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Discourses on Nations and Identities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 674

Discourses on Nations and Identities

The third volume of the collected papers of the ICLA congress "The Many Languages of Comparative Literature" includes contributions that focus on the interplay between concepts of nation, national languages, and individual as well as collective identities. Because all literary communication happens within different kinds of power structures - linguistic, economic, political -, it often results in fascinating forms of hybridity. In the first of four thematic chapters, the papers investigate some of the ways in which discourses can establish modes of thinking, or how discourses are in turn controlled by active linguistic interventions, whether in the context of the patriarchy, war, colonialism...

Postsocialist Memory in Contemporary German Culture
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 264

Postsocialist Memory in Contemporary German Culture

Scholarship on Eastern Europe after 1989 often focuses narrowly on the socialist past as authoritarian, dictatorial, or totalitarian. This collection, by contrast, illuminates an additional dimension of post-socialist memory: it traces the survival of hopes and dreams born under socialism and the legacy of the unrealized alternative futures embedded within the socialist past. Looking at contemporary German-language literature, film, theater, and art, the volume analyzes reflections on everyday socialist realities as well as narratives of opposition and dissent. The texts discussed here not only revisit the past, but also challenge the present and help us imagine alternative futures. Rather than framing the unrealized futures envisioned in the pre-1989 era as failures, this collection probes post-socialist memory for its future-oriented potential to rethink issues of community, equity and equality, and late-stage capitalism. Foregrounding the complexities of Eastern European legacies also helps us reimagine the relationship between East and West both in Germany and in Europe as a whole.

Hospitality and Hostility in the Multilingual Global Village
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 344

Hospitality and Hostility in the Multilingual Global Village

"This interdisciplinary, international, and multi-lingual collection of essays explores a broad range of issues related to hospitality and hostility, in literary and cultural contexts from antiquity to the present. Insightful theoretical and historical discussions undergird richly detailed particular studies. The central focus unifies the diverse pieces, which are original, well-researched and reasoned, and clearly written. A solid contribution to scholarship in several fields (including linguistics, anthropology and Internet culture), the volume is also enjoyable to read. Its lively and appealing pieces on recent novels and contemporary trends lend a fresh and contemporary feel." -ÿProf. Pamela S. Saur, Lamar University, Texas

Transcultural Graffiti
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Transcultural Graffiti

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Rodopi

Transcultural Graffiti reads a range of texts - prose, poetry, drama - in several European languages as exemplars of diasporic writing. The book scrutinizes contemporary transcultural literary creation for the manner in which it gives hints about the teaching of literary studies in our postcolonial, globalizing era. Transcultural Graffiti suggest that cultural work, in particular transcultural work, assembles and collates material from various cultures in their moment of meeting. The teaching of such cultural collage in the classroom should equip students with the means to reflect upon and engage in cultural 'bricolage' themselves in the present day. The texts read - from Césaire's adaptation of Shakespeare's Tempest, via the diaspora fictions of Marica Bodrozic or David Dabydeen, to the post-9/11 poetry of New York poets - are understood as 'graffiti'-like inscriptions, the result of fleeting encounters in a swiftly changing public world. Such texts provide impulses for a performative 'risk' pedagogy capable of modelling the ways in which our constitutive individual and social narratives are constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed today.

From the Highlands to Hollywood
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 450

From the Highlands to Hollywood

This volume is dedicated to the academic achievements of Karl Kaser and to the 50th anniversary of Southeast European History and Anthropology (SEEHA) at the University of Graz. Its editors are collaborators of SEEHA and experts in various fields of Southeast European Studies: Siegfried Gruber, Dominik Gutmeyr, Sabine Jesner, Elife Krasniqi, Robert Pichler, and Christian Promitzer. The Festschrift covers diverse approaches toward the study of societies and cultures in Southeastern Europe, both with respect to history and current affairs, and brings together contributions from several of Kaser's former doctoral students, colleagues, collaborators and friends from across Europe.

