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Um dos pilares fundamentais para a existência da Saúde Suplementar é ter regras claras. Por isso, a recente lei 14.454, que flexibilizou a taxatividade do rol de procedimentos da ANS, tem um potencial de alta periculosidade para o nosso segmento porque ela implodiu duas bases de como nos organizamos hoje: o que devemos oferecer para os beneficiários dos planos e, assim, deixa em aberto as bases do cálculo atuarial. O fim do rol taxativo é o fim da clareza nas regras sobre o que a saúde suplementar deve oferecer para seus beneficiários. E, com isso, também o fim da segurança atuarial. Nesta 6a edição da Revista Jurídica da Saúde Suplementar nossos articulistas trazem uma profunda reflexão sobre o tema em artigos que analisam a lei em diferentes aspectos. Além disso, também abordamos discussões sobre atenção domiciliar, regulação responsiva, avaliação de novas tecnologias e questões tributárias. No ano em que completamos 20 anos da fundação da UNIDAS, essa revista é uma reafirmação da razão pela qual surgimos: lutar pela sustentabilidade das autogestões e da saúde suplementar como um todo. É para isso que trabalhamos todos os dias
The Atlantic Forest is one of the 36 hotspots for biodiversity conservation worldwide. It is a unique, large biome (more than 3000 km in latitude; 2500 in longitude), marked by high biodiversity, high degree of endemic species and, at the same time, extremely threatened. Approximately 70% of the Brazilian population lives in the area of this biome, which makes the conflict between biodiversity conservation and the sustainability of the human population a relevant issue. This book aims to cover: 1) the historical characterization and geographic variation of the biome; 2) the distribution of the diversity of some relevant taxa; 3) the main threats to biodiversity, and 4) possible opportunities to ensure the biodiversity conservation, and the economic and social sustainability. Also, it is hoped that this book can be useful for those involved in the development of public policies aimed at the conservation of this important global biome.
Prefeitura do distrito.
Modernity in Black and White provides a groundbreaking account of modern art and modernism in Brazil. Departing from previous accounts, mostly restricted to the elite arenas of literature, fine art and architecture, the book situates cultural debates within the wider currents of Brazilian life. From the rise of the first favelas, in the 1890s and 1900s, to the creation of samba and modern carnival, over the 1910s and 1920s, and tracking the expansion of mass media and graphic design, into the 1930s and 1940s, it foregrounds aspects of urban popular culture that have been systematically overlooked. Against this backdrop, Cardoso provides a radical re-reading of Antropofagia and other modernist currents, locating them within a broader field of cultural modernization. Combining extensive research with close readings of a range of visual cultural production, the volume brings to light a vast archive of art and images, all but unknown outside Brazil.
Eutrophication continues to be a major global challenge and the problem of eutrophication and availability of freshwater for human consumption is an essential ecological issue. The global demand for water resources due to increasing population, economic developments, and emerging energy development schemes has created new environmental challenges for global sustainability. Accordingly, the area of research on eutrophication has expanded considerably in recent years. Eutrophication, acidification and contamination by toxic substances are likely to pose increasing threats to freshwater resources and ecosystems. The consequences of anthropogenic-induced eutrophication of freshwaters are severe ...
Nesse livro, o leitor saberá um pouco mais sobre essa fruta tão apreciada aqui e no mundo, conhecerá fatos e histórias que incluem aspectos da multimilenar utilidade da banana como alimento de destaque na trajetória da espécie humana, descobrirá o segredo da biomassa de banana verde, com potencial para colaborar com o desenvolvimento socioeconômico do país, além de poder contar com deliciosas receitas, enriquecidas com as fibras e os nutrientes necessários para uma alimentação saudável e bem mais natural. Pratos salgados, sopas e índice de receitas.
Reunir pensadores que se dedicam a refletir sobre as Amazônias, mostrando os resultados das suas pesquisas e reflexões, desde a sua entrada no mundo ocidental, o seu presente e perspectivas para o futuro é o grande trunfo da coleção Entre o passado e o futuro. um livro lançado pela Editora Valer.
Despite often taken as a simple procedure, techniques on tracheostomy have evolved considerably on the last few years. Consequently, new technical variations and indications for different purposes are being developed and proposed. The current book is proposed to serve as a comprehensive guide exclusively devoted to tracheostomy, discussing its most important details, variations and indications. Here the reader will find a broad discussion ranging from the most basic pre-clinical aspects to post-surgical procedures and complications. Great emphasis is placed on key topics such as the oncologic patient, variations of the technique, and tracheostomy in the intensive care unit, among others. Additionally, some issues that are not commonly discussed in regular textbooks, like tracheostomy in child and in great obese, are also included. With a wealth of photos, illustrations and tables, Tracheostomy – A Surgical Guide provides the material necessary to support a safe and effective surgical intervention in different populations and surgical contexts, with the hope that it will result in improved care for patients who underwent tracheostomy.
Humic acids (HA) make up an important component of soil humus related to the maintenance of soil water-holding capacity, stabilization of soil structure and fertility and vital activity of soil micro-organisms, plants and animals. Additionally, obtaining humic substances (HS) from vermicompost has shown to be a promising alternative for large scale use in agriculture. Humic substances (HS) are also major components of natural organic matter (NOM) in soil and water as well as in geological organic deposits. This book includes chapters on vermicompost-derived liquid humus in low-input and small-scale farming; the production of liquid organic fertilizers enriched with humic substances from olive mill wastes; mechanisms of protective action of the HUMI preparation on wheat plant response to toxic ions; the application of surface-enhanced Raman scattering and fluorescence spectroscopy on silver plasmonic nanoparticles as innovative techniques to study humic substances; the complexation of metal ions with humus substances in soils and water and the final chapter examines the natural organic matter in drinking water.
This Book of Abstracts is the main publication of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). It contains abstracts of the invited papers and contributed presentations of the sessions of EAAP's eleven Commissions: Animal Genetics, Animal Nutrition, Animal Management and Health, Animal Physiology, Cattle Production, Sheep and Goat Production, Pig Production, Horse Production and Livestock Farming Systems, Insects and Precision Livestock Farming.