and Discourse Linguistics; The Syntax and Semantics of Anaphors; and Neurolinguistic Studies on the reception of anaphoric reference. The contributions investigate several Indo-European languages.
Though “pejoration” is an important notion for linguistic analysis and theory, there is still a lack of theoretical understanding and sound descriptive analysis. In this timely collection, the phenomenon of pejoration is studied from a number of angles. It contains studies from phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, and deals with diverse languages and their variants. The collection will appeal to all those linguists with a genuine interest in locating pejoration at the grammar-pragmatics interface.
Mit Methodenkompetenz den Deutschunterricht bereichern Die Bildungsstandards für den Mittleren Schulabschluss nennen für alle Kompetenzbereiche "Methoden und Arbeitstechniken". Die Ausführungen für die Allgemeine Hochschulreife setzen daher bei Schülerinnen und Schülern erhebliche Methodenkompetenz voraus. Methodenkompetenz ist eine Schlüsselqualifikation. Vor allem im Deutschunterricht haben Methoden eine besondere Bedeutung. Wie schafft man es, dass Lernende zur Erreichung bestimmter Ziele geeignete Abläufe und Verfahren sicherer nutzen können? In diesem Praxisband bieten erfahrene Didaktiker relevante und attraktive Methoden und Arbeitstechniken zu folgenden Bereichen an: Zum Spr...
Gesellschaften werden immer pluraler – Universitäten auch. Kein Zufall ist es daher, dass allerorten an Universitäten eigene Diversity-Stellen eingerichtet werden. So ist etwa vor kurzem an der Tübinger Eberhard Karls Universität ein eigenes Zentrum für Gender- und Diversitätsforschung ins Leben gerufen worden. Aber was ist Diversität überhaupt an der Universität – ein Potenzial oder ein Problem, eine Chance für ein neues akademisches Selbstverständnis oder doch nur ein leeres Versprechen auf Chancengleichheit? Und: Welche neue Normalität in der universitären Kultur wird damit im Kontext aktueller Exzellenzbemühungen angestrebt? Wie zeigt sich somit Diversität und wo wird ...
In recent years, a number of authors (De Vries 2009, Truckenbrodt 2015, Ott and de Vries 2016, inter alia) have defended that right dislocations (RD) should be treated as bisentential structures, where the “dislocated” constituent is actually a remnant of a clausal ellipsis operation licensed under identity with an antecedent clause. Although Romance RD is a fertile area of research, the consequences of the biclausal analysis remain unexplored in these languages. This monograph intends to fill this gap. Adopting this approach not only solves some issues that have always been at the core of dislocation structures in general; it also allows us to uncover novel sets of data and to provide straightforward explanations for well-known generalizations. Further, it brings RD along with a set of phenomena which are structurally very similar, like afterthoughts or split questions, which have been independently argued to display a bisentential structure. Under alternative, monoclausal approaches to RD, the striking similarities between these phenomena must be rendered anecdotal.
Der sprachen- und bildungsstufenübergreifend angelegte Band stellt Heterogenität als Merkmal pädagogischer Settings in den Fokus und geht der zentralen Frage nach, wie der mehrsprachigen Lebenswirklichkeit in einem an der Bildungssprache Deutsch orientierten System entsprochen werden kann. Die Beiträge spiegeln die vielfältigen Ausgangslagen, Bedarfe und Perspektiven wider, die den deutschsprachigen Raum prägen. Dabei werden Ausbaupotenziale von Sprachförderung ebenso untersucht wie Faktoren und Facetten einer entwicklungsadäquaten Förderung von Deutsch als Bildungssprache, Gelingensbedingungen für Sprachaneignung im Kontext herkunftsbedingter Mehrsprachigkeit und integrative Ansä...
Syntactic complexity has always been a matter of intense investigation in formal linguistics. Since complex syntax is clearly evidenced by sentential embedding and since embedding of one clause/phrase in another is taken to signal recursivity of the grammar, the capacity of computing syntactic complexity is of central interest to the recent hypothesis that syntactic recursion is the defining property of natural language. In the light of more recent claims according to which complex syntax is not a universal property of all living languages, the issue of how to detect and define syntactic complexity has been revived with a combination of classical and new arguments. This volume contains contributions about the formal complexity of natural language, about specific issues of clausal embedding, and about syntactic complexity in terms of grammar-external interfaces in the domain of language acquisition.