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This is a study of manifold identities focusing on music and musicology.
This study is concerned with the vocal iso(n) repertory, used, on the one hand, in the oral traditions of the multipart unaccompanied singing (IMUS) of the Southwest Balkans, or, more specifically, South Albania, North Epirus in Greece and a small part of the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), and on the other hand in Byzantine chanting. The vocal iso(n) is an important component of these traditions, which are still practised today in the Southwest Balkans region. The study presents evidence on various manifestations of the practice in their particular geographical regions, and examines in detail the historical roots of these traditions. An ison, a drone holding-note, is the voice that provides ...
Applied studies scholarship has triggered a not-so-quiet revolution in the discipline of ethnomusicology. The current generation of applied ethnomusicologists has moved toward participatory action research, involving themselves in musical communities and working directly on their behalf. The essays in The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology, edited by Svanibor Pettan and Jeff Todd Titon, theorize applied ethnomusicology, offer histories, and detail practical examples with the goal of stimulating further development in the field. The essays in the book, all newly commissioned for the volume, reflect scholarship and data gleaned from eleven countries by over twenty contributors. Themes ...
V zborniku je predstavljenih 27 referatov s prvega mednarodnega posvetovanja študijske skupine Mednarodnega sveta za tradicijsko glasbo (ICTM), ki je potekalo v Ljubljani od 25. do 30. junija 2000. Prispevki so razdeljeni po tematskih sklopih: najprej sta predstavljena raziskovanje manjšin in študijska skupina Glasba in manjšine, sledijo teme, ki obravnavajo različne slovenske manjšine zunaj Slovenije in manjšine v slovenskem prostoru, zgodovinske teme, ki obravnavajo manjšine v preteklosti, ter raziskave o Romih in drugi prispevki, ki obravnavajo različne etnične in narodnostne manjšine. Konferenca je potekala v angleškem jeziku, zato so tudi referati v angleščini, povzetki pa prevedeni v slovenščino. Zbornik vsebuje tudi imensko in krajevno kazalo ter CD-ploščo z 32 zvočnimi primeri.
Glasbenonarodopisni inštitut je šele leta 1972 postal delovna enota SAZU, vendar je s svojim delom pričel že leta 1934 in je tako najstarejši inštitut na ZRC SAZU. Hkrati sodi med najstarejše tovrstne inštitute na Balkanu in med starejše v Evropi. Njegovo delo, inovacije, pobude in znanstvena odkritja so mu dala čvrsto mednarodno veljavo. Knjižica skuša dati prerez skozi 65-letno prizadevanje inštituta v raziskovanju slovenske folklore. Opisuje ustanovitev inštituta, njegov razvoj in delo po posameznih oddelkih. Predstavljeni so tudi sodelavci inštituta, njihovo delo in izbrana bibliografija.
Znanstvena komentirana izdaja izvirnega gradiva Slovenske ljudskem pesmi V – družinske pripovedne pesmi je unikum v slovenskem prostoru. Je peta knjiga obsežnega korpusa SLP. V tej knjigi je objavljenih kar 54 tipov pripovednih pesmi o družinskih usodah z 857 variantami (in še 62 variant srbskih in hrvaških na slovenskem ozemlju), z melodijami in znanstvenimi tekstološkimi, etnomuzikološkimi, zgodovinskimi, sociološkimi komentarji oziroma študijami. Ta monografija prinaša celoten korpus družinskih pripovednih pesmi od prvih zapisov iz 18. in 19 stoletja pa do najnovejših zvočnih posnetkov vse do leta 2001.
The Cultural Study of Music is an anthology of new writings that serves as a basic textbook on music and culture. Increasingly, music is being studied as it relates to specific cultures--not only by ethnomusicologists, but by traditional musicologists as well. Drawing on writers from music, anthropology, sociology, and the related fields, the book both defines the field--i.e., "What is the relation between music and culture?"--and then presents case studies of particular issues in world musics.
This edited volume examines manele (sing. manea), an urban Romanian song-dance ethnopop genre that combines local traditional and popular music with Balkan and Middle Eastern elements. The genre is performed primarily by male Romani musicians at weddings and clubs and appeals especially to Romanian and Romani youth. It became immensely popular after the collapse of communism, representing for many the newly liberated social conditions of the post-1989 world. But manele have also engendered much controversy among the educated and professional elite, who view the genre as vulgar and even “alien” to the Romanian national character. The essays collected here examine the “manea phenomenon” as a vibrant form of cultural expression that engages in several levels of social meaning, all informed by historical conditions, politics, aesthetics, tradition, ethnicity, gender, class, and geography.