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Proyectos, ilusiones, tenacidad y logros que superan las limitaciones de una discapacidad, que hacen posible la educación y mejoran la calidad de vida de los alumnos con discapacidad física, psíquica, sensorial o con trastornos graves del desarrollo.
This book examines the various ways in which age affects the process and the product of foreign language learning in a school setting. It presents studies that cover a wide range of topics, from phonetics to learning strategies. It will be of interest to students and researchers working in SLA research, language planning and language teaching.
A deeply affecting–and infuriating–portrait of the life and death of a courageous indigenous leader The first time Honduran indigenous leader Berta Cáceres met the journalist Nina Lakhani, Cáceres said, ‘The army has an assassination list with my name at the top. I want to live, but in this country there is total impunity. When they want to kill me, they will do it.’ In 2015, Cáceres won the Goldman Prize, the world’s most prestigious environmental award, for leading a campaign to stop construction of an internationally funded hydroelectric dam on a river sacred to her Lenca people. Less than a year later she was dead. Lakhani tracked Cáceres remarkable career, in which the def...
Looks at anti-corruption laws & treaties in a number of key jurisdictions worldwide.
El presente volumen contiene dieciocho estudios sobre el retrato literario y sus relaciones con otros géneros artísticos en el mundo hispánico y continúa las aportaciones de El retrato literario en el mundo hispánico, editado por esta misma editorial en 2018. Los ensayos exploran diferentes textos representativos del inmenso caudal retratístico de las literaturas hispánicas, mostrando sus múltiples posibilidades de lectura. Además se presta atención a la presencia del retrato en la literatura de viajes, en el teatro o en el cómic, evidenciando su naturaleza interdisciplinar. Se resalta de este modo la vigencia del retrato como herramienta para interrogar a la realidad y para conocer cómo se representa el ser humano.
Drawing from cultural developments as diverse as modernist art and Asian philosophy, minimalism in interior design is nothing less than a celebration of the perfect expression of space. Minimalist Interiors presents 26 examples of residences from around the world that perfectly balance essential elements of shape, light, and form to create truly unique living spaces. From a glass house to a house without walls, from an extention of a single-family home to apartment renovations, this book presents solutions and ideas for all types of residences. Interiors for every room in the house are included, in varying sizes, all from well-known architects and designers who specialize in minimalist treatment Through exquisite photography, technical plans, and innovative design, Minimalist Interiors will inspire home design enthusiasts to achieve the same effects -- creating an intensely personal oasis of tranquility in their own home.
Cinquanta-dos anys, dos mesos i un dia és el temps transcorregut des que l'autor es va llicenciar en Medicina (30/11/1969) fins al dia que va penjar la bata (31/1/2022). Bona part dels dos anys posteriors a aquesta data els ha dedicat a passar el rasclet per damunt dels seus records amb l'objectiu de desbrossar —de manera aleatòria i un xic desendreçada— un grapat d 'anècdotes i reflexions que constitueixen aquest llibre. L'autor confessa haver-se divertit escrivint-lo i espera ser capaç de teixir complicitats amb el lector. Si aquest pensa que està davant d'un llibre de memòries farcit d'anècdotes i batalletes, doncs... encertarà. Un llibre d'aquesta mena, per damunt de tot, ha...