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This excellent book represents the final part of three-volumes regarding MATLAB-based applications in almost every branch of science. The book consists of 19 excellent, insightful articles and the readers will find the results very useful to their work. In particular, the book consists of three parts, the first one is devoted to mathematical methods in the applied sciences by using MATLAB, the second is devoted to MATLAB applications of general interest and the third one discusses MATLAB for educational purposes. This collection of high quality articles, refers to a large range of professional fields and can be used for science as well as for various educational purposes.
Zborník z medzinárodnej interdisciplinárnej konferencie konanej na Ekonomickej univerzite v Bratislave dňa 20. 6. 2019.
Šťastný svet harmónie bez nespravodlivosti, nerovnosti, vojen a utrpenia... svet, kde by nikto netrpel materiálnou núdzou a zároveň mal ideálne podmienky pre šťastný život... O takomto svete snívali v dejinách osobnosti, ktoré v nadväznosti na Utópiu Thomasa Mora nazývame utopisti. Prehľadná a ilustrovaná monografia Dr. Lukáša Perného, za ktorú získal v roku 2021 prémiu Ceny Alexandra Matušku, sprevádza čitateľa dejinami utópií, utopizmu a predstavuje jednotlivých utopistov ako Thomas More, Campanella, Saint-Simon, Fourier, Cabet či Robert Owen. Autor nezabudol ani na vízie spravodlivého sveta v slovanskom a konkrétne slovenskom prostredí. Uvádza tie...
What is the relationship between phonetics and phonology? Are phonological features innate and universal, and do they have fixed phonetic correlates? These questions have received renewed prominence in theoretical debates, and this book explores them from a modular, substance-free perspective. This in-depth analysis of Breton serves not only to introduce important data from this endangered language into the theoretical landscape but also to demonstrate the viability of a modular phonological framework. The book introduces a minimalist system of phonological representations built up on a language-specific basis, and integrates it with a fully-fledged computational framework, showcasing the numerous empirical and conceptual advantages of a substance-free view of phonology. Presenting the first comprehensive analysis of the sound patterns of a Breton variety treated in a substance-free phonological framework, this book will enhance the understanding of Celtic phonology and offers a valuable reference for postgraduate students, academics and researchers working in phonological theory and Celtic studies.
Objektom autorovho výskumu je spôsob, akým slovenskí politici prezentovali postoje počas pandémie ochorenia COVID-19 a ruskej (Putinovej) vojenskej agresie na Ukrajine. Nejde teda len o témy spojené s koronou, t. j. nie obsah je dôležitý, ale v prvom rade štýl komunikácie, jazykové prostriedky a spôsob, ako politickí aktéri jednotlivé témy spojené s pandémiou, vrátane rôznych vládnych opatrení, uchopili jazykovo. Autora zaujíma ani nie to, čo sa komunikuje, ale spôsob, akým sa komunikuje, aké výrazové prostriedky populisti používajú, aby zdôraznili svoje obsahové priority. V centre autorovho výskumu teda stojí jazyk slovenských radikálnych populistov.