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O tema Europa adquire um papel preponderante no livro. Clara evidência do pioneirismo de Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro no estudo e na investigação nesta área do saber – Estudos Europeus, no campo da História e das Humanidades, numa época em que estas matérias estavam circunscritas aos estudos económicos e jurídicos. Como bem salienta Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins no seu texto Pensar a Europa como Democracia…: “Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro tem sido, no panorama do debate europeu, uma referência fundamental (…) pela abertura de horizontes novos que tem permitido, no sentido de assegurar que a Europa seja vista não como um projeto fechado e burocrático, mas como um desafio cívico, que deverá envolver Estados e cidadãos, instituições e pessoas.”
A coleção “Euro-Atlântico: espaço de diálogos”, uma iniciativa do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), Brasil, em parceria com o Grupo de Investigação Europeísmo Atlanticidade e Mundialização do Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX da Universidade de Coimbra – CEIS20, pretende publicar textos e documentos originais com carácter interdisciplinar com interesse para Portugal, para o Brasil e para a Europa, especialmente nas áreas da História, das Relações Internacionais, da Ciência Política, do Direito. Embora, esta colecção, se dirija prioritariamente ao espaço da América Latina e da Península Ibé...
The book "Interdisciplinary visions of Europe and the World", is a tribute to Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro. This timely tribute is the just recognition of her work and her intellectual and human dimension. This work represents a sample, on the one hand, of the diversity within the Europeanism, Atlanticity and Globalization Group, and on the other, of how it is possible to establish interdisciplinary bridges between the many scientific areas represented in the research group. To embark on an interdisciplinary adventure is to depart from our comfort zone. It is an adventure, because the path can be winding, the difficulties are often greater than were expected, and the result is normaly unpredictable. It generates discomfort, because the practice of interdisciplinarity obliges us to understand different languages, to explain several times what seems obvious, to consensualize concepts, to negotiate methods, to compromise in principles that were considered, from the point of view of each science, unquestionable.
Electoral and parliamentary arenas play a crucial role in the configuration and dynamics of modern polities. This book explores the practices of citizenship and unveils the fabric of representation in the Iberian countries, during a significant period of liberal politics, that is, from its apogee to its collapse (from the 1870s to the 1920s). Part One examines the evolution of electoral norms and behaviour, as well as the recruitment profile of MPs. Portugal and Spain share fundamental features, such as the extensive clientelistic mobilisation of voters, the dissemination of fraud and corruption, the supremacy of governmental parties and the prevalence of the politics of notables. Part Two f...
Cultural Memory, a subtle and comprehensive process of identity formation, promotion and transmission, is considered as a set of symbolic practices and protocols, with particular emphasis on repositories of memory and the institutionalized forms in which they are embodied. High and low culture as texts embedded in the texture of memory, as well as material culture as a communal receptacle and reservoir of memory are analysed in their historical contingency. Symbolic representations of accepted and counter history/ies, and the cultural nodes and mechanisms of the cultural imaginary are also issues of central interest. Twenty-six contributions tackle these topics from a theoretical and histori...
This book examines the international dimensions of democratization processes, showing the degree to which international actors, ranging from states to non-governmental players, have an influence on what were once thought of as exclusively domestic processes of political change. The contributors to the volume look at changes in foreign policy resulting from transitions to democracy in a number of countries and regions. Some of the areas covered include: Portugal and Spain in Europe in the 1970s Brazil and Argentina in Latin America from the early 1980s Eastern and Central Europe in the 1990s Various countries in the Arab World The chapters adopt a theoretical and empirical perspective: while the two introductory chapters of the book place a special emphasis on interpretation and quantitative analysis of regime change and the role of international actors in such processes, the remaining chapters examines specific case studies. The International Politics of Democratization will be of interest to students and researchers of International Relations, Politics and Democracy.
Besides national productions, transnational films that result from agreements with ex-colonies now engage with the legacy of Portugal's colonial history and its powerful myths of cultural identity such as lusophony and lusotropicalism. This volume analyses the negotiations of ideas on identity and difference in both production modes.
The first truly global history of revolutions and revolutionary waves in the modern age, from Atlantic Revolutions to Arab Spring.
A pioneering account of the links between Portugal and Brazil which survived despite the demise of the Portuguese Atlantic empire.