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School Memories
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

School Memories

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-09-15
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book reveals how school memories offer not only a tool for accessing the school of the past, but also a key to understanding what people today know (or think they know) about the school of the past. It describes, in fact, how historians’ work does not purely and simply consist in exploring school as it really was, but also in the complex process of defining the memory of school as one developed and revisited over time at both the individual and collective level. Further, it investigates the extent to which what people “know” reflects the reality or is in fact a product of stereotypes that are deeply rooted in common perceptions and thus exceedingly difficult to do away with. The book includes fifteen peer-reviewed contributions that were presented and discussed during the International Symposium “School Memories. New Trends in Historical Research into Education: Heuristic Perspectives and Methodological Issues” (Seville, 22-23 September, 2015).

Enlarging one's vision
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 247

Enlarging one's vision

Il processo di internazionalizzazione della ricerca negli ultimi anni ha subito una rapida accelerazione ed ha comportato una serie di innovazioni. Il volume fornisce una serie di indicazioni e strumenti, per facilitare l’acquisizione di una certa dimestichezza con tali processi: come partecipare a congressi rispondendo a call for paper, come pubblicare su riviste straniere, come trascorrere un periodo di studio all’estero e via dicendo. Il libro raccoglie 15 saggi brevi, chiari, concreti e critici al contempo, opera di studiosi già noti e altri più giovani, tutti esperti dell’argomento (G.Bandini, A.Barausse, P.Bianchini, M.Brunelli A.Cagnolati, L.Cappelli, D.Caroli, D.De Salvo, A.Debè, J.L.Hernández Huerta, F.Loparco, J.Meda, E.Patrizi. S.Polenghi, F.Pruneri).

The Curriculum of the Body and the School as Clinic
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 185

The Curriculum of the Body and the School as Clinic

This collection brings together cutting-edge research on the history of embodiment, health and schooling in an international context. The book distinguishes a set of educational technologies, schooling practices and school-based public health programmes that organise and influence the bodies of children and young people, defining the curriculum of the body. Taking a historical approach, with a focus on the period in which mass schooling became an international phenomenon, the book is organised according to four major themes. The first positions the school as a modern clinical space, followed by the second that explores programmes and curricula which influence the discipline of and care for the body. The third section examines the role of the built environment on the organisation and experience of children’s bodies, and the final section outlines the pedagogies, rules and routines that determine how the body is treated and experienced in school. International and multidisciplinary in scope, this unique collection is of interest to postgraduate students and researchers in education and public health, as well as history, policy studies and sociology.

Public History of Education. A Brief Introduction
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 134

Public History of Education. A Brief Introduction

Is historical knowledge important for education? How can we build a shared historical knowledge with schools, communities, and education professionals? The book responds to these questions by suggesting the public history approach, as applied in education and, more generally, to all professions that are based on human relations. The public history of education refers directly to North American experiences, but at the same time it is part of a process of European cultural acceptance and re-elaboration that has one of its main points of reference in the Italian Public History Association. The objective is not to make history for the general public, but to make public history with all those interested, in a collaborative and participative context, in the quest for meaningful knowledge, directly related to the current and challenging needs of our society.

Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 208

Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola

La pubblicazione nasce con l’intento di raccogliere gli interventi del ciclo di webinar Raccontare la Resistenza a scuola, tenutosi fra aprile e maggio 2021. Il volume intende consolidare i nessi tra riflessione teorica e storica e la pratica didattica, collocandosi nell’ambito della Storia dell’educazione applicata e della Public History of Education. Il testo è pensato dunque per diventare anche uno strumento agevole per gli studenti universitari e per gli insegnanti in servizio. La pubblicazione risponde quindi a una antica richiesta del mondo della scuola e dà un contributo al dibattito storiografico ancora sguarnito sul fronte storico-educativo.

Interpretive Master Planning
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 266

Interpretive Master Planning

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2011
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Vol.1. Strategies for the new millennium Why are we here - remember the visitor? Recreational learning Learning principles summary What do visitors remember? Verbal and non-verbal communication The model of interpretation Planning for Interpretive Planning The Planning Team An Interpretive Planning Model What : resource inventory and theme development Why : mission statements, goals and objectives Who : analysing your market How/when/where : designing and presenting I&O : implementation and operations So what : evaluation Interpretive systems planning Planning self-guiding trails Planning self-guided auto-tours Planning for interpretive exhibits Planning conducted interpretive programs - Vol...

  • Language: uk
  • Pages: 293


Proceedings of the XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference

La Práctica Educativa. Historia, Memoria y Patrimonio
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 1118

La Práctica Educativa. Historia, Memoria y Patrimonio

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-10-05
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  • Publisher: FahrenHouse

Conocer la práctica o prácticas educativas en el pasado, desarrolladas tanto dentro de la institución escolar como fuera de ella, requiere de la existencia, conservación y uso de nuevas fuentes que sean registros tangibles de esta práctica, como pueden ser los espacios y elementos materiales utilizados (espacios, mobiliario, objetos, instrumentos o materiales didácticos, libros escolares, etc.), o que informen directamente de esta práctica (memorias profesionales de los docentes, exámenes, informes o memorias de actividades, memorias de prácticas, memorias de oposición, testimonios personales, cuadernos escolares o apuntes de clase, trabajos de alumnos, fotografías y/o álbumes, a...

Media Matter
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 258

Media Matter

This volume discusses a broad range of themes and methodological issues around images, photography and film. It is about sharing a fascination about the visual history of education and how images became the most influential (circulating) media within the field of education on local, regional, national and international levels. Within this volume images are primarily analyzed as presenters, mediators, and means of observation. Images are seen as mobile reproducible media which play an active role within the public and educational sphere. They are means of observation and storytelling, they shape identities by presenting models of how we should act in and perceive the world, they circulate though different contexts and media, all of which impacts their meanings.

  • Language: it
  • Pages: 387


E’ comodo definirsi scrittori da parte di chi non ha arte né parte. I letterati, che non siano poeti, cioè scrittori stringati, si dividono in narratori e saggisti. E’ facile scrivere “C’era una volta….” e parlare di cazzate con nomi di fantasia. In questo modo il successo è assicurato e non hai rompiballe che si sentono diffamati e che ti querelano e che, spesso, sono gli stessi che ti condannano. Meno facile è essere saggisti e scrivere “C’è adesso….” e parlare di cose reali con nomi e cognomi. Impossibile poi è essere saggisti e scrivere delle malefatte dei magistrati e del Potere in generale, che per logica ti perseguitano per farti cessare di scrivere. Devastan...