Im literarischen Grenzland Europas?
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 143

Im literarischen Grenzland Europas?

Ende der 1990er Jahre erschüttert der kriegerische Zerfall Jugoslawiens das 'Friedensprojekt Europa'. In der politischen Narration findet der Begriff 'Balkan' im deutschsprachigen Raum medial nun vornehmlich Verwendung zur Beschreibung eines als Problemregion verhandelten Teils des Kontinents, der mit den Jugoslawienkriegen seine Utopie eines Kontinents ohne Krieg verliert. Ausgehend von dieser Marginalisierung des Balkans gewinnt die Frage an Bedeutung, wo dieser eigentlich beginnt. Im Zuge der Diskussionen dieser Frage wird mit Landkarten und Grenzziehungen argumentiert, die es de facto nicht gibt. Dennoch haben sich derartige Mental Maps in politische wie auch in literarische Diskurse ei...

Narratives of Place, Belonging and Language
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 211

Narratives of Place, Belonging and Language

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-02-10
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  • Publisher: Springer

Examining identity in relation to globalization and migration, this book uses narratives and memoirs from contemporary authors who have lived 'in-between' two or more languages. It explores the human desire to find one's 'own place' in new cultural contexts, and looks at the role of language in shaping a sense of belonging in society.

Magazin Buchkultur 201
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 116

Magazin Buchkultur 201

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-04-08
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  • Publisher: Buchkultur

Er will nicht weniger als die Sprache dekolonialisieren: Fiston Mwanza Mujila, Grazer Schriftsteller aus Lubumbashi im Kongo, sieht sich in der Tradition der legendären Gruppe 47 und legt mit "Tanz der Teufel" seinen zweiten, vor surrealer Subjektivität strotzenden Roman vor; Mareike Fallwickls "Die Wut, die bleibt" erzählt kraftvoll von wortwörtlichen Befreiungsschlägen und dem Anspruch, nicht länger der familiären Selbstausbeutung ohnmächtig zuzusehen; und der welterste postmoderne Kriminalroman, Umberto Ecos "Der Name der Rose", erscheint zum Vierziger in einer neuen Prachtausgabe. Die Frage nach dem guten Leben und den nötigen Rahmenbedingungen ist zeitlos: Wir gehen der Suche nach der perfekten Welt aktuell und historisch anhand von neun Neuerscheinungen nach. Außerdem unterziehen wir die bemerkenswerten Debütromane von Mirjam Wittig, Noemi Somalvico, Eva Raisig und Yara Nakahanda Monteiro einer akribischen Betrachtung und stellen auf 14 Seiten Junior die herausragenden Frühjahrsneuerscheinungen im Kinder- und Jugendbuchbereich vor. Das alles und noch viel mehr in Buchkultur 201 mit 32 zusätzlichen Seiten Buchkultur Schön & gut im PDF!

Tracing German Visions of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 297

Tracing German Visions of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century

Reconsidering the German tendency to define itself vis-à-vis an eastern "Other" in light of fresh debate regarding the Second World War, this volume and the cultural products it considers expose and question Germany''s relationship with its imagined East.Germany has long defined itself in opposition to its eastern neighbors: its ideas around cultural prestige and its expressions of xenophobia seem inevitably to return to an imagined eastern "Other." Central to the consideration of such projections is the legacy of the Second World War, the subject of fresh debate since 1989: after four decades of political antagonism and cultural disjuncture, the events of the war on the Eastern Front have ...

Kersenhout en oude gevoelens
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 148

Kersenhout en oude gevoelens

Als de Berlijnse Arjeta tijdens een verhuizing een aantal oude foto's ontdekt, roept dat allerlei herinneringen op. Aan de zee in Istrië, en aan haar vlucht uit het toenmalige Joegoslavië, waardoor alles veranderde. Ze denkt ook terug aan haar tijd in Parijs, waar ze tegen wil en dank verliefd werd. Maar kan Arjeta haar geheugen vertrouwen, of is er meer gebeurd dan ze zich herinnert?