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While Alfred North Whitehead did not dedicate any books or articles to aesthetics specifically, aesthetic motifs permeate his entire philosophical opus. Despite this, aestheticians have devoted little attention to Whitehead; most attempts to reconstruct Whitehead’s aesthetics have come from process philosophers, and even in that context aesthetics has never occupied a central position. In this book, four scholars of aesthetics provide another angle from which Whiteheadian aesthetics might be reconstructed. Paying special attention to the notion of aesthetic experience, the authors analyze abstraction versus concreteness, immediacy vs. mediation, and aesthetic contextualism vs. aesthetic is...
How can aesthetic enquiry contribute to the study of visual culture? There seems to be little doubt that aesthetic theory ought to be of interest to the study of visual culture. For one thing, aesthetic vocabulary has far from vanished from contemporary debates on the nature of our visual experiences and its various shapes, a fact especially pertinent where dissatisfaction with vulgar value relativism prevails. Besides, the very question—ubiquitous in the debates on visual culture—of what is natural and what is acquired in our visual experiences has been a topic in aesthetics at least since the Enlightenment. And last but not least, despite attempts to study visual culture without employ...
This volume brings together the proceedings of the “European Summer School for Process Thought”, which took place in Mülheim, Germany, in August 2012. It explores Alfred North Whitehead’s thinking in different fields of science, connecting his philosophical writings with physics, religion, education, psychology and aesthetics. The first part of the book is concerned with Whitehead’s philosophical methodology, discussing a plethora of subjects, including the interdependence between some of Whitehead’s works, the role of logic in his style of argument, concepts of time, the role of symbolism, and the relation between specialized terminology and the colloquial in Whitehead’s philosophy. The second part explores applications for the concepts of Whitehead’s thinking in a broader context. In scientific fields as diverse as physics, theological and classical Chinese religious thought, concepts of education and psychological theories of embodiment, Whitehead’s basic philosophical concepts have been implemented in various different ways. As such, this book holds an interdisciplinary appeal for Whitehead scholars from different scientific backgrounds.
In The Morph-Image: The Subjunctive Synthesis of Time, Steen Ledet Christiansen argues for a new model of digital cinema that draws on Deleuzian and Whiteheadian insights into time and the future. This model insists that the philosophy of time must be rethought to provide a better understanding of the future and that the digital capacities of post-cinema present occasions of thought well-suited to this task. The figure of the morph, Christiansen posits, allows a conception of how post-cinema expresses time as a means of capture that appears liberatory, but modulates subjectivities into temporal forms of control. These temporal forms include digital animacies, flows, loops, synthetic long tak...
Process thought is an important component of contemporary philosophy. Alfred North Whitehead’s organic philosophy has a special place in the landscape of process thinking, being detailed, precise and well-thought, and at the same time extremely visionary and far-reaching. The global community of process thinkers includes physicists, biologists, doctors, political scientists, educators, activists, philosophers, theologians and other people devoted to rethinking their disciplines in the light of process philosophy. This volume presents the cutting edge in the creation of a process worldview. Leading scholars from all over the world gathered to discuss how process thinking can inspire us to rethink our lives. Precise philosophical language and a unifying vision are applied to core issues, such as politics, society, education and religion. The book represents a bold move from academic philosophy into the realm of actual human lives.
Virginia Woolf as a Process-Oriented Thinker: Parallels Between Woolf’s Fiction and Process Philosophy introduces Virginia Woolf as a nondualist and process-oriented thinker whose ideas are, despite no direct influence, strikingly similar to those of Alfred North Whitehead. Veronika Krajíčková argues that in their respective fields, literature and philosophy, Woolf and Whitehead both criticized the materialist turn of their time and attempted to reattribute importance to experience and undermine long-rooted dualisms such as subject and object, the animate and the inanimate, the human and the nonhuman, or the self and the other. By erasing the gaps between these dualities, the two thinke...
Kniha Na okrajích umění problematizuje a novým způsobem pojímá všeobecně sdílenou představu, podle níž svět umění tvoří oblast nejen odlišnou, nýbrž protikladnou běžnému, každodennímu světu. Výchozím tématem knihy je popis soudního sporu z let 1927 a 1928 mezi francouzsko-rumunským modernistickým sochařem Constantinem Brâncușim a vládou Spojených států amerických. Celní úřad Spojených států tehdy odmítl přiznat některým Brâncușiho sochám pro jejich neobvyklý zjev status uměleckých děl a odepřel jim tímto bezcelní odbavení. Při této události se zdánlivě oddělené světy umění a běžného života zničehonic prolnuly a vyvo...
Existuje nějaký přístup k hodnotové struktuře zahrad, který by byl přiměřený jejich obecně přisuzovanému významu, avšak který by je nepodřazoval pod instituce uměleckého světa? Jaké jsou vůbec vztahy mezi přirozeným a umělým, jejichž jsou zahrady jedním z nejvýraznějších příkladů? Z jakých důvodů byly zahrady výsostným předmětem filozofických reflexí a mohou jím být či jsou jím i dnes? A jakými proměnami zahrady a zahradnictví v současnosti prochází? Takové otázky si mimo jiné kladou kapitoly této monografie a hledají na ně odpovědi z hlediska estetiky, filozofie, přírodních věd, dějin evropského i světového umění, literatury či zahradnictví.
Drawings are an architect's essential tools of expression: a way of communicating, of formulating ideas, of connecting the hand, the mind and the eye to the sheet of paper. Jan Kaplický (1937-2009) was a visionary architect with a passion for drawing. It was his way of discovering, describing and constructing; and through drawing he presented beguiling architectural imagery of the highest order. Many of his sketches, cutaway drawings and photomontages are brought together and celebrated in Jan Kaplický Drawings. These drawings date from the early years of his independent practice, Future Systems, in the 1970s, to his final ink drawings, executed in the mid-1990s. Featured projects range from design studies for the International Space Station, undertaken with NASA, to the Media Centre at Lord's Cricket Ground in London, winner of the 1999 Stirling Prize. Kaplický was one of the world's last great architect-poet-draughtsmen, upholding a heritage that has its roots in the early Renaissance and has since all but vanished with the advent of computer-aided design. If this book has one central message for architects, it is that drawing as an art and a discipline must not be forgotten.