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Gampel investigates the anti-Jewish riots in 1391-2 in the lands of Castile and Aragon.
The focus of this collection of articles by Donald J. Kagay is the effect of the expansion of royal government on the societies of the medieval Crown of Aragon. He traces how, in the long conflicts against Spanish Islam and neighbouring Christian states during the 13th and 14th centuries, the relationships of royal to customary law, of monarchical to aristocratic power, and of Christian to Jewish and Muslim populations, all became issues that marked the transition of the medieval Crown of Aragon to the early modern states of Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia.
Con este libro las Jornadas de Investigadores Pre-doctorales se consolidan al llegar a su tercera edición, tras las reuniones celebradas respectivamente en Daroca (2014) y Albarracín (2016). En esta ocasión han sido organizadas por el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zaragoza en la Casa de Cultura de Gallur, los días 30 de noviembre y 1 de diciembre de 2018. El volumen reúne de esta manera las investigaciones más punteras relativas a la historia, el arte y el patrimonio cultural en Aragón, actualizando conocimientos sobre múltiples temas y abriendo nuevas vías de investigación en aspectos que antes resultaban totalmente desconocidos.
This series [pushes] the boundaries of knowledge and [develops] new trends in approach and understanding. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW
Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a major complaint among many patients suffering from neurological diseases as well as in the elderly. Its severity ranges from moderate difficulty to complete inability to swallow, and it may give rise to clinically relevant complications such as aspiration pneumonia, malnutrition and/or dehydration, impaired quality of life, and death. However, despite its high prevalence and even though it would be very cost-effective to avoid complications by adequate treatment, dysphagia is still severely underdiagnosed. The contributions in this book present and discuss state-of-the-art diagnostic methods, treatment, and care of dysphagia patients, putting special emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach. A variety of clinical specialists will find this publication a most valuable addition to their library, including nurses, speech-language pathologists, dieticians, nutritionists, gastroenterologists and related specialties.
Prendendo come modello di riferimento l'Osservatorio delle Arti Decorative “Maria Accascina” (Università degli Studi di Palermo), questo progetto editoriale si propone di valorizzare le arti decorative e promuoverne la presenza negli studi di Storia dell'Arte, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, un gruppo di professionisti specializzati in diverse discipline (oreficeria, tessitura, ceramica...) provenienti da entrambi i paesi, Italia e Spagna, hanno collaborato per presentare i loro ultimi progressi, tra cui spiccano: Carmen Heredia (Università di Alcalá de Henares), Manuel Pérez Sánchez (Università di Murcia) o Benedetta Montevecchi (Università di La Sapienza). DOI: 10.13134/978-84-09-59769-7
The essays in this volume broaden previous approaches to Atlantic literature and culture by comparatively studying the politics and textualities of Southern Europe, North America, and Latin America across languages, cultures, and periods. Historically grounded while offering new theoretical approaches, the volume encourages debate on whether the critical lens of imperialism often invoked to explain transatlantic studies may be challenged by the diagonal translinguistic relationships that comprise what the editors term "the wider Atlantic". The essays explore how instances of inverse coloniality, global networks of circulation, and linguistic conceptualizations of nation and identity question dominant structures of power from the nineteenth century to today.