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The Capuchín Museum
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 160

The Capuchín Museum

  • Categories: Art

The creation of the Museum of the Friars Minor Capuchin of the Roman Province is designed to highlight the spirituality of a religious order whose cornerstones are intense mysticism, a simple and sober way of life, constant involvement with people, and a strong but gentle spirit of brotherly love. The eight rooms of the museum set up inside the friary host a series of sections devoted to its origins and history as well as the life of those who joined the order and drew inspiration from the example of extraordinary Capuchin saints like Felix of Cantalice, Crispin of Viterbo and Joseph of Leonessa but also contemporary figures known to the public on a vast scale, such as St Pio of Pietrelcina,...

Official Gazette
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1012

Official Gazette

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1910
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Words for Pictures
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 216

Words for Pictures

  • Categories: Art

He offers seven thought-provoking pieces, three of which are new and written specifically for this book. While Baxandall focuses on works of the fifteenth century, his essays transcend this period and show with fresh insight how words match the experience of looking at paintings and sculptures."--BOOK JACKET.

Families of the Forest
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 277

Families of the Forest

The idea of a family level society, discussed and disputed by anthropologists for nearly half a century, assumes moving, breathing form in Families of the Forest. According to Allen Johnson’s deft ethnography, the Matsigenka people of southeastern Peru cannot be understood or appreciated except as a family level society; the family level of sociocultural integration is for them a lived reality. Under ordinary circumstances, the largest social units are individual households or small extended-family hamlets. In the absence of such "tribal" features as villages, territorial defense and warfare, local or regional leaders, and public ceremonials, these people put a premium on economic self-rel...

La Chiesa Madonna della Neve
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 130

La Chiesa Madonna della Neve


Luoghi nella storia
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 339

Luoghi nella storia

Le ricerche presentate nel volume sono analisi storiche che non cedono alla narrazione, ma pongono al centro i problemi, i funzionamenti, le dinamiche e i conflitti, allo scopo di comprendere quali tensioni guidassero via via le azioni umane, quali fossero gli obiettivi ma anche le regole del gioco; in altri termini, comprendere come il passato sia davvero per noi una terra straniera, un mondo dove le regole e i comportamenti erano profondamente diversi dai nostri. Porre al centro le azioni significa porre al centro l'uomo, seguire quella che Marc Bloch indicava come la prima vocazione dello storico, quando scriveva che «il buono storico somiglia all'orco della fiaba: là dove fiuta carne umana, là sa che è la sua preda». E per questo "luoghi nella storia" è un'espressione che deve essere presa in tutta la sua pregnanza e in tutta la sua ampiezza, a mostrare la vitalità di un grande tema storiografico. Dalla prefazione di Luigi Provero

Don Giuseppe De Luca e la cultura italiana del Novecento
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 458

Don Giuseppe De Luca e la cultura italiana del Novecento


Origine e dualità
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 113

Origine e dualità


Bibliographic Guide to Art and Architecture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 706

Bibliographic Guide to Art and Architecture

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1980
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  • Publisher: Unknown


DIPLOMASIA PARLAMENTÁR NASAUN KI’IK : Adezaun Timór-Leste ba Asembleia Parlamentár Aziátika
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 132

DIPLOMASIA PARLAMENTÁR NASAUN KI’IK : Adezaun Timór-Leste ba Asembleia Parlamentár Aziátika

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020
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  • Publisher: UMMPress

Parlamentu Nasionál nu’udar órgaun estadu nian ida, iha kompeténsia própria no kompeténsia exkluziva. Artigu 95 pontu 1 hateten katak “Compete ao Parlamento Nacional legislar sobre as questoes basicas da politca interna e externa do país”. 1 Signifika katak asuntus konaba lejislasaun sira ne’ebé liga ho polítika interna no externa nasaun nian tenke liuhusi Parlamentu Nasionál. Iha komisaun espesializada ho naran komisaun B Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé responsavel ba asuntu defeza, seguransa no negósius estranjeirus inklui iha laran Servisu Nasionál Intelijênsia (SNI). Parlamentu Nasionál mos, depoizde haree husi atividades diplomasia parlamentár nian, sira harii no partisipa iha organizasaun multilaterál sira no harii mos grupus amizade sira bilateralmente ne’ebé ativamente partisipa iha reuniaun mundiál sira. Iha mos grupus amizade parlamentár ho nasaun seluk bilateralmente.