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Transitions from authoritarian to democratic governments can provide ripe scenarios for the emergence of new, insurgent political actors and causes. During peaceful transitions, such movements may become influential political players and gain representation for previously neglected interests and sectors of the population. But for this to happen, insurgent social movements need opportunities for mobilization, success, and survival. This book looks at Mexico's Zapatista movement, and why the movement was able to mobilize sympathy and support for the indigenous agenda inside and outside of the country, yet failed to achieve their goals vis-à-vis the Mexican state.
La regulación como conjunto de instituciones públicas, actividadesgubernamentales e instrumentos de política pública ha adquiridouna presencia fundamental en los sistemas político-administrativosde los Estados latinoamericanos, mientras que la regulación comocampo de estudios y área de discusión académica permanece aúnmuy limitada. Los fundamentos político-administrativos de la regulacióncontribuye a ampliar nuestros marcos de referencia para elanálisis y la discusión de temas regulatorios en español.Esta antología ayuda a entender mejor las instituciones, los actoresy principios que han acompañado el surgimiento de la regulaciónen nuestro tiempo. Los textos seleccionados ofrecen unavisión panorámica de las diversas maneras en que algunos de losespecialistas internacionales más reconocidos han tratado de estudiary dar sentido a las dinámicas y los procesos regulatorios paracomprender mejor la regulación como área de estudio y objeto deanálisis, además de generar aprendizajes y reflexiones transversalesque van más allá de ámbitos regulatorios específicos y que permitenconstruir una conversación amplia e interdisciplinaria sobre laregulación.
The plays studied in this book constitute veritable landmarks in the affirmation of the dramatic voice of Spanish playwright Ramon del Valle-Inclan. The three plays, as this study shows, prove crucial to the development of a theatre of unparalleled innovative force in the annals of twentieth-century Spanish letters.
Las transiciones de gobiernos autoritarios a gobiernos democráticos brindan escenarios propicios para el surgimiento de movimientos sociales insurgentes: El movimiento zapatista y la transición democrática en México: Oportunidades para la movilización, el éxito y la supervivencia analiza el zapatismo, su influjo y prominencia como un movimiento surgido durante la transición democrática de México en la década de 1990, y explica por qué, a pesar de haber conseguido la solidaridad y el apoyo para el movimiento indígena dentro y fuera del país, no logró sus metas de cara al Estado mexicano. Este libro enmarca los logros y fracasos relativos del zapatismo dentro de la democratización de México para entender la manera en que los movimientos sociales pueden desarrollarse y sobrevivir, y cuán receptiva puede ser una democracia electoral. Ofrece, así, una prueba a la calidad de la democracia mexicana y a al resiliencia del movimiento zapatista al identificar en qué medida fuerzas políticas nacientes han incorporado en el nuevo sistema gubernamental a actores políticos opositores y previamente excluidos.
Transitions from authoritarian to democratic governments can provide ripe scenarios for the emergence of new, insurgent political actors and causes. During peaceful transitions, such movements may become influential political players and gain representation for previously neglected interests and sectors of the population. But for this to happen, insurgent social movements need opportunities for mobilization, success, and survival. What happens to insurgent social movements that emerge during a democratic transition but fail to achieve their goals? How influential are they? Are they able to survive their initial mobilizing boom? To answer these questions, María Inclán looks at Mexico's Zapa...
Political sociology is the interdisciplinary study of power and the intersection of personality, society and politics. The field also examines how the political process is affected by major social trends as well as exploring how social policies are altered by various social forces. Political sociologists increasingly use a wide variety of relatively new quantitative and qualitative methodologies and incorporate theories and research from other social science cognate disciplines. The contributors focus on the current controversies and disagreements surrounding the use of different methodologies for the study of politics and society, and discussions of specific applications found in the widely...
American society is changing in front of our eyes with the presence of new Americans, immigrants and transnationals, whose experiences have prepared them to play key leadership roles in our country. The paradox of having the poorest of the new Americans rising to important social, economic, and academic roles is explained in these pages.
Online version of 16th print ed., 2010. Also includes access to Chicago Style Q&A, Chicago-Style citation quick guide, and the 16th print ed.
Ramón del Valle-Inclán (1866-1936) was undoubtedly the most controversial literary figure of his generation. Whilst his genius was recognised by fellow writers, the reading public was slow to accept his work, and his theatre taxed directors and audiences alike. One of the harshest criticisms levelled against him concerned his use of repetition. This study shows how the reuse, recycling and development of material becomes one of the hallmarks of Valle-Inclán's writing during the first three decades of his literary career, linking one genre with another and blurring the borders between different aesthetics. The repetition of themes and motifs, characters and stylistic devices reveals an und...