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Educational Contexts and Borders through a Cultural Lens
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 368

Educational Contexts and Borders through a Cultural Lens

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-09-10
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book provides a “context” of discussion for researchers and educational experts in order to rethink the relationship between actors, practices and borders within the educational contexts. The research in educational psychology has often challenged the concept of “educational context”. According to the different theoretical frameworks, the construct of contexts, their borders and the dimensions to be taken into account have all been defined in different ways. The book offers a reflection that goes from theory to practice and backward from practice to theory. The main research questions the book addresses are how actors, i.e. teachers, parents and students, educators and professio...

The Emergence of Self in Educational Contexts
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 239

The Emergence of Self in Educational Contexts

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-09-27
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book represents the first extensive introduction to the emerging construct of Educational Self. The new concept describes a specific dimension of the Self, which is elaborated in the course of a person’s school life and is reactivated anytime the person is involved in an educational activity, whether as a student, teacher or parent. The Educational Self (ES) approach was created by the volume editors and is currently being developed at various universities in Europe and Latin America as a way of understanding and operating in educational contexts. The book presents the theoretical framework and the empirical developments of the construct, paving the way for further applications in edu...

Making Meaning, Making Motherhood
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 430

Making Meaning, Making Motherhood

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-08-01
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  • Publisher: IAP

This volume is the firstborn of the Annals of Cultural Psychology-- a yearly edited book series in the field of Cultural Psychology. It came into being as there is a need for reflection on “where and what” the discipline needs to further develop, in such a way, the current frontiers and to foster the elaboration of new fruitful ideas. The topic chosen for the first volume is perhaps the most fundamental of all- motherhood. We are all here because at some unspecifiable time in the past, different women labored hard to bring each of us into this World. These women were not thinking of culture, but were just giving birth. Yet by their reproductive success—and years of worry about our grow...

Cultural Dynamics of Women's Lives
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 646

Cultural Dynamics of Women's Lives

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-12-01
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  • Publisher: IAP

This book explores the diverse landscapes wherein women struggle for their personal and social identities and lives, between biology and culture, destiny and choice, shared and individual worlds, tradition and modernity. Their “peripheral lives” have “central meaning” (Chaudhary, this volume) in any society – and as such are approached as a primary subject in this book, as the chapters traverse ten different countries on three continents: North America (United States); Latin America (Brazil, Chile, Colombia); Asia (India); and Europe (United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Finland, Estonia). Throughout these different places, women's lives are an interesting stage for observing the int...

From Dream to Action
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 296

From Dream to Action

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-01-01
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  • Publisher: IAP

The ubiquitous presence of imaginative work points at its importance among the higher mental functions. This collective volume discusses both the social relevance of imagination, that cannot be reduced to an inter-individual feature, and the cultural-historical conditions of imagining. The authors develop different theoretical and empirical works in which imagining, planning, anticipating, remembering and acting are put in relation with crucial moments of human existence, as early as birth and even after death. The proposal of this volume emerged during a “kitchen seminar” session at the III International Seminar of Cultural Psychology in Salvador da Bahia (Brazil, 2017). The debate revo...

Particulars and Universals in Clinical and Developmental Psychology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 308

Particulars and Universals in Clinical and Developmental Psychology

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-12-01
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  • Publisher: IAP

What sparks a psychologist’s interest in a certain phenomenon? Is it a symptom, a syndrome, a treatment, the usual, the exceptional, the group, the individual? An epistemologist, for example, focuses on the group and delivers group results. The clinician has to focus on the patient, although the patient may be perceived as one of a group (e.g., all patients with the same disease). The patient usually focuses on the clinician, but can take other opinions into account; especially, when the clinician is not considered to be the only authority. These dynamics – observable in therapy as well as in research – are critically reflected in this book, not only highlighting differences, but also commonalities individuals share: They all filter information and concentrate on certain aspects according to their socialization. They all have different expectations and can, yet, all deal with the same objective. Communication and building relationships seem to be vital – this book aims to support this quest by moving from the universal to the particular.

Impactos da violência na escola
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 289

Impactos da violência na escola

A obra apresenta os fundamentos teóricos e conceituais da violência na escola, de modo a propiciar a análise e a ampliação das possibilidades de intervenção no cotidiano escolar brasileiro. Organizado por pesquisadores do Departamento de Estudos sobre Violência e Saúde Jorge Careli da Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Claves/ENSP/Fiocruz) e publicado pela Editora Fiocruz em parceria com a ENSP, o livro foi agraciado em 2011 com o 1o lugar do Prêmio Jabuti, na categoria educação. Na coletânea, variados autores compartilham reflexões, a partir da ótica dos direitos humanos, sobre os tipos de violência que acometem a comunidade escolar ...

Dinâmicas do Self na Transição para a Vida Adulta
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 274

Dinâmicas do Self na Transição para a Vida Adulta

Os jovens entre 15 e 29 anos correspondem a 23% da população brasileira, somando quase 50 milhões de pessoas. Conhecer melhor a juventude brasileira, suas maneiras de ser e de viver, bem como os processos de tornar-se adulto na sociedade brasileira vêm ganhando cada vez mais relevância em nosso país. O estudo que deu origem a este livro teve como objetivo analisar os processos envolvidos na experiência de "ser jovem", considerando especificamente as transformações que ocorrem nas configurações e reconfigurações de si e do mundo, durante um período crítico de desenvolvimento, no qual múltiplas transformações simultâneas tendem a acontecer. O livro partiu de uma pesquisa rea...

Bullying. Impactos na Educação
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 402

Bullying. Impactos na Educação

Esta obra escrita em três línguas por trinta e três especialistas de cinco países de dois continentes congrega um conjunto de reflexões e dados de investigação sobre uma temática inédita no domínio das altas habilidades: o bullying escolar de que muitos dos estudantes sobredotados e talentosos são alvo pelos seus colegas e professores. As organizadoras oferecem a técnicos, educadores e apaixonados pela busca incessante do conhecimento vários motes para a mudança de comportamentos, atitudes e políticas sobre um tema tão premente quanto preocupante. A sua leitura não deixará o leitor indiferente e certamente que contribuirá para minorar o flagelo que é o bullying.

Nascer não é igual para todas as pessoas
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 509

Nascer não é igual para todas as pessoas

O livro reúne estudos realizados, durante 15 anos, por um grupo de pesquisa, em torno da mais universal e partilhada das realidades humanas: o nascer. A obra é dividida em quatro seções temáticas e cada uma possui capítulos-comentários feitos por pesquisadoras convidadas. Os comentários, além de romperem com a tendência endógena, representam a abertura para outras perspectivas e questões e contemplam uma função avaliativa. Assim, o livro interessa a leitoras e leitores que lidam com o nascer, a maternidade e a paternidade. Interessa a quem pesquisa, a quem atua na atenção à saúde e no cuidado de famílias e a quem pensa a questão da mulher, cuja voz fala mais alto ao longo dos estudos.