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This collection of essays investigates the terminology of traditional Neapolitan arts and crafts analyzed from a novel linguistic and cultural perspective. With some exceptions, the trades examined in the contributions—including pizza and pastry making, the art of presepio (crib), lute-making and coral dealing, among others—still exist in Naples and in the Campania region. They represent an important component of the cultural heritage of the area that this volume brings to light by furthering current research in the fields of terminology, history and cultural anthropology. The book is divided into two sections, corresponding to the two languages in which the articles are written (English and French), although the terminological analyses also focus on Italian, Neapolitan and Spanish. This choice is expressly demanded by the political legacy of Naples, which for six centuries was alternately dominated by French, Spanish and Austrian rulers whose lasting influence on the city’s traditions and language the essays explore.
The concept of university language centres has changed in recent decades. Initially conceived as laboratories for practical and autonomous language-learning, they are now considered as places with more specific and complex functions in language teaching and learning. University language centres now constitute networks for exchanging knowledge and know-how in order to respond to ever-changing, multilingual and multicultural contexts. At the same time, the availability and acquisition of new technologies is contributing to the creation of new tools for the provision of appropriate services and training. This collection covers a wide range of topics related to the activities, experiences and ap...
This contributed volume brings together personal accounts and scholarly research in an examination of the LGBTQIA+ Italian American experience and representation in North American media. This is a population that has long been ignored both as an object of study and as a media-maker and consumer. Through consistent filmic representation, the image of the Italian American has become archetypal, leaving us with a set of immediately recognizable characters: the hyper macho blue-collar greaser, the anti-intellectual GTL Guido, the child-obsessed mamma, and the heteronormative mafia family. The rhetorical and literal loudness of these characters drowns out other possible embodiments of Italian American identity so that few examples survive of Italian Americans that do not conform to these classed, heterosexual modes of being. This volume fills that void, foregrounding the importance of representation and of rethinking the historical narratives and cultural stereotypes surrounding Italian American identity. This book is especially designed for those with an interest in queer theory, gender and sexuality studies, Italian American studies, and media and cultural studies.
This collection of essays offers a comparative perspective on different forms of representation of social hybridity in contemporary novels through various cultural and linguistic lenses. It explores the various subcategories of their interdependent relationships, including power and domination between hegemony and marginality. The book revolves around five axes: namely, writing strategies and reterritorialization; marginality and intermediary spaces; revisited urban spaces; when periphery becomes center; and the modality of confrontation and construction of identity. It focuses on the identification and classification of spaces in order to understand their function in relation to the thematic strategy of the novel. Its main objective is identifying the textual representation of the challenge of center and periphery, as well as these concepts’ role and significance in diegesis. Thus, new light is shed on the subject and on the contemporary novel as a whole.
Provides the listing of books, articles, and book reviews concerned with French literature since 1885. This is a reference source in the study of modern French literature and culture. It contains nearly 8,800 entries.
The systematic examination of the fluctuations in the definition of the terms "neo-avant-garde" and "post-modern" is at the base of this study, which therefore evolves through the comparative analysis of different contexts, with particular reference to the Italian one (Group 63) and to the French one (Nouveau Roman). Thus, an articulated framework of deeply intertwined narrative experiences emerges, making a valid and completely original contribution to the discussion on well-established historical categories within the literary history and critical theory of the second half of the 20th century.
Ogni anno il 17 gennaio il caratteristico centro storico di Macerata Campania si anima per i festeggiamenti in onore di Sant'Antonio Abate, Sant'Antuono per i maceratesi. Botti, tini e falci, trasportati su enormi carri per le strade del paese, sono percossi da oltre 1000 persone per dar vita ad una delle feste più ritmate al mondo. Vincenzo Capuano, ingegnere, impegnato con l'Associazione Sant'Antuono & le Battuglie di Pastellessa nella Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Culturale Immateriale, presenta la festa di Sant'Antuono, invitando coloro che non hanno ancora partecipato all'evento a raggiungere Macerata Campania. Completano il volume l'introduzione di Luigi Ferraiuolo, l'intervento di Luca Rossi e la postfazione di Corrado Sfogli. Seconda edizione, con aggiunte e correzioni.
Résultat d'une enquête conduite sur place, ce travail se propose d'identifier et décrire certains régionalismes, notamment au niveau lexical, caractérisant le français parlé dans le canton du Jura, le plus récent de la Confédération suisse, à travers l'analyse d'un corpus d'étude constitué de questionnaires écrits et d'entrevues orales. Par une approche (socio)linguistique, l'auteure tente de déterminer également les facteurs extralinguistiques qui puissent expliquer l'emploi des variantes régionales repérées, en tenant compte de la forte identité cantonale issue de l'histoire jurassienne ainsi que des représentations linguistiques de l'échantillon interrogé. L'ouvrage se termine par les fiches descriptives des dix lexèmes régionaux les plus vivants et significatifs, classés selon des modèles théoriques de référence.