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Dieses Buch ist ein Standardwerk für die professionelle Softwareentwicklung. Es beschreibt ein Vorgehensmodell, das die allgemeinen Prinzipien der Softwareentwicklung definiert und deren Umsetzung aufzeigt. Das Buch basiert auf Erfahrungen, wie sie in einem Großunternehmen des IT-Bereiches gewonnen, methodisch weiterentwickelt und heute erfolgreich eingesetzt werden. Die Bereitstellung dieser Entwicklungsmethoden mittels Hypermedia und WWW-Technologie im Intranet wird ebenso behandelt wie die Modellierung objektorientierter Softwareentwicklung. Das Werk versteht sich nicht nur als Leitfaden für eine methodengestützte Softwarepraxis, sondern auch als Beitrag zur angewandten Wirtschaftsinformatik. Durch Berücksichtigung wichtiger Normen und Standards für die Systementwicklung bietet es eine Basis für die Zertifizierung nach der Norm ISO 9001.
Lösungsfokus fasziniert! Willst du deine Ziele erreichen? Möchtest du die Kommunikation untereinander verbessern? Würdest du gerne die Leistung deines Teams steigern? Möchtest du Kooperation fördern oder ein Projekt zum Fliegen bringen? Willst du dir was Gutes tun? 25 Co-Autor*innen des Austrian Solution Circle (ASC) erzählen in persönlichen Geschichten aus dem Berufs- und Privatleben, wie und wo sie Lösungsfokus wirkungsvoll einsetzen. Lass dich begeistern von den Möglichkeiten und entdecke für dich, wo und wie du diesen Ansatz nutzen kannst. «Das Herzstück dieses Buches ist echt ein Feuerwerk, ein Set an lösungsfokussierten Powerriegeln, wie ich es bislang noch in keiner Verö...
Internationale Studien, Forschungsprojekte und Statistiken belegen, dass viele Kinder und Jugendliche nicht zur Schule gehen. Dieses Phänomen der "Schulverweigerung" ist in "Zeiten von Corona" aktueller denn je. Im vorliegenden Buch wird es aus einem neuen Blickwinkel beleuchtet und aus systemisch-lösungsorientierter Sicht vielschichtig behandelt. Hierbei geht es einerseits um Schulverweigerung als Lösung, andererseits um Schulverweigerung als zirkulärer Lösungsfindungsprozess und innerer bzw. sozialer Konflikt. Im zweiten Teil des Buches werden die Ergebnisse einer länderübergreifenden qualitativen Studie vorgestellt, an der sich Schulverweigerer:innen aus Österreich, Italien, Deutschland und der Schweiz beteiligten. Das daraus abgeleitete "Neun-Phasen-Modell der Schulverweigerung" zeigt innovative und wirkungsvolle systemisch-lösungsorientierte Möglichkeiten der Prävention, Intervention und Rehabilitation bei Schulverweigerung auf. Es bietet damit eine Chance für vielschichtige und vielfältige Weiterentwicklung und Transformation.
Solution Focused Practice Around the World provides an exploration of the diverse uses of SF and offers fascinating insights into how the Solution Focused approach is currently used in many applications around the globe. Bringing together prominent authors, practitioners and trainers, the collection is divided into five sections: theory; therapeutic applications; working with children and adolescents; coaching and working with organisations. Originating from the first international conference on Solution Focused practice spanning all applications of the approach, the chapters provide a grounding in the theory and practice, and an exploration of the breadth and depth of Solution Focused therapy. All practitioners of the Solution Focused approach globally as well as those working in the wider fields of therapy, social work, education, coaching and human resources will benefit from this text and the applicability of the inherent theories to their area of expertise.
Your performance at the board does not only depend on your pure chess skills. Being a winner also requires a mindset that is able to cope with lots of stress and setbacks during hours of uninterrupted concentration. Just like technical chess skills, mental toughness can be trained. There are simple steps you can take that will help you to better realise your potential. Professional mental coach and chess player Werner Schweitzer has been working with chess teams and individual players for many years. In this book Schweitzer presents practical tips and tools that will help you to improve your mental power during a game. You will learn how to increase your concentration and stamina, recognize your own strengths and weaknesses, cope with losses as well as victories, increase your self-discipline when studying, handle disturbing thoughts and feelings during a game, boost your self-confidence, avoid underestimating (and overestimating!) your opponent, make better decisions while under pressure and other mental skills.These lessons and simple mental workouts will help players of all levels to unlock the full power of their brain and win more games.
Babies and toddlers will love this interactive touch-and-feel book from the best-selling Ladybird Baby Touch series. Look at the bright pictures on the left-hand page to see what Teddy is doing, then explore the touch-and-feel areas on the right. Hello, Teddy! What a busy day you're having!
New edition of an acclaimed manual which uses the solution focused approach to take an empathetic and validating approach to working with individuals considering suicide. Offers invaluable guidance for suicide prevention by showing “what works” in treating those struggling with suicidal thoughts Provides straightforward ways to deal frankly with the subject of suicide, along with a range of tools and techniques that are helpful to clients Includes actual dialogue between practitioners and clients to allow readers to gain a better understanding of how to work with suicidal clients Compares and contrasts a ground-breaking approach to suicide prevention with more traditional approaches to risk assessment and management Features numerous updates and revisions along with brand new sections dealing with the international landscape, blaming the suicided person, Dr Alys Cole-King’s ‘Connecting with People’, and telephone work with the suicidal, Human Givens Therapy, and zero suicide
If you consciously immerse into your immediate surroundings with your energy-based, expanded perception, you easily perceive that there is obviously a level around you that you cannot grasp with your physical organs of perception. This level currently attracts many people and at the same time leads to a multitude of human fantasies and thus a lot of manmade realities. What a person perceives in his surroundings by means of his expanded, energy-based perception does not necessarily correspond to the truth, because every human perceives accordingly to his very personal level of development and thus his very personal awareness. He perceives in his own level, therefore.
We may repeat ourselves, but at the same time we cannot emphasize it enough: This series of books, and with it this book, is not a general passing on information. Rather, it is aimed, consciously, at people who know that they need the content for themselves and their next task. People who have a certain high level of development, a certain high level of awareness and thus a certain high level of integrity. People who are able to receive information in a pure and clear manner and to deal with it with integrity.
This book of expert essays explores the concept of the whole as it operates within the psychology of Jung, the philosophy of Deleuze, and selected areas of wider twentieth-century Western culture, which provided the context within which these two seminal thinkers worked. Addressing this topic from a variety of perspectives and disciplines and with an eye to contemporary social, political, and environmental crises, the contributors aim to clarify some of the epistemological and ethical issues surrounding attempts, such as those of Jung and Deleuze, to think in terms of the whole, whether the whole in question is a particular bounded system (such as an organism, person, society, or ecosystem) or, most broadly, reality as a whole. Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole will contribute to enhancing critical self-reflection among the many contemporary theorists and practitioners in whose work thinking in terms of the whole plays a significant role.