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One service mathematics has rc:ndered the 'Et moi, "', si j'avait su comment CD revenir, je n'y serais point alle. ' human race. It has put common SCIIJC back Jules Verne where it belongs. on the topmost shelf next to tbe dusty canister 1abdled 'discarded non- The series is divergent; tberefore we may be sense'. able to do sometbing witb it Eric T. Bell O. Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and non linearities abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sciences. Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds such statements as: 'One service topol...
This is a masterly introduction to the modern, and rigorous, theory of probability. The author emphasises martingales and develops all the necessary measure theory.
Over the past eighty years, martingales have become central in the mathematics of randomness. They appear in the general theory of stochastic processes, in the algorithmic theory of randomness, and in some branches of mathematical statistics. Yet little has been written about the history of this evolution. This book explores some of the territory that the history of the concept of martingales has transformed. The historian of martingales faces an immense task. We can find traces of martingale thinking at the very beginning of probability theory, because this theory was related to gambling, and the evolution of a gambler’s holdings as a result of following a particular strategy can always b...
This book offers a rigorous and self-contained presentation of stochastic integration and stochastic calculus within the general framework of continuous semimartingales. The main tools of stochastic calculus, including Itô’s formula, the optional stopping theorem and Girsanov’s theorem, are treated in detail alongside many illustrative examples. The book also contains an introduction to Markov processes, with applications to solutions of stochastic differential equations and to connections between Brownian motion and partial differential equations. The theory of local times of semimartingales is discussed in the last chapter. Since its invention by Itô, stochastic calculus has proven t...
This book focuses on the major applications of martingales to the geometry of Banach spaces, and a substantial discussion of harmonic analysis in Banach space valued Hardy spaces is also presented. It covers exciting links between super-reflexivity and some metric spaces related to computer science, as well as an outline of the recently developed theory of non-commutative martingales, which has natural connections with quantum physics and quantum information theory. Requiring few prerequisites and providing fully detailed proofs for the main results, this self-contained study is accessible to graduate students with a basic knowledge of real and complex analysis and functional analysis. Chapters can be read independently, with each building from the introductory notes, and the diversity of topics included also means this book can serve as the basis for a variety of graduate courses.
This book is entirely devoted to discrete time and provides a detailed introduction to the construction of the rigorous mathematical tools required for the evaluation of options in financial markets. Both theoretical and practical aspects are explored through multiple examples and exercises, for which complete solutions are provided. Particular attention is paid to the Cox, Ross and Rubinstein model in discrete time. The book offers a combination of mathematical teaching and numerous exercises for wide appeal. It is a useful reference for students at the master’s or doctoral level who are specializing in applied mathematics or finance as well as teachers, researchers in the field of economics or actuarial science, or professionals working in the various financial sectors. Martingales and Financial Mathematics in Discrete Time is also for anyone who may be interested in a rigorous and accessible mathematical construction of the tools and concepts used in financial mathematics, or in the application of the martingale theory in finance
Set-Indexed Martingales offers a unique, comprehensive development of a general theory of Martingales indexed by a family of sets. The authors establish-for the first time-an appropriate framework that provides a suitable structure for a theory of Martingales with enough generality to include many interesting examples. Developed from first principles, the theory brings together the theories of Martingales with a directed index set and set-indexed stochastic processes. Part One presents several classical concepts extended to this setting, including: stopping, predictability, Doob-Meyer decompositions, martingale characterizations of the set-indexed Poisson process, and Brownian motion. Part T...
In three chapters on Exponential Martingales, BMO-martingales, and Exponential of BMO, this book explains in detail the beautiful properties of continuous exponential martingales that play an essential role in various questions concerning the absolute continuity of probability laws of stochastic processes. The second and principal aim is to provide a full report on the exciting results on BMO in the theory of exponential martingales. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the general theory of continuous martingales.
"This is a magnificent book! Its purpose is to describe in considerable detail a variety of techniques used by probabilists in the investigation of problems concerning Brownian motion....This is THE book for a capable graduate student starting out on research in probability: the effect of working through it is as if the authors are sitting beside one, enthusiastically explaining the theory, presenting further developments as exercises." –BULLETIN OF THE L.M.S.
This book, first published in 2005, introduces measure and integration theory as it is needed in many parts of analysis and probability.