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In Authority Control in Organizing and Accessing Information: Definition and International Experience, international experts examine the state of the art and explore new theoretical perspectives. With contributions from 17 countries on three continents, this essential resource addresses standards, exchange formats, and metadata, covering authority control for names, works, and subjects. Twenty fascinating case examples show how authority control is practiced at libraries and other institutions around the world.
Reception studies has profoundly transformed Classics and its objects of study: while canonical texts demand much attention, works with a less robust Nachleben are marginalized. This volume explores the discipline from the perspectives of marginality, canonicity, and passion, revealing their implications for its past and future development.
"This publication ... describes locally designed strategies through which grassroots women's groups initiate and engage in ongoing dialogue with local authorities, with a view to influence policies, plans and programmes in ways that address women's priorities ...The Local to Local Dialogues described in this publication are illustrative of such inclusive decision-making processes. The six case studies chronicle the experiences and efforts of each of the women's groups to identify priorities and negotiate with local authorities and in some cases other government authorities."--P. 4.
Ancestors include: Gennaro DiNinni (ca. 1770-1830) of Palmoli, Chieti, Italy -- Stefano Pagano (fl. 1772) of Palmoli, Italy -- Domenico Bolognese (fl. 1740) of Palmoli, Italy -- Giuseppe Pascucci (ca. 1720-1801) of Parmoli, Italy -- Michael Bowerman (1711-1795), immigrant, of Northampton County, Pennsylvania -- William Good (d. 1779) of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania -- John Nicholas Bayer/Boyer (ca. 1760-1823) of Halifax, Pennsylvania -- John Powell/Paul (d. 1748) of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Studies of literary reflections on ethnicity are essential to the ever-renewed definition of Canadian literature. The essays in this collection explore the diverse ways of negotiating identity and the articulation of space in Canada, taking ethnicity as a driving force with ideological and cultural implications that lend public and literary discourse an urgent dynamism. While theorizing ethnicity is a valuable critical enterprise, these essays centre on the concrete realization of the problematics of ethnicity in creative writing, covering a wide range of Canada's mosaic. The creative inscription of ethnicity stimulates the evolution and expansion of Canada's literary heritage, the complexit...
Studies of literary reflections on ethnicity are essential to the ever-renewed definition of Canadian literature. The essays in this collection explore the diverse ways of negotiating identity and the articulation of space in Canada, taking ethnicity as a driving force with ideological and cultural implications that lend public and literary discourse an urgent dynamism. While theorizing ethnicity is a valuable critical enterprise, these essays centre on the concrete realization of the problematics of ethnicity in creative writing, covering a wide range of Canada's mosaic. The creative inscription of ethnicity stimulates the evolution and expansion of Canada's literary heritage, the complexit...
Traducere și note de Gabriela Lungu În 2021, când s-au împlinit 700 de ani de la moartea lui Dante, Matteo Strukul a publicat romanul de față, care ne oferă o imagine inedită asupra tinereții florentinului și evenimentelor legate de geneza Divinei Comedii. Romanul Dante: Enigma a ajuns imediat după apariție în vârful topurilor de vânzări din Italia. Florența, 1288. Un oraș sumbru, terifiat, aflat în mâinile lui Corso Donati, conducătorul guelfilor cel însetat de sângele ghibelinilor care i-au măcelărit aliații la Pieve al Toppo. În acest teatru al apocalipsei se mișcă Dante Alighieri: demn, curajos, devotat lui Beatrice, dar nevoit să trăiască alături de soția sa, Gemma; prieten cu Giotto, iubitor de poezie și artă, dar chemat să-și facă datoria pe câmpul de luptă. Dante va înfrunta moartea la Campaldino, într-o zi sângeroasă care a schimbat cursul istoriei. Bărbat zbuciumat, războinic lucid, poet îndrăgostit – un Dante necunoscut.
A Mediciekről szóló tetralógia befejező kötete, amely önálló, izgalmas regényként is megállja a helyét, a firenzei bankárdinasztia utolsó jelentős egyéniségének eseménydús életét mutatja be. Medici Mária (1575 – 1642) gyönyörű és szerencsétlen sorsú nő volt, aki úgy tudta megtestesíteni a királyi fenséget, mint előtte senki más. A Medici-dinasztiához való tartozása azonban valódi bűnt jelentett a franciák szemében, akik gyűlölték a korábbi királynét, Medici Katalint, aki csak alig több mint 10 évvel korábban uralkodott Franciaországban. Medici Mária a kor leggazdagabb örökösnőjeként IV. (Bourbon) Henrik francia király felesége l...
Dall’autore della saga bestseller I Medici Un grande thriller storico La nuova indagine di Giovanni Antonio Canal, detto il Canaletto Venezia, 1729. All’alba di una torrida giornata d’estate, il cadavere di un uomo viene rinvenuto sul ponte delle Guglie. Sulla gola due fori sanguinolenti e sul petto, fissato con uno stiletto, un biglietto con su scritto “Canaletto”. Appresa la notizia, le autorità convocano subito Giovanni Antonio Canal, che si trova suo malgrado coinvolto, ancora una volta, in un’indagine dai contorni inquietanti. Il primo macabro dettaglio che si impone alla sua attenzione sono le ferite sul collo della vittima: troppo irregolari per essere state provocate da ...