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Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie.
Zborník z konferencie Jazyk a politika. Na pomedzí lingvistiky a politológie VII., ktorá sa konala na Fakulte aplikovaných jazykov Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave.
Predložený zborník predstavuje výstup z medzinárodnej konferencie, ktorá niesla názov Jazyk a politika: medzi lingvistikou a politológiou. Organizátorom konferencie boli okrem Fakulty aplikovaných jazykov Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave aj Ústav politických vied SAV a Slovenská spoločnosť pre regionálnu politiku pri SAV. Jednalo sa o interdisciplinárnu konferenciu s cieľom preskúmať fenomén politického jazyka očami odborníkov z viacerých vedeckých disciplín. Nielen lingvistiky a politológie, ale rovnako sociológov, ekonómov, ako aj odborníkov na interkultúrnu a masmediálnu komunikáciu. Politický jazyk je totiž spoločným objektom výskumu viacerých humanitných a spoločenských disciplín.
Zborník príspevkov z 2. ročníka medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie zo dňa 22.6.2017. Fakulta aplikovaných jazykov, Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave, Bratislava.
In today’s globalized world, where the foundations of home and social security are destabilized due to wars and neoliberal transformations, the villagers of Kosovo are linked with a common locality despite living across borders. By tracing long-distant family relations with a special focus on cross-border marriages, this study looks at the reconfiguration of care relations, gender and generational roles among kin-members of Kosovo, who now live in different European states.
Though many historians of colonial Africa are familiar with petitions preserved in archives, few have looked at what this genre of letter writing tells us about broader colonial society. In a rigorously researched and compelling narrative, Petition Writing and Negotiations of Colonialism in Igboland, 1892–1960: African Voices in Ink fills this gap through the exploration of petitions written by Igbo petitioners in southeastern Nigeria to British officials which shows how these Igbo individuals influenced colonial decision-making. In challenging colonial authority through petition writing, Igbo petitioners used language of rights and justice to navigate the colonial system. Utilizing a larg...
In EU Peacebuilding in Kosovo and Afghanistan: Legality and Accountability Martina Spernbauer offers a comprehensive account of the EU's peacebuilding toolbox in light of the Union's constitutional architecture under the Treaty of Lisbon. A detailed analysis of EU peacebuilding in Kosovo and Afghanistan, with a focus on the security and justice sectors, demonstrates that the Union's continuous dichotomy between the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and other Union policies is difficult to maintain for this multi-faceted, comprehensive policy framework, which lies at the interface of security, justice and development. Within this analysis, the central questions of compliance of EU external action with international law and international human rights law in particular under CFSP, as well as accountability towards third countries and their nationals are addressed.
Веками мы искали способы борьбы с холодом, голодом, природными силами и агрессией хищников. И вот, достигнув полной обустроенности жизни, мы все равно чувствуем пустоту и бессмысленность собственного существования. Обретя все блага цивилизации, мы неустанно ищем нечто большее. «Жажда смысла» – это книга, базирующаяся на теории легендарного основателя логотерапии – 3-ей Венской ...
Das englischsprachige Berghof Handbook ist das internationale Referenzwerk zum Thema Konflikttransformation. The Berghof Handbook offers both practitioners and scholars a systematic overview of the state-of-the-art of conflict transformation.