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Kniha BERNOLÁKOVCI: PREMOŽITELIA ČASU – vytvorená v spolupráci s Domom Matice slovenskej Košice, Kulturologicko-filozofickým odborom Matice slovenskej a Archívom Matice slovenskej – je zároveň zborníkom textov z vedeckého podujatia BERNOLÁKOVCI, ktoré sa konalo na Univerzite Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, ale aj populárno-náučný materiál, ktorý približuje životy a diela predstaviteľov prvej vlny národného obrodenia. Kniha obsahuje bohatú obrazovú prílohu, medailóny, ukážky tvorby, faksimile, rukopisy, korešpondenciu, portréty a autentické citáty týchto osobností. Okrem úvodných príhovorov je kniha rozdelená do štyroch častí: 1. základný pedagogický úvod s grafickou prílohou a ukážkami prác určený najmä žiakom základných a stredných škôl; 2. recenzovaná vedecká časť (vedecké príspevky pre vedcov a univerzity), 3. populárno-náučná časť (kolektívne spracované medailóny), 4. kultúrno-osvetová časť (reportáže z podujatí Matice slovenskej o bernolákovcoch). Kniha je zároveň poctou prvej generácii národného obrodenia, ktorú si Matica slovenská pripomenula vyhlásením ROKU ODKAZU BERNOLÁKOVCOV.
Bibliographie Linguistique/ Linguistic Bibliography is the annual bibliography of linguistics published by the Permanent International Committee of Linguists under the auspices of the International Council of Philosophy and Humanistic Studies of UNESCO. With a tradition of more than fifty years (the first two volumes, covering the years 1939-1947, were published in 1949-1950), Bibliographie Linguistique is by far the most comprehensive bibliography in the field. It covers all branches of linguistics, both theoretical and descriptive, from all geographical areas, including less known and extinct languages, with particular attention to the many endangered languages of the world. Up-to-date information is guaranteed by the collaboration of some forty contributing specialists from all over the world. With over 20,000 titles arranged according to a detailed state-of-the-art classification, Bibliographie Linguistique remains the standard reference book for every scholar of language and linguistics.
Setting out the historical national and religious characteristics of the Italians as they impact on the integration within the European Union, this study makes note of the two characteristics that have an adverse effect on Italian national identity: cleavages between north and south and the dominant role of family. It discusses how for Italians family loyalty is stronger than any other allegiance, including feelings towards their country, their nation, or the EU. Due to such subnational allegiances and values, this book notes that Italian civic society is weaker and engagement at the grass roots is less robust than one finds in other democracies, leaving politics in Italy largely in the hands of political parties. The work concludes by noting that EU membership, however, provides no magic bullet for Italy: it cannot change internal cleavages, the Italian worldview, and family values or the country’s mafia-dominated power matrix, and as a result, the underlying absence of fidelity to a shared polity—Italian or European—leave the country as ungovernable as ever.
Bibliographie Linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography is the annual bibliography of linguistics published by the Permanent International Committee of Linguists under the auspices of the International Council of Philosophy and Humanistic Studies UNESCO. With a tradition of fifty years (the first two volumes, covering the years 1939-1947, were published in 1949-1950), Bibliographie Linguistique is by far the most comprehensive bibliography in the field. It covers all branches of linguistics and related disciplines, both theoretical and descriptive, from all geographical areas, including less known and extinct languages, with particular attention to the many endangered languages of the world. Up-to-date information is guaranteed by the collaboration of some fifty contributing specialists from all over the world. With over 23,000 titles arranged according to a detailed state-of-the-art classification, Bibliographie Linguistique remains the standard reference book for every student of language and linguistics.
Dohledávání předků sice už dnes díky moderním technologiím nemusí znamenat desítky hodin strávených luštěním archivních materiálů. Trénované oko je však stále tím nejdůležitějším pomocníkem, jehož nelze nahradit. Proto Jan Kratochvíl, archivář, genealog a historik, sestavil publikaci, která pomůže osvojit si schopnost číst jednotlivá písmenka a jejich napojování, porozumět proměnám vizuální podoby jmen či povolání v zápisech nebo orientovat se ve vybraných zkratkách užívaných v matrikách.