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The AACR Annual Meeting is the focal point of the cancer research community, where scientists, clinicians, other health care professionals, survivors, patients, and advocates gather to share the latest advances in cancer science and medicine. From population science and prevention; to cancer biology, translational, and clinical studies; to survivorship and advocacy; the AACR Annual Meeting highlights the work of the best minds in cancer research from institutions all over the world.
Douglass Sullivan Gonzalez examines the influence of religion on the development of nationalism in Guatemala during the period 1821-1871, focusing on the relationship between Rafael Carrera amd the Guatemalan Catholic Church. He illustrates the peculiar and fascinating blend of religious fervor, popular power, and caudillo politics that inspired a multiethnic and multiclass alliance to defend the Guatemalan nation in the mid-nineteenth century.Led by the military strongman Rafael Carrera, an unlikely coalition of mestizos, Indians, and creoles (whites born in the Americas) overcame a devastating civil war in the late 1840s and withstood two threats (1851 and 1863) from neighboring Honduras a...
Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary research field that integrates chemistry, engineering, biology, and medicine. Nanomaterials offer tremendous opportunity as well as challenges for researchers. Of course, cancer is one of the world's most common health problems, responsible for many deaths. Exploring efficient anticancer drugs could revolutionize treatment options and help manage cancer mortality. Nanomedicine plays a significant role in developing alternative and more effective treatment strategies for cancer theranostics. This book mainly focuses on the emerging trends using nanomaterials and nanocomposites as alternative anticancer material’s. The book is divided into three main to...
A collection of lectures from eight authoritative speakers, High Energy Phenomenology is a concise introduction for postgraduates new to the field and provides a comprehensive overview of important research activities, results, and future directions for existing researchers. Coverage includes Ian Aitchison's introduction of standard model foundations, HERA physics, the physics and experimental challenges of future hadron colliders, and particle physics and cosmology. The book concludes with Alain Blondel's chapter on precision tests of the standard electroweak model at LEP.
Este libro de retratos femeninos poetizados tiene como objetivo conducirte en un viaje a través de una serie de países del mundo, guiado por sus anfitrionas. Ellas te muestran la singularidad de cada una de sus vidas y la universalidad de los problemas comunes a través de su expresión, sus rasgos, su ropa y, sobre todo, su mirada. Si ves sus ojos, ves su alma. Los países presentados aquí podrían ser seleccionados al azar o podrían representar una pequeña muestra de muchos otros que comparten características como: diversidad cultural; desafíos económicos y sociales; historias de colonización e influencia extranjera; retos políticos: conflictos internos, regímenes autoritarios o cambios políticos significativos; religiones y etnias diversas; desigualdad. Cada integrante en este fotolibro busca que te detengas unos segundos y empatices con su historia contada a través de sus ojos. En cada retrato, experimentarás el yin y el yang: mujeres captadas por la mirada de un hombre. Todas ellas han accedido a ser retratadas mostrándose tal como son: mujeres mundanas, mujeres cotidianas, mujeres bellas que te harán sentir un mosaico de emociones.
- Beyond the Spanish Moment: Mexicans in the Pacific Northwest, Jerry Garcia - Northwest and the Conquest of the Americans: Chicana/o Roots of Cultural Hybridity and Presence, Ramon Sanchez - A Long Struggle: Mexican Farmworkers in idaho, 1918-1935, Errol Jones and Katheleen R. Hodges - The Racialization of Mexican and Japanese Labor in the Pascific Northwest, Jerry Garcia - Race, Labor, and Getting Out the Harvest: The Bracero Program in World War II Hood River, Johanna Ogden - Mexican American and Dust Bowl Framworkers in the Yakima Valley: A History of the Crewport Farm Labor Camp, 1940-1970, Mario Compean - El Sarape Mural of Toppenish: Unfolding the Yakima Valley's Bracro Legacy, Margaret Villanueva - Testimonio de un Tejano en Oregon: Cotratista Julian Ruiz, Carlos S. Maldonado - Mexicans and the Catholic Church in Eastern Washington: The Spokane Diocese, 1956-1997, Gilberto Garcia. - "As Close to God as One Can Get": Rosalinda Guillen, a Mexicana Farmworker Organizer in Washington State, Maria Cuevas - Past, Present, and Future Directions: Chicana/o Studies Research in the Pacific Northwest, Gilberto Garcia
Després de l’ocupació militar del territori valencià, primera fase de la conquesta del segle XIII, començà un procés de colonització, reorganització del poblament i de l’espai agrari, bastits sobre les antigues estructures andalusines. Catalans i aragonesos anaven a instal•lar-se en aquella terra de promissió, i anaven a dotar d’una nova identitat cristiana i feudal aquell territori. La feblesa i la inseguretat inicials de les estructures socials aviat donaren pas a la domesticació de l’espai i a la posada en marxa d’activitats econòmiques diverses. Concentaina es convertia així en un nucli agrari consolidat i organitzat, i assumia el paper de centre d’un mercat comarcal, que va permetre l’arribada de nous contingents i l’enriquiment del veïnat. Aquest veïnat seria poc homogeni des del principi i, a més, hauria de patir fortes convulsions. La vida dels colons contestans es debatia durant aquells anys entre les ràtzies contra els sarraïns i els artigaments, entre el brogit de les espases i els colps d’aixada.