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The Istrian Peninsula, which is made up of modern-day Croatia, Slovenia, and Italy suffered from the so-called "Istrian exodus" after the Second World War. This book looks at this difficult, silenced past and shifts the usual focus from migrants to those who stayed behind and to the new immigrants who came to the “emptied” towns.The research, based on individual memories, deals with silences and competing national discourses, reasons to stay and leave, hybrid border ethnic identities, and the renewal of Istrian society and its new social relations. It is a self-critical reflection on an ignored chapter of national history, which, with an empathetic approach, allows the silence to speak.
This book asks why several ethnic and linguistic groups in Central Europe and the Balkans have not yet been legally recognized as national minorities. Some of these hidden minorities have not developed an intellectual elite that can visibly present their identity and claims to the majority population. Other groups are deliberately concealing their existence and language for reasons of self-protection. The chapters in this volume address the everyday mechanisms of hiding and being hidden in the transition zone of these two European regions.
V zborniku je petindvajset razprav raziskovalcev iz vsega sveta od Anglije, Bolgarije, Danske, Finske, Hrvaške, Madžarske, Makedonije, Mehike, Romunije, Rusije, Škotske, Walesa do ZDA in seveda Slovenije. Razprave so pregled mednarodnega raziskovanja ljudskih balad in predstavljajo, kako se tokovi preteklega in odsevi zgodovinskih časov, arhetipske zgodbe prepletajo z vdorom naših kulturnih in družbenih razmer tudi v nastajanje, odmiranje in ponovno oživljanje balad, tako da njihovo raziskovanje prinaša neizogibne spremembe.
The themes of longing, weakness and temptation are relevant to every human and are interwoven with all fundamental ideals and values of the created, rational being. Temptation is all the more dramatic, the broader the perspective of recognition, the power of human longing and the sense of the difference between good and evil. This book is a summary of a study which compares and contrasts Slovenian and European literary works created under the influence of biblical source texts (Adam and Eve, Joseph from Egypt, Samson and Dalilah, etc.) and the works of other known and unknown origins (Homer’s Iliad, Goethe’s Faust, various versions of the myth of the Fair Vida, etc.). The ascribing of a ...
Applied studies scholarship has triggered a not-so-quiet revolution in the discipline of ethnomusicology. The current generation of applied ethnomusicologists has moved toward participatory action research, involving themselves in musical communities and working directly on their behalf. The essays in The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, edited by Svanibor Pettan and Jeff Todd Titon, theorize applied ethnomusicology, offer histories, and detail practical examples with the goal of stimulating further development in the field. The essays in the book, all newly commissioned for the volume, reflect scholarship and data gleaned from eleven countries by over twenty contributors. Themes ...
Focusing on Slovenian mythology the book contains a review of Slovenian mythological, historical, and narrative material. Over 150 supernatural beings are presented, both lexically and according to the role that they have in Slovenian folklore. They are classified by type, characteristic, features, and by the message conveyed in their motifs and contents. The material has been analysed in the context of European and some non-European mythological concepts, and the author deals with theory and interpretations as well as the conclusions of domestic and foreign researchers. The book forms new starting points and a classification of supernatural beings within a frame of a number of sources, some of which have been published for the first time in this book.
Retired professor of political science, New York born Dr. Ivo Vukcevich is the author of Rex Germanorum Populus Sclavorum An Inquiry into the Origin & Early History of the Serbs/Slavs of Sarmatia, Germania, & Illyria, translated as Slavenska Germanija. A recognized authority on Slavic pre-history and contemporary South Slavic national-political issues, in Croatia - Ludwig von Gaj and the Croats are Herrenvolk Goths Syndrome, based mainly on standard Croat sources, Dr. Vukcevich introduces the reader to Ludwig von Gaj, the mid-nineteenth Creator of Croat nationhood as well as national identity issues in modern Croatia, with special attention to Croat-Serb relations. A work in progress examines the 800-year history of the Banat of Croatia in Hungary.
Avtorica si v knjigi prizadeva predstaviti markantne osebnosti, ki so najbolj zaslužne, da se je v nad tristoletnem obdobju, od baroka do moderne ohranila slovenska slovstvena dediščina ali so obravnavani avtorji o njej zapisali prve komentarje. Knjiga prikazuje osemnajst osebnosti iz slovenske slovstvene in kulturne zgodovine v novi luči, kar pomeni, da nekaterim uveljavljenim (Karel Štrekelj, Janez V. Valvazor, Stanko Vraz), zapostavljenim (Peter Dajnko, Anton Murko, Avgust Pavel, Matevž Ravnikar-Poženčan) ali docela prezrtim (Gregor Krek, Gašper Križnik, Viljem Urbas) daje novo ceno. Delo je za bralca primerno dostopno, saj je snov pregledno in iz poglavja v poglavje dosledno enako razvrščena, da deluje kot nekakšen kronološki leksikon, čeprav avtorica tudi tokrat ustvarja novo terminologijo. Z monografijo odpravlja zastaran dolg slovenske filologije, etnologije in kulturne zgodovine s številnimi, doslej neopaženimi odkritji, ki utrjujejo njeno tezo o pomenu slovstvene folklore za slovensko narodno identiteto.