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Authored by members of the British Bobath Tutors Association, Bobath Concept: Theory and Clinical Practice in Neurological Rehabilitationis a practical illustrated guide that offers a detailed exploration of the theoretical underpinning and clinical interventions of the Bobath Concept. The evolution of the Bobath concept is brilliantly captured in this volume. The recognition that the best inhibition may come from engaging the patient in normal activities is an example of the way one of the notions central to the original Bobath Concept has developed. In short, the Bobath Concept lies at the heart of an approach to neurorehabilitation that is ready to take advantage of the rapidly advancing ...
New edition of the acclaimed guide to the Bobath Concept for the management of neurological dysfunction The pioneering text by internationally renowned Bobath instructor and therapist Bente Gjelsvik is now in a revised and expanded second edition. The Bobath Concept in Adult Neurology, Second Edition, is updated with the latest theoretical insights, research literature, and clinical guidelines to provide an evidence-based, practice-oriented guide to the assessment and treatment of patients with lesions of the central nervous system. Bridging the gap between theoretical assumptions and everyday therapy practice, the book offers an understanding of the interaction between the central nervous s...
'A great and inspiring book from Doncaster's bravest son. Read it in a day' - Jeremy Clarkson 'Ben is the embodiment of positive thinking. What he has achieved, in large part through willpower, is nothing short of miraculous. An inspiration to us all' - Ant Middleton The story of Ben Parkinson MBE, the most injured soldier to have survived Afghanistan --- What were you doing when you were 22? Where were you in the world? What did you want to do with your life? Ben Parkinson was a 6'4" Paratrooper. He was in Afghanistan fighting for his country. He wanted to always be a soldier, to be a father and to get home in one piece. But we don't always get what we want. So the question is: how do we re...
Dieses Buch stellt Ihnen das Bobath-Konzept vor. Ein Konzept, das sowohl bei Kindern und Jugendlichen als auch bei Erwachsenen mit angeborener oder erworbener Schädigung des zentralen Nervensystems interdisziplinär angewandt wird. Die Autoren dieses Buches beziehen sich auf die Anwendung in der Physiotherapie. Den Herausgeberinnen, Hille Viebrock und Barbara Forst, ist es gelungen, mit namhaften Autorinnen und Autoren aktuelle Sichtweisen des Bobath-Konzeptes aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven darzustellen. Das Bobath-Konzept wird mit einem Blick auf seine Geschichte, auf seine theoretischen Grundlagen und Bezugstheorien, auf seine Praxis und auf seinen Bezug zu den Gesundheitswissenschaft...
All'inizio degli anni Cinquanta, don Luigi Giussani, un giovane prete della diocesi di Milano con la passione per l'educazione, è turbato dalla constatazione che la stragrande maggioranza dei giovani da lui conosciuti mostra una grande ignoranza del cristianesimo o vive la propria fede senza impegno. Decide così di abbandonare una promettente carriera come professore di teologia e inizia a insegnare religione in un liceo statale di Milano, il Berchet. Dopo poco tempo, riesce a raccogliere attorno a sé diverse centinaia di ragazzi e ragazze, che daranno vita a una nuova esperienza ecclesiale, conosciuta a partire dagli anni Settanta come Comunione e Liberazione, un movimento che conta oggi migliaia di aderenti in tutto il mondo. Fernando de Haro ricrea la vita del carismatico prete ambrosiano in una biografia che combina la ricerca giornalistica con le tecniche della fiction, ricostruendo con fedeltà e vivacità di scrittura situazioni, luoghi, incontri di una vicenda umana e spirituale straordinaria. «Quello che ho detto, non l'ho detto perché sono un prete, ma perché sono un uomo» (don Luigi Giussani)
Treatment of the Neurologically Impaired AdultWith the present book, acclaimed international Bobath instructor and therapist Bente Gjelsvik offers an evidence-based practice-oriented road map to the assessment and treatment of patients with lesions of the central nervous system.Consisting of 238 pages of accessible text supported by 240 illustrations (mostly photographs of patients in therapy), this work is the ideal clinical guide for physical and occupational therapists, for students and practitioners working with neurologically impaired adults, and for Bobath instructors as well as trainers in physiotherapy in general. Gjelsvik successfully bridges the gap between evidencebased clinical p...
Die Bobath-Therapie ist ein bewährtes und weitverbreitetes Konzept zur Behandlung von Menschen mit neurologischen Dysfunktionen. Bente Gjelsvik, Physiotherapeutin und Bobath-Instruktorin, Dozentin an der Universität Bergen (Allied Health Science, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Medicine), möchte mit dieser überarbeiteten Neuauflage die Kompetenz der Therapeuten bei der Behandlung in der Neuroreha weiter verbessern. Hierfür werden verschiedene Aspekte in einen übergreifenden Zusammenhang gestellt. Struktur und Funktion des Zentralen Nervensystems posturale Kontrolle und Bewegung Behandlung von neurologischen Syndromen Besonders geeignet ist dieses Buch für alle Therapeuten, die die Bobath-Weiterbildung planen oder sich in ihr befinden. In den einzelnen Kapiteln wird aufeinander aufbauend die Bobath-Therapie praxisnah und leicht verständlich erklärt: Angewandte Neurophysiologie Prinzipien der Physiotherapie Untersuchung Fallbeispiele