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Justice and Memory after Dictatorship: Latin America, Eastern Europe and the Fragmentation of International Criminal Law provides a ground-breaking socio-historical account of the global transformation of international criminal law after the fall of dictatorships at the end of the 1980s.
Authority and Control in the Countryside looks at the economic, religious, political and cultural instruments that local and regional powers in the late antique to early medieval Mediterranean and Near East used to manage their rural hinterlands.
The structures of the late ancient Visigothic kingdom of Iberia were rooted in those of Roman Hispania, Santiago Castellanos argues, but Catholic bishops subsequently produced a narrative of process and power from the episcopal point of view that became the official record and primary documentation for all later historians. The delineation of these two discrete projects—of construction and invention—form the core of The Visigothic Kingdom in Iberia. Castellanos reads documents of the period that are little known to many Anglophone scholars, including records of church councils, sermons, and letters, and utilizes archaeological findings to determine how the political system of elites related to local communities, and how the documentation they created promoted an ideological agenda. Looking particularly at the archaeological record, he finds that rural communities in the region were complex worlds unto themselves, with clear internal social stratification little recognized by the literate elites.
With the rise of direct-democratic instruments, the relationship between popular sovereignty and the rule of law is set to become one of the defining political issues of our time. This important and timely book provides an in-depth analysis of the limits imposed on referendums and citizens’ initiatives, as well as of systems of reviewing compliance with these limits, in 11 European states.
This book analyses the complex phenomenon of secession as a form of creation of States from the perspective of international law. As opposed to other approaches based on the analysis of the political foundation of the secessionist processes or on the construction of a legal basis that justifies the existing practice, the aim is to provide an explanation of secession as a practice covered neither by the legal regime of the United Nations for the self-determination of colonial peoples nor by the regulations and guidelines relating to the human rights of minorities and indigenous populations, both in the UN and in regional organisations (Organization of American States, Council of Europe or Afr...
En el presente trabajo he tratado de abordar la autodeterminación de los pueblos desde una posición libre de valores. Creyendo en la axiología que debe informar a todo analista cuando se adentra en sus objetos de estudio. Sobre todo en disciplinas que nos condicionan tanto como las Ciencias Sociales, donde somos investigador y a la vez objeto del análisis. Somos sujetos que vivimos dentro de sistemas jurídicos y políticos y por ende presos de prejuicios analíticos que nuestra posición social nos impone. Pero mi intención ha sido aproximarme a este complejo objeto de estudio al margen de cualquier prejuicio político establecido, tratando de no dejarme influir por la enorme carga de ...
This volume of Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing contains accepted papers presented at CISIS 2012 and ICEUTE 2012, both conferences held in the beautiful and historic city of Ostrava (Czech Republic), in September 2012. CISIS aims to offer a meeting opportunity for academic and industry-related researchers belonging to the various, vast communities of Computational Intelligence, Information Security, and Data Mining. The need for intelligent, flexible behaviour by large, complex systems, especially in mission-critical domains, is intended to be the catalyst and the aggregation stimulus for the overall event. After a through peer-review process, the CISIS 2012 International Program C...
El nuevo libro del reconocido periodista Ernesto Ekaizer se adentra en el polémico caso Villarejo y cómo el fiscal Stampa fue apartado por razones políticas. ¿Quién es de verdad el excomisario José Manuel Villarejo, el hombre de las mil identidades? ¿Agente encubierto de inteligencia o CEO del conglomerado de empresas CENYT que ha amasado una fortuna? ¿Cómo y por qué afloran unos audios -32 terabytes o doce tráileres llenos a rebosar de papel— en los cuales Villarejo ha grabado a personalidades de la política, la empresa, la policía y la justicia? ¿Quién es Ignacio Stampa, el fiscal al cual la fiscal general del Estado apartó del caso Villarejo precisamente por su infatigab...
Following each Member State's need to rebuild a strong and stable economy after the 2007 financial crisis, the European Union (EU) has developed a robust new transparency framework with binding anti-abuse measures and stronger instruments to challenge external threats of base erosion. This is the first and only book to provide a complete detailed analysis of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Package and other recent and ongoing European actions taken in direct taxation. With contributions from both prominent tax academics and Spain's delegates to the European meetings where these rules are debated and promulgated, the book covers such issues and topics as the following: – the development of the EU St...