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Roman law has shaped the Civil law tradition but its influence undoubtedly also extends to Common law countries. Legal institutions as well as legal reasoning reassembled in the Corpus iuris civilis have been studied for nearly one thousand years in Western Europe and have been a constant point of reference. Japanese law adopted this tradition since the Meiji-era. Roman law does not only offer a historical insight into the foundations of modern legal thinking, but can also be a useful tool for deeper understanding and analysis of current legal problems. The international seminar held at the University of Kyushu in February 2016 intended to show the validity of Roman law for contemporary lega...
Slaves were property of their dominus, objects rather than persons, without rights: These are some components of our basic knowledge about Roman slavery. But Roman slavery was more diverse than we might assume from the standard wording about servile legal status. Numerous inscriptions as well as literary and legal sources reveal clear differences in the social structure of Roman slavery. There were numerous groups and professions who shared the status of being unfree while inhabiting very different worlds. The papers in this volume pose the question of whether and how legal texts reflected such social differences within the Roman servile community. Did the legal system reinscribe social diff...
This book critically engages the emerging field of global animal law from the perspective of an intersectional ethical framework. Reconceptualising global animal law, this book argues that global animal law overrepresents views from the west as it does not sufficiently engage views from the Global South, as well as from Indigenous and other marginalised communities. Tracing this imbalance to the early development of animal law’s reaction to issues of international trade, the book elicits the anthropocentrism and colonialism that underpin this bias. In response, the book outlines a new, intersectional, second wave of animal ethics. Incorporating marginalised viewpoints, it elevates the field beyond the dominant concern with animal welfare and rights. And, drawing on aspects of decolonial thought, earth jurisprudence, intersectionality theory and posthumanism, it offers a fundamental rethinking of the very basis of global animal law. The book's critical, yet practical, new approach to global animal law will appeal to animal law and environmental law experts, legal theorists, and those working in the areas of animal studies and ecology.
An exploration of life in the early medieval West, using pigs as a lens to investigate agriculture, ecology, economy, and philosophy In the early medieval West, from North Africa to the British Isles, pigs were a crucial part of agriculture and culture. In this fascinating book, Jamie Kreiner examines how this ubiquitous species was integrated into early medieval ecologies and transformed the way that people thought about the world around them. In this world, even the smallest things could have far-reaching consequences. Kreiner tracks the interlocking relationships between pigs and humans by drawing on textual and visual evidence, bioarchaeology and settlement archaeology, and mammal biology. She shows how early medieval communities bent their own lives in order to accommodate these tricky animals--and how in the process they reconfigured their agrarian regimes, their fiscal policies, and their very identities. In the end, even the pig's own identity was transformed: at the close of the early Middle Ages, it had become a riveting metaphor for Christianity itself.
***Angaben zur beteiligten Person Igimi: Mariko Igimi ist seit 2002 Professorin für Römisches Recht an der Kyushu-Universität, Fukuoka (Japan). Ihre Hauptforschungsinteresse liegen im Bereich des römischen Vertrags- und Sachenrechts, der Privatrechtsvergleichung zwischen Europa und Japan und der Rezeptionsgeschichte des Privatrechts. Sie war Generalsekretärin des 20. Generalkongresses der Internationalen Akademie für Rechtsvergleichung, der im Juli 2018 in Fukuoka stattfand.
Im Rahmen des "Deutschland in Japan-Jahres" haben die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (AvH) und der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Japan Foundation for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) im September/Oktober 2005 in Tokio einen rechtswissenschaftlichen Kongress zum Thema "Globalisierung und Recht" veranstaltet. Am Rande des Kongresses boten die Veranstalter Nachwuchswissenschaftlern Gelegenheit zum wissenschaftlichen Austausch. Generalthema dieses Forums war "Rechtsangleichung". Damit sollte eines von vielen möglichen rechtlichen Mitteln, der Globalisierung Rechnung zu tragen, eingehender erörtert werden: Grundlagen, Methoden und Inhalte. Die Referate der Veranstaltung sind in dem vorliegenden Band zusammengefasst.
La crisi e trasformazione del sistema politico italiano nello specchio del regionalismo umbro Alessandro Campi, Marco Damiani Leggere Skinner a Tokyo: la fortuna della «Cambridge School» tra gli studiosi giapponesi di storia delle idee e del pensiero politico Masataka Yasutake Un Paese senza élite: la diagnosi di Leopardi e De Sanctis su un antico e irrisolto male italiano Gennaro Maria Barbuto Trasformazioni della democrazia: le basi ideologiche deboli ma pervasive del populismo Giovanni Barbieri Patria, nazione, cittadinanza: la lezione (ancora attuale) di Roberto Michels Leonardo Varasano Le metamorfosi del jihadismo contemporaneo: le radici ideologiche e la struttura organizzativa dell’ISIS Andrea Beccaro La nostalgia della comunità come fonte (psicologica e politica) del populismo contemporaneo Carlo Marsonet
English summary: Suicide in Roman law has caused special legal consequences in several connections, dependent among other things on the different chronological steps of development. The book illustrates these steps and works out the course of development and the influencing factors to create an overall picture of legal treatment of suicide in Roman law. Main attention is given to the suicide of alleged delinquents before conviction. Nevertheless it appears that Roman law fulfilled just its original function in context with the morally explosive topic suicide: balancing interests. Surprisingly one does not find any moral attitude towards suicide within the discussion of the Roman jurists. Ger...
1m September 1991 fand erstmals in Japan eine intemationale Tagung iiber ein Thema aus dem romischen Recht statt; sie wurde von der Kyushu Universitat (Fukuoka) veranstaltet. An ihr nahmen Wissenschaftler aus Japan und aus vielen europaischen Landem, sowie aus Korea teil. Das Thema "Mandatum und Verwandtes" bot eine Vielfalt von rechtsdogmatischen, rechtsvergleichen den und sozialgeschichtlichen Aspekten. Wie es der derzeitigen Forschungs situation entspricht, konnte es nicht darum gehen, eine systematische, wohl geordnete Darstellung der Dogmatik und Geschichte des Rechtsinstituts zu geben. Eher war, wenn nicht das Ziel, so doch das Ergebnis der Tagung die Demonstration der verschiedenen Mo...