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Hannah Velten plumbs the rich trove of myth, fact, and legend surrounding the seemingly-benign cow.
First Published in 1997. This book is intended as a resource for anyone interested in the artistic contributions and activities of women in nineteenth-century Britain. It is an index as well as an annotated bibliography and provides sources for information about women well known in their own time and about women who were little known then and are forgotten now
Publisher Description
In contrast to most cultural histories of imperialism, which analyse Orientalist images of rather than by women, Gendering Orientalism focuses on the contributions of women themselves. Drawing on the little-known work of Henriette Browne, other `lost' women Orientlist artists and the literary works of George Eliot, Reina Lewis challenges masculinist assumptions relating to the stability and homogeneity of the Orientalist gaze. Gendering Orientalism argues that women did not have a straightforward access to an implicitly nale position of western superiority, Their relationship to the shifting terms of race, nation and gender produced positions from which women writers and artists could articu...
An intelligent, amusing, and affectionate look at cats in history, literature, and art
The biography of the artist who created the most haunting icon of the twentieth century
- De ce este ucisă cu brutalitate o bătrână aristocrată cu o noapte înainte de 11 septembrie 2001? - De ce nu se arată surprins un bancher de succes din New York când primeşte urechea stângă a unei femei, cu poşta de dimineaţă? - De ce un renumit avocat din Manhattan lucrează numai pentru un singur client, fără să primească vreun onorariu? - De ce o tânără expertă în pictura impresionistă fură o capodoperă a lui Van Gogh, deşi nu este hoaţă? Toate aceste întrebări şi multe altele îşi găsesc răspunsul în romanul IMPRESIE FALSĂ care îl poartă pe cititor, cu sufletul la gură, de la New York la Londra, Bucureşti şi Tokio şi, în final, într-un liniştit sat englezesc, unde misterul picturii lui Van Gogh va fi dezlegat.
For at sikre det engelske herresæde Wentworth, der har været i slægtens besiddelse i generationer, tvinges Lady Victoria Wentworth til at afhænde et af familiens klenodier, et verdensberømt og uvurderligt Van Gogh-maleri. Køberen er Bryce Fenston, manden bag en lyssky bankvirksomhed med kontorer i Twin Towers i New York. Men da Victoria myrdes i sit hjem natten til 11. september 2001, forsvinder maleriet sporløst. Anna Petrescu, der arbejder som kunstekspert for Fenston, befinder sig i North Tower, da det første fly rammer. Hun formodes død. Under dække af denne status kæmper hun for at afsløre sin arbejdsgivers dobbeltspil og for at finde maleriet. Men hendes modstander er nådesløs, og kampen bringer hende verden rundt på en krævende og farlig mission. ”Hvis der var en nobelpris i fortællekunst, ville Archer få den.” Daily Telegraph
A weekly review of politics, literature, theology, and art.