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Fundamental to Christian faith is the assumption that the Bible presents a true and reliable portrait of God and God's will for the world. Yet thoughtful believers and nonbelievers alike continue to inquire into the nature and veracity of Scripture, with the result that the Bible is viewed today as everything from infallible to mythological. This significant book tackles the central question of what Christianity means when it claims that the Bible is true. Written by nine Christian scholars from the disciplines of theology, biblical studies, and philosophy, these penetrating chapters reject stale, simplistic answers in favor of fresh, invigorating perspectives that leave ample room for dialogue. In addition, several contributors helpfully move the discussion from reflection to practical application, explaining the role of biblical truth in preaching and theological education. Contributors: David Bartlett Ellen T. Charry Stephen T. Davis Patrick R. Keifert Ben C. Ollenburger Dennis T. Olson Alan G. Padgett Mark I. Wallace Nicholas Wolterstorff
Previous scholarship hints at the connection between Judges 19–21 and Ruth (as set in dialogue), but there has yet to be a study to articulate this relationship. Through a Bakhtinian-canonical perspective, a comparative analysis of these texts unveils intertextual correlations. Lexical and thematic connections include shared idioms, contrasting themes of חרם (“ban”) andחסד (“loving–kindness,” “covenant–faithfulness”), silence and speech, abuse and potential for abuse, gendered violence and feminine agency. This case-study reveals that Ruth, as a text and as a woman, embodies a voice of answerability to the silenced and abused women in Judges 19–21
Drawing inspiration from the widely recognized parody of Ps 8:5 in Job 7:17–18, this study inquires whether other allusions to the Psalms might likewise contribute to the dialogue between Job, his friends, and God. An intertextual method that incorporates both “diachronic” and “synchronic” concerns is applied to the sections of Job and the Psalms in which the intertextual connections are the most pronounced, the Job dialogue and six psalms that fall into three broad categories: praise (8, 107), supplication (39, 139), and instruction (1, 73). In each case, Job’s dependence on the Psalms is determined to be the more likely explanation of the parallel, and, in most, allusions to th...
An indispensable resource for students and scholars, The Oxford Handbook of the Psalms features a diverse array of essays that treat the Psalms from a variety of perspectives. Classical scholarship and approaches as well as contextual interpretations and practices are well represented. The coverage is uniquely wide ranging.
Immersive Multimodal Interactive Presence presents advanced interdisciplinary approaches that connect psychophysical and behavioral haptics research with advances in haptic technology and haptic rendering. It delivers a summary of the results achieved in the IMMERSENCE European project and includes selected chapters by international researchers. Organized into two parts: I. Psychophysical and Behavioral Basis and II. Technology and Rendering, it is an excellent example of interdisciplinary research directed towards the advancement of multimodal immersive virtual environments with particular focus on haptic interaction. The twelve chapters of the book are grouped around three different scenarios representing different types of interactions in virtual environments: Person-Object (PO), Person-Object-Person (POP) and Person-Person (PP) interaction. Recent results of psychophysical and behavioral studies are reported along with new technological developments for haptic displays and novel haptic rendering techniques.
Your God is too somber if your posture before him lacks a spirit of joy and a commitment to rejoice as much as possible. While life has its sadness and tragedy, the good news of Jesus Christ is that God's kingdom has won; and the suffering we face for a time is shorter compared with the endless delight that God promises. So, "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice!" (Phil 4:4). Your God is too somber if you embrace a theology of tears, rather than a theology of laughter. Of course, salvation and Christ's sacrifice are serious business, and we should engage in moments of penitential reflection, confession, and atonement. But all of this so we can shake off the shackles of our shortcomings and celebrate God fully and joyfully. Your God is too somber if you fail to see the humor in the Bible: the calls to joy, paradox, irony, burlesque, play, and wordplay. God laughs, sometimes with us, sometimes at us, and Jesus's humor is evident in parables and sayings, with the goal of teaching us the truth. Is your God too somber? This book aims to help you answer that question.
Islam on the Margins commemorates the contributions Michael Bonner made to Near Eastern Studies. It consists of fourteen contributions by his students and colleagues that focus on various aspects of his work. The contributions coalesce around four major themes of Bonner’s endeavours: Holy War and the Frontier, Qurʾan and Law, Geography and Ethnography, and Books, Coins and Titles. Collectively, the contributions underscore the breadth of Michael Bonner’s erudition and impact on the field.
The books of the Latter Prophets have traditionally been treated as persuasive speeches, and interpreted according to their rhetoric. At the same time, interpreters recognize the poetic form of much prophecy. This study takes up the notion of the 'prophet' as 'poet', focusing on word-play in Hosea and on the lyrical plot of that book; the case is made for treating Hosea as a stark, full-length poem of inexhaustible power.
Drawing on more than twenty-five years experience consulting andtraining on project management in companies such as NCR, AT&T,and 3M, J. Davidson Frame updates and expands what he introduced inthe first edition of The New Project Management in 1994-a set ofcore competencies for managerial success in a corporate climatewhere downsizing, outsourcing, and employee empowerment are a wayof life. This new edition focuses on the hottest areas in projectmanagement today-augmenting and expanding the existing coverage ofrisk management and estimating, and including three all-newchapters on critical issues that did not even exist in 1994.
The approach to biblical interpretation known as "form criticism" has changed markedly at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Front-ranking experts here survey the contemporary landscape of form criticism and explore significant patterns and trends now emerging in the field. Together these essays point to the continuing dynamism and vitality of form-critical theory as a significant tool for reading the Bible. Contributors: Bob Becking Ehud Ben Zvi Erhard Blum Sue Boorer Martin J. Buss Antony F. Campbell Michael H. Floyd Hyun Chul Paul Kim Won Lee Tremper Longman III Roy F. Melugin Martti Nissinen David L. Petersen Margaret S. Odell Thomas Romer Martin Rosel Marvin A. Sweeney Patricia K. Tull Raymond C. Van Leeuwen