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Con questo volume gli autori e le autrici intendono celebrare l’opera di Patrizio Collini come docente e saggista, offrendo la dimostrazione del segno lasciato nell’ambito della Germanistica e delle Letterature Comparate lungo la rotta Firenze-Bonn-Parigi, senza dimenticare Venezia, grande amore e rifugio dello studioso toscano. In un dialogo ininterrotto tra letteratura e arti (figurative e sceniche), le ipotesi di studio, i contributi scientifici, i ricordi e i racconti raccolti in questa miscellanea attraversano la storia tedesca ed europea dalla Goethezeit alla caduta del Muro di Berlino, così collocandosi in linea con i numerosi interessi di ricerca del Collini germanista, profondo conoscitore del Romanticismo, ma anche del bibliofilo, del musicofilo e soprattutto del flâneur. Un invito a perdersi passeggiando per le vie della grande letteratura e a ritrovare il piacere della lentezza, forse addirittura della felicità che può risiedere nel possesso di un libro – o nell’esserne posseduti.
Das Nichts stellt eine Konstante in Leopardis Werk dar, deren Darstellung bei Weitem nicht auf die bloße Nennung des ,nulla' beschränkt ist. Es erweist sich als polyvalente Denkfigur, die unter anderem auf Mangel, Abwesenheit, Wertlosigkeit, Zersetzung und Vergehen verweist. Durch eine genaue Betrachtung der unterschiedlichen Nichts-Konzeptionen wird eine gleitende Semantik sichtbar, die im ganzen Werk dynamisch bleibt. Diese entsteht durch die wiederholte Parallelisierung von gegensätzlichen Begrifflichkeiten wie ,Vernunft und Natur', ,Antike und Moderne', ,Dichtung und Philosophie', ,Materie und Geist', ,Leben und Tod', ,Inneres und Äußeres', etc. Dies ist aber nicht die einzige Funktion, die das Nichts in Leopardis Gedankenbewegungen einnimmt: Das Nichts entpuppt sich vielerorts als Orientierungspunkt.
Hot environments are diverse environments that habor a wide variety of anaerobic microorganisms. Although the existence of thermophilic microorganisms has been known for over a century, it is only since the 1970s that warm environments inhabited by thermophiles have been studied in more detail. While aerobic thermophiles have received most of the interest, thermophilic anaerobes have received less attention. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental aspects of thermophilic anaerobes, from their environments to their applications in biotechnology. The book is divided into three parts: 1) a general overview of thermophilic anaerobes, their history, environments, and phylog...
A new account of the renowned Baroque painter, revealing how her astute professional decisions shaped her career, style, and legacy Art has long been viewed as a calling—a quasi-religious vocation that drives artists to seek answers to humanity’s deepest questions. Yet the art world is a risky, competitive business that requires artists to make strategic decisions, especially if the artist is a woman. In Artemisia Gentileschi and the Business of Art, Christopher Marshall presents a new account of the life, work, and legacy of the Italian Baroque painter, revealing how she built a successful four-decade career in a male-dominated field—and how her business acumen has even influenced the...
This innovative collection opens a door into the rich history of animals in China. This title is also available as Open Access.
"Information technology shapes nearly every part of modern life, and debates about information--its meaning, effects, and applications--are central to a range of fields, from economics, technology, and politics to library science, media studies, and cultural studies. This rich, unique resource traces the history of information with an approach designed to draw connections across fields and perspectives, and provide essential context for our current age of information. Clear, accessible, and authoritative, the book opens with a series of articles that provide a narrative history of information from premodern practices to twenty-first-century information culture. This section focuses on major ...