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Not all hurry leads to hastiness. Not all slowness is synonymous with tardiness. Because of all the hustle and bustle, sometimes we pass through life without even looking it in the face. And sometimes if we don’t hurry we let life pass by, and we get stuck on the treadmill, among abandoned dreams, renounced potential, desires swallowed by time. It’s what Ana Cristina Leonardos and Martha Estima Scodro show with great sensitivity in Festina Lente — Make Haste Slowly. More than crafting a beautiful study of the female soul, Martha and Ana Cristina reveal here that which is most human on the surface of finiteness, in the construction of identities, and in the transience of feelings. With ...
Festina Lente ou apressa-te lentamente – Tempos e Ritmos da mulher aos 50 é um estudo sobre a mulher de 50 anos. A partir de uma pergunta: Qual a pergunta mais importante que você se fez no último ano e por que ela é importante? as autoras constroem, em relato leve e profundo, um mosaico de temas do universo temporal feminino. Esses diferentes temas remetem a outras considerações contemporâneas como a percepção do tempo cronológico e emocional, os desafios na busca de redesenhar a vida e, principalmente, o medo e o fascínio perante o horizonte de vida ampliado. O fio condutor da narrativa é a contraposição das ideias pressa e vagar, em aparente incongruência entre acelerar e desfrutar o tempo.
O livro conta a história de uma organização social sobre o ponto de vista de sua fundadora, a médica Vera Cordeiro, dentro do contexto socioeconômico durante o qual a história se passa, entre os anos de 1991 e 2020. Reconhecido nacional e internacionalmente por suas atividades voltadas para a mobilização social sobre questões fundamentais relacionadas à pobreza, desigualdade social e desenvolvimento humano, o Instituto Dara tem sua trajetória de 30 anos contada em uma narrativa envolvente e repleta de emoção. A narradora mescla fatos de sua vida pessoal com o momento histórico do país, que se relaciona com a fundação do Instituto, em 1991, e sua evolução até os dias de hoje. O livro é fruto de um trabalho de cerca de quatro anos e foi escrito e revisado a quatro mãos, por Roberta Pennafort, jornalista, e Dra. Vera Cordeiro, médica e fundadora do Instituto.
Written by the two most recognized Appreciative Inquiry thought leaders A quick, accessible introduction to one of the most popular change methods today--proven effective in organizations ranging from Roadway Express and British Airways to the United Nations and the United States Navy Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a model of change management uniquely suited to the values, beliefs, and challenges of organizations today. AI is a process that emphasizes identifying and building on strengths, rather than focusing exclusively on fixing weaknesses as most other change processes do. As the stories in this book illustrate, it results in dramatic improvements in the triple bottom line: people, profit...
Narrative Therapy provides an introduction to the theory, history, research, and practice of this post-structural approach. First developed by David Epston and Michael White, this therapeutic theory is founded on the idea that people have many interacting narratives that go into making up their sense of who they are, and that the issues they bring to therapy are not restricted to (or located) within the clients themselves, but rather are influenced and shaped by cultural discourses about identity and power. Narrative therapy centers around a rich engagement in re-storying a client's narrative by re-considering, re-appreciating, and re-authoring the client's preferred lives and relationships....
Appendix F: Generic Parent Permission Form -- Appendix G: Mapping the Driving and Restraining Forces (MDRF) -- Appendix H: Focus Group, Fishbowl Story Group, and Video Story Focus Group Guidelines: Roles, Skills, Participation, and Agreements -- Appendix I: PIP and AI Action Worksheet -- Appendix J: Outline for Writing Action Research Paper Using the Participatory Inquiry Process (PIP) -- Appendix K: Write Way Support Materials -- Appendix L: High School to Community College -- Bibliography -- Index
A Dynamic New Approach to Organizational Change Dialogic Organization Development is a compelling alternative to the classical action research approach to planned change. Organizations are seen as fluid, socially constructed realities that are continuously created through conversations and images. Leaders and consultants can help foster change by encouraging disruptions to taken-for-granted ways of thinking and acting and the use of generative images to stimulate new organizational conversations and narratives. This book offers the first comprehensive introduction to Dialogic Organization Development with chapters by a global team of leading scholar-practitioners addressing both theoretical foundations and specific practices.
Key phrases: blended learning, insider knowledge, online pedagogy, narrative therapy, postmodern pedagogy, practitioners and consumers, practitioner-training, public practices, reflective practitioner, students’ voices, teaching congruently, teacher-practitioner, therapeutic letters, teaching therapeutic practice. Author, Peggy Sax, PhD, is in independent practice in Middlebury, Vermont, USA, as a licensed psychologist, consultant, workshop presenter and university instructor. An enthusiastic teacher, Peggy feels privileged for opportunities to share powerful stories of learnings from over 30 years of work with families and their children, teens, adults, couples, communities and students of all ages.
Provocative, insightful and brilliantly written, Nation on the Couch explores our land through the lens of psychoanalysis. By focusing on the idea of a 'political unconscious', it excavates the inner life of South Africans, to illuminate the external problems that beset us. A groundbreaking book that speaks to the uncertainty of our times.
The counselling and psychotherapy professions have experienced a rapid growth and expansion throughout Europe, and internationally. State regulation of these professional practices has required personal development hours for those in training, continuing professional development for all qualified practitioners as well as supervision of their practice. Interacting Selves provides concepts and principles of personal and professional development (PPD) in training and supervision as part of an approach to lifelong learning for all those involved in psychotherapeutic work. Leading European trainers and practitioners draw on their shared background in systemic therapy to articulate a strong theore...