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Questa raccolta poetica non ha un tema ricorrente, l'autrice non parla solo di sé stessa e dei suoi pensieri, ma guarda attorno a sé, quello che si rappresenta attorno a sé, come una spettatrice attenta e minuziosa, quelle tematiche che affronta le si mettono dinanzi come dei quadri e lei si ferma a d osservarli, cercando di cogliere l'intima essenza che ne scaturisce.Poi il suo cuore partecipa e si scioglie in quelle emozioni, come se venissero dal suo animo.Tocca vari argomenti, guerra, razzismo, miseria,assimilate ad emozioni proprie
Like an armor-toothed belt across Italy’s upper thigh, the Gothic Line was the most fortified and fiercely defended position the German army had yet thrown in the path of the Allied forces. On August 25, 1944, it fell to I Canadian Corps to spearhead the famed Eighth Army’s major offensive, intended to rip through it. The 1st Infantry and 5th Armored Divisions advanced into a killing ground covered by thousands of machine-gun, antitank gun positions, and pillboxes expertly sited behind minefields and dense thickets of barbed wire. Never had the Germans in Italy brought so much artillery to bear or deployed such a great number of tanks. For 28 days, the battle raged as the Allied troops slugged an ever deeper hole into the German defences. The Metauro River, the Foglia River, Point 204, Tomba Di Pesaro, Coriano Ridge, San Martino, and San Fortunato became place names seared into the memories of those who fought there. They fought in a dust-choked land under a searing sun which by battle's end was reduced to a guagmire by rain. But they prevailed and on September 22 won the ground overlooking the Po River Valley, opening the way for the next phase of the Allied advance.
Come un menestrello di altri tempi, come un cantore romantico, l'autore canta l'amore per la donna, per la sua donna, esaltandola nella sua bellezza e leggiadria.È un mondo meraviglioso quello che ne viene fuori, un mondo ove tutto si può dimenticare, per vivere in piena completezza quell'amore per la donna, che fa lasciare ogni altra cosa.
Originally published in 1966, the Reeseschrift remains one of the most significant collections of musicological writings ever assembled. Its fifty-six essays, written by some of the greatest scholars of our time, range chronologically from antiquity to the 17thcentury and geographically from Byzantium to the British Isles. They deal with questions of history, style, form, texture, notation, and performance practice.
"The emergence of pieces designated for specific instruments marked a significant change in musical practice. The celebrated musicologist Willi Apel discusses virtually all the surviving printed works from the seventeenth century that are intended for the violin. He describes the music of some sixty Italian composers of this period, detailing the individual innovative aspects of the pieces, their form, and issues of performance practice." --
This book, the first of its kind, is a study of Bolognese instrumental music during the height of the city's musical activity in the late seventeenth century. The period marked by a rapid expansion of the cappella musicale of the principal city church, San Petronio, by the founding of the Accademia Filarmonica, and by increasingly lavish patronage of musical events witnessed the proliferation of repertory for instrumental ensembles. This music not only reveals crucial stages in the development of the sonata and concerto but also recalls the elaborate church rituals and the opulent public and private celebrations in which they figured prominently. Moreover, the late seventeenth century saw th...
Siamo di fronte ad un'autrice dalle facce dorate, quelle che denotano incanti e poi li trasmettono in ogni sua forma. La forma scelta sono le parole, le liriche riportate in questa silloge, un insieme di liriche che rasentano a volte la vera divinità poetica. Versi delicati e leggeri, come le parole usate per descrivere momenti ed emozioni che rimangono impresse, nella lettura e nell'impressione d'aria che ci circonda, mentre scorriamo il testo. Abbiamo una serie di verseggiatura che a volte ha sapore di classicismo, ma non di tanto, l'autrice non si discosta dal modernismo e dalle parafrasi quotidiane e si insinua nella tematica corrente con una padronanza da grande autrice.