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The Cultural Construction of Monstrous Children raises important questions at the heart of society and culture, and through an interdisciplinary, trans-cultural analysis presents important findings on socio-cultural representations and embodiments of the child and childhood. At the start of the 21st, new anxieties constellate around the child and childhood, while older concerns have re-emerged, mutated, and grown stronger. But as historical analysis shows, they have been ever-present concerns. This innovative and interdisciplinary collection of essays considers examples of monstrous children since the 16th century to the present, spanning real-life and popular culture, to exhibit the manifestation of the Western cultural anxiety around the problematic, anomalous child as naughty, dangerous, or just plain evil. The book takes an inter- and multidisciplinary approach, drawing upon fields as diverse as sociology, psychology, film, and literature, to study the role of the child and childhood within contemporary Western culture and to see the historic ways in which each discipline intersects and influences the other.
This volume explores how advances in the fields of evolutionary neuroscience and cognitive psychology are informing media studies with a better understanding of how humans perceive, think and experience emotion within mediated environments. The book highlights interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to the production and reception of cinema, television, the Internet and other forms of mediated communication that take into account new understandings of how the embodied brain senses and interacts with its symbolic environment. Moreover, as popular media shape perceptions of the promises and limits of brain science, contributors also examine the representation of neuroscience and cognitive psychology within mediated culture.
The breathless pace of China’s economic reform has brought about deep ruptures in socioeconomic structures and people’s inner landscape. Faced with increasing market-driven competition and profound social changes, more and more middle-class urbanites are turning to Western-style psychological counseling to grapple with their mental distress. This book offers an in-depth ethnographic account of how an unfolding “inner revolution” is reconfiguring selfhood, psyche, family dynamics, sociality, and the mode of governing in post-socialist times. Li Zhang shows that anxiety—broadly construed in both medical and social terms—has become a powerful indicator for the general pulse of contemporary Chinese society. It is in this particular context that Zhang traces how a new psychotherapeutic culture takes root, thrives, and transforms itself across a wide range of personal, social, and political domains.
Trouble is afoot in Digital Culture and Nerdland. These are, Alexander I. Stingl claims, not the engine of freedom and democracy that they once were hailed to be – this much is already clear in the wake of the snooping and surveillance crises that broke in recent years. Digitalization is but another version of the coloniality of power and being that has been at work for decades and centuries. He poses the question, whether Digital Age possess the legitimacy that ‘digitalization’ has claimed. His response is critically realistic, but he doesn’t stop at a critique for criticism’s sake. Inspired by the ideas of decolonial scholars, feminist science studies, current biological and neur...
This volume seeks to answer the call for richer, more diverse understandings of disability through questions about narrative frameworks in disability research.Narrative is a omnipresent meaning-producing communication form in social life that is both cultural and personal.
Looking beyond Euro-Anglo-US centric zombie narratives, Decolonizing the Undead reconsiders representations and allegories constructed around this figure of the undead, probing its cultural and historical weight across different nations and its significance to postcolonial, decolonial, and neoliberal discourses. Taking stock of zombies as they appear in literature, film, and television from the Caribbean, Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, India, Japan, and Iraq, this book explores how the undead reflect a plethora of experiences previously obscured by western preoccupations and anxieties. These include embodiment and dismemberment in Haitian revolutionary contexts; resistance and subversion...
Das Teen TV boomt. Aktuelle Jugendserien auf Streaming-Plattformen sind dafür ein klares Indiz, haben in der deutschsprachigen Medienwissenschaft bislang aber kaum Beachtung gefunden. Dieser Sammelband führt grundlegend in das serielle Teen TV ein und nimmt zentrale Fallbeispiele in den Blick, von 13 Reasons Why bis zu DRUCK, der deutschen Adaption des norwegischen Transmedia-Jugenddramas SKAM. Neben den Inhalten und der Ästhetik der seriellen Jugendnarrationen geht es um ihre Rezeption und um Produktionskontexte.
Heike Stecklum untersucht bürgerschaftliches Engagement von psychisch erkrankten Menschen vor dem Hintergrund der gesellschaftlichen Transformation in Ostdeutschland. Dabei nimmt sie bei der Analyse von Biographien die bisher selten eingenommene Perspektive auf Ressourcen und Potenziale der Akteure und ihres jeweiligen sozialen Umfelds ein. Analysen der Familien- und Lebensgeschichten zeigen das Zusammenwirken verschiedenster Faktoren und Aspekte in den biographischen Verläufen zum Engagement auf. Die dafür prägende Erfahrung der DDR-Sozialisation stellt ein grundlegendes Ergebnis der Studie dar. Damit stellt sie einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Erforschung des Engagements in Ostdeutschland sowie gesellschaftlicher Veränderungsprozesse dar.
Schizophrenie – kaum ein anderer psychiatrischer Krankheitsbegriff wurde in der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts so intensiv und kritisch diskutiert. Auch innerhalb der Psychiatrie herrschte alles andere als Einigkeit über den Begriff, die Ursachen und Behandlungsmethoden. Von den ersten Berichten psychotherapeutischer Behandlungen bis hin zu den Erfahrungsschilderungen von Betroffenen rekonstruiert Sandra Schmitt, wie sich die Vorstellungen von Schizophrenie nach 1945 veränderten, welche Rolle die Psychoanalyse dabei spielte und wie die Psychiatrie darüber in eine Krise geriet und sich durch methodische Verwissenschaftlichungen wieder stabilisierte. Die Studie beschreibt die Zirkulation von Wissen und die Etablierung neuer Deutungen des Schizophreniekonzeptes und liefert so einen Beitrag zur Wissens- und Kulturgeschichte der Psychiatrie in Ost- und Westdeutschland.